Mooooooore Randomness

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Does ANYONE know what that CreepyPasta in the photo in the Media's name is?
Please comment below what it is please and thank you.

BEN made my comments of me able to comment stop again.

Zalgo damnit you leprechaun prick......
Maybe he's-~NightShade
Aaaaaand Shade pulled a fuse.~Firefly

Haven't had them talk in here in so damn long.
It feels so weird......
Tell me about it....~Firefly

Anyways. I got a big bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos, Bag of Tootsie Rolls, aaaaand two half litters of Diet Coke.

I call it "Gamer Fuel"
Since I'm a YouTube Gamer.

Which reminds me, I need to work on my channel.

The games I got are, L4D, L4D2, Sims 3, Sims 4, Pokémon, aaaaaand that about it.

My sister moved out with my niece this morning since she got a new job.
My 'mom' is a bit sad soooo ya.

I'm getting my replacement laptop charger today.
Since my 'mother' used my 'fathers' Amazon Prime.

My human 'father' forgets or gets lazy to do stuff he's stuff he's supposed to do. Like last night he was supposed to install the air conditioners but he didn't. And he still didn't give his dog, this cutie

Yes that's in a bathroom.
She follows me into the bathroom even when I take a shower when she's at my house.

He forgot or got to lazy to give her a bath with her much needed medicated shampoo.

It's weird of my human self how I get my hummer and forgetfulness from him and my VERY short temper from my 'mother'.

I'm on Pandora now on my China Ann Mclanne station and Smoke And Fire by Sabrina Carpenter is playing.

I can't WAIT for the last day of school.

My 'mother' says I have to choose between one of two Sims 4 packs which I'm tied on Get Together and Dine Out.

With Get Together there's my favorite part of it where you can get walk in wardrobes.

While Dine Out adds restaurants to your town and you can ALSO make your OWN restaurant to make money, earn perks, and stars.

I'm so torn between them!!!!!!!!!!!!

That and I want a BATIM plush of Alice Angel I saw at GameStop.

I was so exited and shocked seeing they now had merch of the game!

They should have plushes of the Butcher Game, The Projectionist, and Sammy Laurence cause I don't see why not XD

Take A Hint from Victorious came on XDDD
Mah jam! XD

I think how Alex tries to get me still and I'm like
And Stitches with other boys that aren't EJ XDDD

My dads dog that I talked about earlier is at the foot of my bed sleeping.

I watch her when my 'father' is at work.

I still don't get how I'm dad's(Slender)favorite just for being the ORIGINAL creation!
I mean! That's a bs reason and I fuckin KNOW y'all would agree with me right then and there.

I mean how is THAT a bloody damn fuckin reason to be someone's favorite kid?!
That's just a bs made up reason there.

Just as I started to type this rant up Just Like Fire by P!nk came on XDDD

Music gets me here folks XDDD

Also, look at my eyes.

There starting to change to my CP selves eyes. Which the left one that's supposed to be hidden by hair cause that's the scarred side is supposed to be gold like Foxy's eyes from FNAF(Favorite Ananatronic right there), while the right one that shows is supposed to be magic and brown.

You can see the left one is lighter than the right.
Just look closely guys and you can see it.

I swear I saw Charon AND Skye's figures a few times.

Each time it was when I mention them.

I like Pokémon CreepyPasta's for some reason.

I like Charon and Skye's stories too! There pretty amazing!

I would just hug them when they needed it or not!
Just like these CreepyPasta's!


Ok, I heard my doorframe or door itself make a noise as I was typing that.......

Not bothered by that just weirded out by it.

Sometimes when I'm sad and I don't feel Reala around hugging me to cheer me up I feel a small figure or few laying on me making me smile a bit cause I know there's SOMEONE there to cheer me up.

Ya I know Reala is busy with missions I'll give him a break with that so don't go yelling at me with that.

I'm just happy when there's someone around to cheer me up when I'm down.

I heard a noise when I typed that first part of being happy of someone being around.

The song You're The Reason by Victoria Justice is almost over and it made me think of all of that.

No joke all of these songs ARE coming on Pandora.

And Pandora is a name I'm planning on giving a daughter XDDD

My daughter is gonna be named after a music franchise XDDDD

I made a mistake here people XDDDDDD

PitBulls and Perolies(Can't spell sorry)came on TV. I'm in LOVE with that show!

Welp, I gotta go. LATER!!!!!!!


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