(Sighs) ......

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I looked at the chapter where I got more pictures of Reala and when I got to the part of ClockWork stealing Reala from me even though we were almost best friends........

It's like she's saying I'm not a good enough girl to date.......
Like everyone since Elementary school has said since then, HELL EVEN MY TEACHERS HAVE SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know how Reala has beaten my Ex Kamron's record for longest relationship...........

Kamron was the only guy that was my first guy to spend Valentines Day with and got me a gift for....... But non of the other guys have done what Reala has done cause they never loved me, not even liked me...........

Reala stole my first kiss...................

No guy has EVER stole anything that VERY special from me in my life.....
I see every first thing in love as something VERY special to my heart like my Iydea..............

But apparently they see it as a way to break my heart when they don't do it cause I'm "Over Emotional" and LOVE to see me cry and sob.

Reala's actually the first of my boyfriends that actually calms me down when I cry.........
More like first PERSON actually..........

It's actually still shocked that I'm ACTUALLY dating THE lord of Nightmare and he loves me back as much as I do.........
Even for me being a blooded killer and being Slender's first creation.......

Sometimes I think that this is all a dream and I'm gonna wake up with having to have humans as my relationship choice again...........

No boy actually accepts EVERYTHING about me, ones I dated, ones I meet, and ones that see me acting me from afar........

HELL! I STILL find it hard to accept that people here on Wattpad accept me for me........

(Sighs) This is all hard to process still..................


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