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Y'know im lonely af sometimes...

Alot of times

My friends never amswer there phone

I have no god damn idea where Forget is

I want to talk to Whiskers real bad

But y'know

And like

My parents are gone

I havent talk to enybody for a wh i le


Im in the trash just sittin there

Legit im in the trash and i cant get ou   t

And i tried talkin to some of me classmates

And like


They wont answer

*flips table* FFF...
People know i hate being alone X'D

so while to wait

Lets explain my day

     I woke up from my god damn alarm going off, i climb down my bed and sit on my couch for a long time.
Thinking about life.
Then i get ready, after waiting years for my parents.
My dad finally takes me to school. And of course.
One of my close friends wasnt there yet.
So i sat outside for a good Ten minutes

Wa i t in g  for   hi m
Lets call him Tony, cuz like

Idk what else to call him other then dickface

After that it was getting hot as hell so i went into the office for a good ten minutes waiting for his ass.
After GOD DAMN hour in a half

He finally comes, he came threw.
"Why are you in the office?" He asks.
"Waiting for your ass" i grumbled, he dropped off his scooter.
And we walked down the hall outside in the front again.
Walked a good 3 minutes to the cafèteria
And like

There food is shit

So we dont eat as usual
I wait for Lucky

I was expecting her late again so i just sat there

For her, but she doesnt come.
Which is normal.
Whiskers and Trix finally came after years.
And we talked for a bit..
I was abused by Tony alot :1
Its nornal.
Then it is time for my first classss
Ima just skip that class due to it sucks ass.

Next class is Tech. ^^
Love tech. Best class everrrr
So we walked in.
Actraully on time for some odd reason.
Me and Tony are always late XD
We go to our computers set our shit down.
And dont even sign in we go to the 3D printers and just was amazed by the magic it does.

Then me and rocks sat down.
And started chatting while Tony is doin shit

"Can teach me how to get on the program your using to draw? I dont like this one.." He laughed, as i looked at his screen.
I was laughing my ass off.
His screen was upside down and it had photoshop in it.
Then after a good ten minutes of trying to figar out how to fix his screen.
We finally did it.
Also all we had to do was
Ctrl + Shift and the arrows


After a while we left the class.
And went to my history class.
We sat down.
And did shit while the teacher was cracking dirty jokes

Which i find hilarious so of course i laughed none stop

And yah shitty 2 in a half hours in there.



Me and whiskers walked like a fu c ki n    BO S S
to lunch.
It takes us like
20 minutes to get to the cafè becuz

We walk slow as shit and theres millions of other children running around


gets a bloody nose.

Which happens every damn time we go to school to lunch.
So we wait for his ass.
In the mean time

I was getting kicked in shit by Tony


Yah shit ass day

But i had fun :)

And that what mattas...

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