Chapter 20

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Josie's POV

"I'm on patrol right now with Adam!" I call.

"Be safe!" Ian replies. He waves goodbye to us as we leave the house.

We run along the rooftops for a while and soon stop to survey our surroundings. As we're looking around, I see the corner of a red and black hoodie.

"What's that?" I ask Adam, pointing to it.

"I don't know... let's go check it out," he replies.

We run over and I stop in my tracks, my eyes widening with realization.

"Mitch!" I scream. He has an arrow in his side and is passed out on a roof in a puddle of his own blood. Jerome, who was on patrol with him, is nowhere to be found.

Adam and I go to Mitch's side and Adam pulls the arrow out. Mitch groans in pain and slowly opens his eyes.

"" he whispers.

"Hang on, Mitch. We're going to get you home," Adam says, picking him up.

"Jerome..." Mitch mumbles again before passing out.

"What happened?" I mutter to myself.

"I don't know. We'll investigate when we get home," Adam replies.

I grab onto Adam's arm and he teleports us home using his powers. When we get in, Ian, Quentin, Jason, Seto (who was still at our house) and Ty stare in shock.

"What happened?" Quentin asks.

Adam lays Mitch on the couch and Jason runs to get bandages and other medical supplies.

"Wait, where's Jerome?" Seto asks. I shake my head.

"We can't find him. We found Mitch with an arrow in his side on a rooftop and no Jerome," I say.

Jason comes back with the medical supplies and begins tending to his wound.

We wait anxiously for Mitch to wake up. Each minute feels like an hour, hoping he'll pull through.

I breathe a sigh of relief when his eyes flutter open. His eyes dart around and he tries to get up, but groans and falls back onto the couch.

"Mitch, you're alive!" Ian grins.

"Jerome!" Mitch shouts, trying to get up again. Seto pushes his chest down.

"What happened?" he asks calmly.

"Jerome and I... went to check the nearby hub... and I got shot... and Jerome saved me," Mitch begins, but breaks down sobbing half way through. "I tried to tell him not to do it, but he did and..."

"And what?" Ty asks, his voice panicky.

"He was overwhelmed by officers. They've taken him somewhere, and I don't know where."

I sit down on the chair closest to me and hold my head in my hands.

"We need to find him," Quentin says. Pain fills his eyes, and it makes me want to cry even more.

Mitch covers his face with a pillow and sobs freely.

"They're going to kill him..." Adam mutters. He curses under his breath and kicks the floor.

"They can't kill him! This is all my fault! They're going to kill my best friend!" Mitch sobs. I walk over to him and hug him.

"We're going to find him. We won't let anyone kill Jerome."

Jerome's POV

I wake up on cold, wet, stone bricks. There are iron bars in front of me and nothing in the room with me. I stand, but soon regret it due to a massive headache. After a couple moments of sitting, I stand and bang my hands on the bars.

"Where am I? Where's Mitch!?" I shout.

A man walks up to my cell and smirks evilly. He's wearing a police uniform, but he looks like he's never seen the light.

"You're in our prison, freak. But don't worry, you won't be here long. Your execution is in three days time," he cackles. I bang the bars again.

"What about Mitch!?"

"Oh, your little friend died on that rooftop. You'll be seeing him again soon!"

The officer laughs as he walks away, and my knees feel like they've turned to jello. I lower myself to the ground and close my eyes, tears falling freely.

"I'm sorry, Mitch. I failed you. I'll be joining you soon, though. Please don't hate me for this."

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