Contest: GIFs (Cancelled)

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I'm just too lazy to browse through pictures these days to find good GIFs for my graphic shop. I don't even know what anime most of you like! Or what characters you especially have a thing for!

(Well, I know I like bishounens but come on! What if you guys get bored staring at bishounens from otome game!?)

(Look at that hip swaying)

(Wait, I'm off topic.)

So Vanny here decides to open a contest for GIFs!

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Purpose: Vanny-chan needs better GIFs

Style: Freestyle

Type: Either anime or realistic

The point: You are challenged to do a pack of TWO GIFs of the same anime/movies/books/Idc

To join: Comment "Joining" and tag 2 ppl who might be interested in this contest

Deadline: 07/04/16


- It can be anime or movie, so feel free to do what you like the most

- Must have these two quotes:
> "Here's your delivery!"
> "It was a pleasure to work with you!"
(You can play around with the quotes. As long as it has the similar concept, it's acceptable)


- Don't forget to credit yourself! (Ex. GIF BY...)

Judged on:

- Font: Play around with the font, guys! GIFs are easy to find, so font is the most important element to make your GIF unique!

- Neatness

- If you credited yourself or not

- If the GIF suits the quote or not

Tools to help you with:

- GIF Maker apps

- Online Image Editor

- Photoshop

|| ~.~ ||


(only GIFs made by ppl who scored in these ranks will be used)

1st place:

- 2 follows

- 15 votes on two books of your choice

- 2 books add to my reading list

- 3 comments on random story of my interest

- A shout-out of your account

2nd place:

- 1 follow

- 10 votes on two books of your choice

- 2 books add to my reading list

3rd place:

- 10 votes on one book of your choice

- One book add to my reading list

|| ~.~ ||


leila_ssss callmeallysa Mochilita kingoftears FreakWENCY _rosyalice XanTheCrowd

|| ~.~ ||

Have fun and good luck~

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro