Contest 2[Results]

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Congratulations!!Pm us to collect your prizes!:D

We had a really really hard time deciding on the winners.All the graphics were awesome!Great job everyone!XD If you did not win in this contest,don't give up!You can always try harder in the next contest!Practice makes perfect!:D Ganbatte!

So here are the winners *round of applause*:


Feedback:Well done,blueakiko!Your graphic was really great!The picture really shows sadness and regret,which fits the theme perfectly.:D Just that,in my opinion,I felt that the fonts do not really match with the sadness in the picture.Good work!Ganbatte!:D


Feedback:Your graphic is really nice!!It matches all of the themes really well!However,the render at the bottom wasnt blended quite well,which made it stand out a little too much.Still,great effort!Ganbatte!XD


Feedback:Congratulations on winning third place!Overall,the whole entire graphic looks really calm,and has a sadness hidden within it.The graphic looked really smooth,and the fonts really fitted the graphic.Well done!XD


Feedback:Congratulations on wining second place!:D
Your graphic really fits the theme,really perfectly.The blending was really great,and I could really feel the sadness from the graphic itself.The fonts fitted the graphic really really well!Well done!XD


Feedback:Congratulations on winning first place!XD I really like how well you blended the background,and the unique fonts you used for the graphic.The picture also shows so much sadness and regret in them,which suits the theme perfectly!:D Great work and effort!!Well done!!XD


Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro