Maybe a Memory?....

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Ok, so you know in my first book how I had a vision from listening to a song. Right?

Well de shit happened again but I think it was a memory. It was a random thought that appeared out of nowhere too so ya.

So it came while I was listening to the song in the media.

I was in Slender Woods as 15 year old with Dannie and Asi following behind me. "Siren are you sure this is a good idea?" Daniel asked me as we walked though the forest that belonged to my father. "Of course it is! You guys get to meet my friends from the Night Dimension finally." I told him "But we're taking the only portal there is and that's in the mansion. That's the bad part here Siren!" Daniel exclaimed, I giggled "HAVE HOPE FOR ONCE DANNIE!!!!! Geez." I said muttering the last part. We made it to the mansion, I silently opened the door peeking my head in looking around a bit seeing no one around (Which surprises me still) and I let them in. I closed the door which created a loud 'thump', we started walking to the portal room "Dannie be quite! Your gonna alert everyone!" I whisper shouted at Daniel since his armor was making a lot of noise as we walked, "How are they gonna kill him anyway? He's already dead." Al Salam said making me giggle and Dannie grunt in annoyance as I heard him cross his arms across his chest hearing his armor move more. We made it to the portal room and I ran to the one that said "Night Dimension", Dannie and Asi stood behind me, "Ummmm...... I'm not sure about this Siren." Daniel said, I looked at him then grabbed his bone wrist. "Come on!!!!" I yelled then pulled him into the portal with me, all I heard was "Al Salam! Help me!!" from Dannie and nothing else as we went through the portal. I opened my eyes as we were at the Dream Gate, Al Salam finally appeared. I let go of Damnie's wrist and ran to the fountain calling for Owl. "Why is this persons name Owl?" Daniel asked me, I looked at him "You'll see." I said then smiled. "Siren. It took you a while to show up. Reala got worried for a sec." I heard Owl's voice from the fountain seeing him flying there, I heard Daniel fall making me know he was shocked to see Owl was a, well talking owl. "So I see you brought your other friends like you said you would." Owl said, I nodded smiling "Where's Reala and the others anyway?" I asked him, "There in Aqua Gardens waiting for you." He said pointing the door to Aqua Gardens with his wing. I smiled more "Thanks Owl." I told him, I grabbed Dannie's wrist again along with Asi's and dragged them to the portal that led to Aqua Gardens, I opened the door and we went through it. We arrived at Aqua Gardens where I immediately saw NiGHTS playing her invisible flute in front of a bunch of Nightopians. I smiled brightly seeing the purple Nightmaren "PURPLE! WE HERE!!!!!" I yelled trying to get her attention, she stopped playing her flute and opened her purple eyes looking in my direction seeing me, Dannie, and Asi. She flew to us with a small smile on her face "Took you long enough Siren. So these were the friends you said you were bringing with you yesterday?" She asked me, I nodded "Yep! The skeleton is Daniel while the shortie is Al Salam." I told her which I got a 'HEY!' from Al Salam calling him short. "Nice to meet you both." She said, before anyone could say anything else, I was swooped off my feet into the air on someone's shoulder. I was laughing like the mad women I was (And still am even in my human body), "REALA PUT ME DOWN!!!!! I WAS TALKING TO PEOPLE!!!!!!!" I yelled knowing it was the Red and Black Nightmaren somehow. "But your late and I wanna play!" He yelled spinning me around as he still had me on his shoulder in a tight grip as we were still in the air. He flew back down to the ground and set me on my feet which I then fixed my dress. I looked up at Reala smiling "Where's Jackie, MirrorBoy, and Lizard?" I asked him "They're busy but said they'll be here soon." He told me, I smiled closing my eyes. "OKIE!!!!!" I told him.
We were then at the bubble things in Aqua Gardens. Daniel was inspecting one of the bubbles when it covered his visible cranium, he was pulling on it to get it off his head immediately. Asi flew up to his head hight and helped him pull it off which they thankfully got it off. I was on the ground laughing again like the mad woman I was, Reala flew over me to where his face was in front of mine as I was still laughing. And he had a smile on his face........


Not really sure if it's a memory or not still............

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