An update of sorts & graphic dump

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Oh hey there, 

Yes, I'm still alive or something I just haven't been making much graphics lately and I've honestly been in such a slump. I feel like I'm losing the motivation to sit in front of a computer for hours and make something that I cringe at in three days. That's why I decided that this book will probably remain closed for an indefinite time. I can barely muster up the energy to make covers that look halfway decent for myself, let alone for others. 

I might post a chapter from time to time if I end up making something and if I feel really inspired I might even make a surprise cover here and there, but no promises. I want to dedicate this year to my writing and actually finish a story for a change.

That being said, there's no way I could ever give up art though. I'm still doing handlettering, I've been getting back into drawing again and I'm experimenting with watercolour a little. If you're interested in seeing what I make, make sure to follow me on Instagram (link can be found in my bio)

And now for graphics I made recently.

I made these covers for the new WattSupernatural profile. If you're a fan, you should definitely go follow them, just saying 😄 

Guess which one of those is my favourite 😅

I also renamed my story recently so I needed a new cover. Not entirely happy with this one but it will do for now.

And finally, in a mood to design some minimalistic covers, I decided to redo my other covers as well. Do you prefer the light or the dark theme?

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