Years later

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Oh, dear journal it appears I've found you again. It's been quite a few year' s now hasn't it? A lot has certainly happened. It's the year 2017, and right now our biggest threat is the Iranian war and immigrants. Not too terribly long ago I was attacked, they were aiming for my treasured Eiffel Tower. Angleterre was attacked as well. America, got a new president and was attacked quite a few years ago. He certainly has changed since than.

Sincerely, Francis Bonnefoy

The sun shown brilliantly on the tiny blonde. He looked up at he taller one before him. I felt the wind against my face, I, was the taller one. I looked down into his eyes, a deep and enchanting green.

"wanker! get your stupid frog face off of the table!" wait what..?

"huh? Angleterre?"

"yeah, yeah It's me, get up!" I opened my eyes to the blurry world. Brunette and blonde heads were all I could see as my vision came slowly back to me.

"Did little France have too much vodka?" Russia, oh yes that's right Russia. He and I have become really good allies recently. I felt myself yawn, stretching. This is what I get for worlking so late last night. I rubbed my eyes.

"Dude were hanging with some ladies in the night again last night?"

    "What? Non! Of course not!" I looked at him offended. Love is most definitely not something of those sorts!

     The meeting was the same as always. In the end, it was Ivan's turn to lock up. Me and him, were the last people left in the meeting room, and Angletterre.. Had left with America.
     "Does France-da want to come to my place tonight?" He asked me, his accent getting deeper as he talked.
     I nodded, "oui, Zhat would be nice. I'm calendar clear for zhe next few days so r should be fine." I packed up the last of my papers, watching the Russian's lavender eyes carefully. Of course, it wasn't long until I had left with him.

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