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"So... what happened with the cute, chubby chick from yesterday?" Ong Seongwoo asked once he lifted his head from the pillow on Hwang Minhyun's bed. Jaehwan was visiting his friend Minhyun once again, still struck after what happened with Yi Bona last night and Playboy Ong Seongwoo was there as well. "We got shitfaced together," Jaehwan announced and Seongwoo only nodded. "Sure you did." He let out sarcastically before calling Minhyun's name.

Latter was sitting at his desk editing some pictures for a project he was working on with some friends he made at the Hospital. "What?" Minhyun asked without looking away from the picture that showed a Highschool student in front of a white wall, splattered with color. Scars on his arms were painted in various colors as well and he had a warm and bright smile on his face, while the paint was in his hair as well.

Jaehwan knew Minhyun was a fantastic photographer and always concentrated on his work. Especially since a pharma medical brand was sponsoring him. But that's another story.

"Jaehwan got really drunk with that girl yesterday, right? I bet they hooked up." Seongwoo laughed and Minhyun ignored his stupid laugh and continued editing his picture. "I didn't hook-up with her!" Jaehwan defended himself. "Bona and I simply made out." He stated and Seongwoo hollered loudly. "Could you stop!" Minhyun let out and threw an empty juice carton at Seongwoo who was messing up the pillows of the photographers' bed. "If you continue to annoy me you are going to get kicked out."

Jaehwan looked at his friend. Ever since Jaehwan got over to get his phone Minhyun was in a bad mood and Seongwoo's dumb personality wasn't helping. "Seongwoo-hyung, let's leave Minhyun work. This project is important to him and the Hospital girl." Jaehwan said and stood up. "Sure thing. Bye Minhyunie!" Seongwoo hollered and already went to put on his shoes.

"Sorry for disturbing you," Jaehwan said slowly but Minhyun shook his head. "I shouldn't have snapped at the two of you. But you are right, this project is important. Thank you for your understanding." Minhyun said and Jaehwan waved him a goodbye before heading to Seongwoo who was already in front of the door.

"So you and Chubby-Chick only made out? How boring." He pouted. "As if you hooked up with your girl." Jaehwan rolled his eyes while the two of them walked down to the Bus stop at the end of the road. "To be honest I can't really remember." Seongwoo pouted. "I even forgot to get the number of the girl so I have absolutely no clue who I met yesterday night. I was so drunk."

Jaehwan rolled his eyes. "How can you actually get drunk so often? I'm studying most of the time so I won't displease my parents and go out once in a while but you? That's crazy. Majoring in Biology and still get drunk every night? How?"

The two young men had reached the bus stop but Seongwoo never answered Jaehwan's question. "I'm hungry." The older one simply announced and Jaehwan smiled. "We could go to that American Diner in Myeongdong! I was there with my friends from school just yesterday but there is so much on the menu that I still haven't tried and I bet you would like it there as well!" Jaehwan rambled and Seongwoo widened his eyes. "Wow, you seem pretty excited about this place. Okay, I'm willing to check it out. Maybe it is something for Daniel as well." Seongwoo said and Jaehwan nodded.

"Welcome to YEBIN'S DINER I am Lee Euiwoong and your waiter for today." Euiwoong greeted the two young men that had just entered the restaurant. "A table for two?" The Highschool student asked and the smaller of the man nodded. "Please follow me." Euiwoong was nervously leading them to the table and handing them two menus. "I'll be with you in a few minutes." He bowed and went to the coffee bar, where Bona was typing something into the cash register.

"Noona, table 12 is now occupied by two guests," Euiwoong reported and Bona nodded. "I'll show you how to mark the table as used. You have to press 'Tables' and then the number of the Table." - "Twelve," Euiwoong said and Bona typed it in. Now, if they order you simply press on 'Table 12' and in the tab 'Order' and type in what they ordered. Then you tell Daehwan and in the end if they want to pay you simply go to the tab 'Check-out'. Easy, right?" Bona asked and Euiwoong chuckled nervously.

"Don't worry, Euiwoong-ah. You're doing great." Bona smiled and walked to the kitchen, getting the orders from another table while Euiwoong walked back to Table 12.

"If you decided I'd take your order now." He stuttered and Jaehwan looked at him. The kid didn't have a name tag so it probably was either an Internship or he was being trained for the job but he didn't ask the kids name either. Seongwoo opened his mouth and the boy looked over at him. 

"I'd take a big coke, the Manhatten burger, and large fries. And for my desert a piece of the walnut-tart with ice cream please." Seongwoo ordered and Euiwoong quickly jotted it on his notepad. "What about you, Sir?" Euiwoong asked Jaehwan who smiled. "I'd take the New Orleans burger, small fries and a Cider. And for dessert a walnut-tart without ice cream please." Euiwoong finished jotting down his notes and bowed, walking back to the cash register. Bona and Doeun were busy at the tables so he had to try by himself. 

He slowly went to the tab for Orders for his table and managed to type everything in at first try. With a big sigh, he skipped to the kitchen. "Daehwan-hyung, here's the order of Table 12!" He called and handed Daehwan the notepad. "Good work, Euiwoongie!" Daehwan smiled and Euiwoong went back to the coffee bar, making the drinks for the customers on Table 12.

After filling the cup with coke and getting a Cider of the fridge he walked back to Table 12 seeing Bona standing there, laughing. Euiwoong blushed and walked closer. Bona smiled at him and stepped out of the way so Euiwoong could do his job.

"That's our Trainee Euiwoong by the way." Bona introduced him. "He is doing so well. He is working hard since this morning. I had to force him to take a break." Bona laughed and saw Jaehwan eyeing her happily from the corner of his eye. She chuckled. "Come on, Euiwoong. Let's both get our work done." She chuckled and turned around to Jaehwan one last time.

How could someone be that handsome? She sighed and Euiwoong looked at her carefully. "Is he your boyfriend, Noona?" He asked but before Bona could give him an answer, Daehwan called out to him to bring Table 12 the food. 

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