The Return of the Vanguard's Shadow

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"Sir, we have a contact slipping in!" A radar officer yelled out to the Colonel

"Track it. Is it friend or foe?" The Colonel replied

"Wait, that can't be right. Sir, it appears this is the Vanguard's Shadow!" The radar officer exclaimed in surprise

"What? That can't be. It was confirmed to be lost in the battle of Arcadia."

"What are your orders, sir?"

"Raise them. I want to know if it's really them."


"UNSC Frigate Vanguard's Shadow, this is Outpost Theta, come in, over." The comms officer awaited for a response.

"Repeat, UNSC Frigate Vanguard's Shadow, this is Outpost Theta, do you copy?" Still nothing

"Sir, we're not getting a response."

"I've lost comms with the other outposts, what just happened?" Another comms officer asked

"Looks like we have a communications blackout. Alright, new plan." The Colonel said, before pressing the button on the microphone

"Squads Vero, Hujix, and Reapers. Report to hanger 11 for debriefing." The Colonel ordered, before walking down to the hanger

"Alright, new mission. Let's go." Scarlett said, grabbing her helmet and walking out the barracks along with Vinnie and their Commander

Major Dega cocked his shotgun, grabbed his helmet and immediately started yelling "Move it Vero! Go!"

"Alright, gear up Hujix." Captain Ajax strapped his boots on and grabbed his ODST helmet before walking out with the rest of his team

The three squads arrived in the hanger and formed up in front of the Colonel, saluting

"At ease. Listen up, I ordered you three here because I need the best. We have a communications blackout and we have a new contact. Well, old. The Vanguard's Shadow." The Colonel began, watching the squads expressions of surprise

"We don't know if the crew are still on that ship or if they're even alive, but I want to know. Hujix, you're on overwatch. Vero, you get those comms back up ASAP. And Reapers? You go give the Vanguard's Shadow a homecoming party. Any questions?"

"If the Frigate is hostile, how do we proceed?" Vinnie asked

"Disable it if possible, if not then destroy. But I want you to board it either way. No telling if there are survivors as prisoners."

"Do we get any support if we run into trouble?" Dega asked

"From Hujix, yes. But until you get those comms back up, we can't provide any support."

"How long until we need to move out?" Ajax asked

"I want the three of you to move out in ten. You're dismissed." The three squads saluted and fell out to the armories, grabbing their weapons and ammunition before moving back to the hanger

"Alright, I say we take two pelicans. Load them both up with two mongooses and a warthog. I'll take my squad on one pelican to make contact with the Frigate. Dega, you pilot the other and land at a safe vantage point for Hujix, then take the troophog." Reaper suggested

"Sounds like a good plan. We'll see you on the other side." Dega said, shaking the Commander's hand

"Likewise. Vinnie, you're our pilot. Scar, copilot." The Commander said to his team

"Roger." Vinnie said, walking into the cockpit, Scarlett close behind

The Commander took a seat at the first seat on the left, watching the view as they left the hanger, DMR in hand

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