crackship gif

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Okay so I have an original story that i'm writing tucked away in my drafts (jksjsk i'm pumped abt it omg) and I really wanted to create a sort of scene that didn't look too out of wack lolz. Sooo i came up with one *hopefully* yay me! And I don't know if you guys wanted to learn how to make one on mobile, or even if you already know how, but I decided to do a tut on it anyway 😂

(if y'all have any GIF app suggestions, leave em in the comments please!)

First thing's first, the app i used is called GIF Maker - GIF Editor and it can be downloaded from the play store for free (as always 😏)

The first step is to open the app and tap on the option that's titled "Other Gif" and load in your first one!

For this tut, I didn't have a specific book or ship in mind so I decided to use Keiynan Lonsdale and Crystal Reed... mainly because they're both unbelievably beautiful and i'm jealous of their faces.

Sooo, after you load in your first one, go to the icon that depicts a photograph with a plus sign on the bottom right corner of it! Then press GIF image.

It will pull up a simular screen to what your photo gallary/camera roll would look like along with several files or albums that hold all of your GIFS. After you've chosen your second image, press the 'Next' in the top, right-hand corner!

For the sake of good viewing, you want both GIFS to relate to each other in some way; whether they are both set outdoors, in a bedroom, laughing, crying, whatever the case. They should appear to go along with one another just by looking at the both of them! That's pretty much the key to crackship GIFS, that and the coloring.

Anywho, once you have your two GIFS loaded into the app, it's going to highlight the second GIF, the one you just loaded, and give you the option to enlarge it. Do it.

This is one of the cons of the app in my personal opinion, you can't shape the GIF on all four sides, it just has the one pull dot smh. But otherwise, it's an okay tool for simple crackship GIFS, especially if you're like me and have just started trying work with this type of design! Lol I tend to stick to what I know in graphics, especially with my phone 😂

Buuut but, the next step is shortening the play length of the second GIF. You want part of the base GIF to play before you second does so I usually cut the play time in half!

After you finish that, add your finishing touches, such as text/speed adjustment/frames. Then, save your project! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT apply a filter before saving! It will only color the base GIF and leave the top layer/second image its default color. Coloring comes after the actual graphic is made fam, I learned this the hard way 😑 (ima dummy.)

So anywaaays, close out of the app, open it back up and tap on the project you just created! Tap on 'Edit' again and then press the magic wand icon.

Now I personally prefer the 'Greyscale' filter (bc the rest of em suck) but it's completely up to you man, you do you, yeah?

Save your edit again after you choose a filter, with or without your watermark, and viola! You have a new crackship GIF for your characters 🙃 yayayay.

It's not the best but y'all get the initial idead of the process lol, yours will be bomb! And hey, if you guys decide to use this tutorial, post your result and tag me in the chapter! I wanna know what you think about it and what you came up with :)))




It's 12 a.m. y'all, nighty night from me! Stay tuned for the next sub-par chap, love y'all. (I'll edit this tomorrow.)

deuces kids,
- aly ;)

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