Chapter 9

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AN: I have no clue where this story is going so we're just gonna take this one chapter at a time

Jack had been in the Refuge for about two days, and nothing seemed to be getting any better. Snyder seemed to be enjoying the chance to get one on one time with his favorite escapee, and nobody had heard anything about the strike, so they were essentially in the dark about everything.

No more than three boys were allowed in one bed (this rule was most likely only in place in order to give the impression that there were rules), so Jack had been assigned the bunk below the Jacobs', and Crutchie, adamant in his wish to stay with Jack, had moved with him. Davey and Les now had a bunk of their own, and while Davey was relieved by this, it allowed him to notice more about his brother's sleeping habits - in that he wasn't sleeping.

Of course, he was sure that that wasn't uncommon here - he could say with almost certainty that Jack hadn't slept at all since he'd gotten here - but Davey himself got at least a few hours of sleep a night, and it was never like Les to just not even try sleeping, which seemed to be what was happening. As Davey would go to get ready to sleep, Les wouldn't follow suit, instead just sitting at the end of the bed. And every time Davey woke up during the night, Les wouldn't have moved from that position, and would just be sitting there, wide awake.

Now, Davey's main priority while they were there was to take care of his younger brother as well as he could, so after a night or two of this, he confronted Les as he stared at nothing while all the other boys slept.

"Les." The younger boy's head jerked up, startled by the sound of a voice. Davey hated seeing him so scared. "What's going on?"

Les immediately diverted his gaze to the thin blanket that they shared, refusing to meet his brothers eyes.

"I'm fine." He said quietly and unconvincingly.

"You're not sleeping, something's wrong."

"We're in the Refuge, Davey." Les forced himself to look at his brother. "I miss Mama and Papa and selling papes, and I hate it here because I'm cold and hungry and Snyder hurts me, and he hurts you and Jack and Crutchie, and I want to get out."

Davey quickly pulled Les into his lap and hugged him tightly, and he could feel the younger boy relax slightly. These were the thoughts that plagued his brother's mind, that kept him up at night, and they were thoughts that no kid should even have to think about.

"We're gonna get out. Katherine and Race and the boys, they're gonna get us out of here."


Davey closed his eyes. He tried not to think about how long they could potentially be stuck here. "I don't know."

Les was silent for a moment. "I'm scared."

"I know." Davey hesitated. "So am I."

Les curled in closer to his brother, and Davey held him as tightly as he felt comfortable without hurting him. He had a small hope that maybe, if he held him close, he would be able to sleep, though Davey didn't know if he would get any himself now. However, what he did know was that he was more determined than ever to keep his brother safe, no matter what.

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