Info on Daniel Fortesque and Nightmarens

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Sir.Daniel Fortesque is an undead skeleton knight with one eyes and no lower jaw. His death was covered by a lie of the King that he defeated Zarok heavily wounded when he was really the first to die by a stray arrow to the eye (The missing one) when he was hanging back. After 100 years of being dead he is resurrected by Zarok's magic when Zarok is reviving his undead army with the souls of the people of Galomire. In the first game he's on his own. In Resurrection he has the help of a genie named Alazam that has been trapped in his head with his powers taken by Zarok. In Medieval 2 it's in London 1879 many years after Daniel defeated Zarok. A man in London has Zarok's book of spells and starts using the spells realising the dark magic throughout London which also ReResurrects Daniel as he is on a pedestal in a museum. He has the help of a specter (Whom's name I forgot) and a scientist (Can't remember his name ether) while later in the game he meets his lover who's undead also. Princess Kira of Galomire who's mummy wrapping makes her look like a stripper along with those bright red knee boots. I forgot what the enemy wants with her since its been a while since I watched the gameplay, but they want her for something but Daniel won't let them take her. Reason why I have him over protective in my boyfriend scenarios book.

He looks like this in the first and second game.

In Resurrection he looks like this.

There's mostly fan art of him and Kira. But here's a fan art which I found quite interesting.

Not known if this is his look now.

I currently think he's stalking me at my house since I know so much about him that Zarok would want to capture me for my knowledge and also for the use of my powers like Bill might be.

Nightmarens are creations created by Wizeman the Wicked. He was the original ruler of Nightmare before Reala and treated his creations with anger and hostility which was abusing Jackle, locking Selph in a mirror for eternity, and giving Reala enough stress that would make someone want to commit sucide. His main purpose was to collect every single visitors Iydea and take over the Night Dimension and the Earth World. Only one of his creations was brave enough to rebel against him cause of the Iydea she represented, this was NiGHTS. To fans of the games Reala counts as Wizeman's most loyal creation. In NiGHTS Into Dreams the main three were NiGHTS, Reala, and Jackle the Mantle. But there was a one that Wizeman kept locked away for a failed mission which was Selph who represented the Iydea of Hope. The visitors in this game were a male and a female which the males name was Eliot while the females was Claris. Eliot was a boy who loved basketball while Claris was a girl who loved to sing and was good at it. In NiGHTS Journey of Dreams Jackle is sadly not in it but replaced by a legless cameilion. Reala has a different model that this and has his persona (Which apparently he's not wearing anymore). The only difference with NiGHTS model is that she has white gloves now. The visitors are still boy and girl which there names are Will and Helen. Will is a soccer player who wishes his dad can spend more time with him while Helen is a Violinist that spends more time with her friends than practicing violin with her mother which is bonding for them. In this there actual cutscenes in the game.

NiGHTS, Reala, and Jackle's models in Into Dreams.

NiGHTS and Reala's models in Journey of Dreams.

Selph's model.

He looks like a mixture of NiGHTS and Reala I know that. No he's not related to them in anyway that I know of.

In Journey of Dreams Reala calls NiGHTS his sibling like they are twins which I kinda see. Yet fans have a decency of shipping them like Dipper and Mabel when there twins.

Reala is supposed to me more crueler in Journey of Dreams as he drops Will from 10 feet in the air, tricks Helen thinking that NiGHTS is working for Wizeman to steal her Iydea, and tricking NiGHTS of a fight when it was supposed to be fair so he can capture her so Cerberus can get her.

But I still love him.


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