[1] - Awkward...

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Another day, another long boring cycle of shuffling data pads and helping Ratchet around the Medbay. Sometimes you wondered why you even joined this crew as a med tech.

You loved being a medic, helping with the wounded (which didn't happen often and was usually self-caused) mechs who came in every once and a while. It became quite boring after a while since you had become so good at your work that you finished hours before you were supposed to.

Your optics were half-lidded as you sat in your chair, staring at the dull grey wall in front of you. You tapped your fingers drowsily on the table and sighed, checking your chronometer. "Only 10 am? Primus.... this is going to be a long day.." you mumbled, glancing at the door when you heard something.

A tall, thin, lanky mech lumbered through the doorway, his one optic scanning the room before landing on you. "Scuse' me, miss, do ya know where Ratchet is?" He asked, almost stumbling on his own pedes as he approached you.

You giggled quietly at the clumsy mech and stood up, rubbing your optics and stretching. You placed a hand on your hip and gazed at him for a moment. He wasn't the cutest mech on board, but he sure was interesting. His one optic reminded you of Shockwave, but you shook that thought away. "He's in the back working on something, what can I help you with?"

"Well... ya see... my good ol' buddy Cyclonus got pissed cause I was annoying him and... he super-glued my claw to my aft..." the mech said, obviously embarrassed that he had to explain that to you.

"Cyclonus, huh? You must be Whirl then! Cyclonus complains about you all the time when he comes in here." You chuckled, glancing at Whirl to see if what he was talking about was true.

It was, of course. Whirl's arm was bent behind his back and the majority of his claw was stuck in a thick, clear substance to, you guessed it, his aft. You couldn't help but snort as you tried to hold back your laughter.

Whirl just looked at you and sighed, rolling his optic. "Don't laugh, just please help me before someone sees me like this.." he muttered, awkwardly walking over to a table and standing next to it since he couldn't really sit down.

"I'm sorry!" You managed to say through your giggles, walking over to him and grabbing a tray of tools. After you got that, you walked over to a cabinet and got a bottle of liquid that would unstick Whirl's claw once you got it loose enough. This was going to be very awkward...

You got a pair of pliers from the tray and carefully gripped one part of Whirl's claw, gently pulling it. It pulled away a little bit, but was otherwise stubborn and didn't move. You pulled harder, almost dropping the pliers when Whirl yelled. "What! What did I do!?" You exclaimed, looking up at him. You hadn't noticed that you had gone red in the face.

Whirl snickered uncontrollably, looking down at you. "I'm sorry, I just had to! The look on your face was priceless!" He laughed, slapping his knee with his other claw.

You frowned at him and huffed, shaking your head. "I don't have to help you, you know! This is really weird for me!"

"It's just as weird for me too! I said I'm sorry!" Whirl said back, holding still so you could continue.

You grumbled something under your breath and pulled harder, hearing the snap of dried glue as part of Whirl's claw became unstuck from his aft. "Finally! Now I'm going to put this liquid on and it's going to get rid of the glue, Okay? Don't move."

"Got it, don't move." Whirl nodded, trying his best not to move or fidget around. He stiffened up when the cold substance was poured on the dried glue, cold spikes shooting up his back. "Primus that's cold!" He shrieked, shivering slightly.

"Quit your whining! I'm almost done..." you said, pouring the last of the liquid and pulling away the few strands of glue that remained. "There! You can move your claw now."

"Woo!" Whirl exclaimed, lifting his claw up and rolling his shoulder. "Sheesh, my arm was getting sore.. thank you!" He said, turning to you. "I owe ya one, uh... what's your name?"

"Y/N." You replied, a smile on your face.

"Y/N! I owe ya one, Y/N!" Whirl said as he went to walk out of the Medbay. He stopped in his tracks when he almost ran over a certain mech that just cooked his circuitry whenever he looked at him.

And that mech was Swerve.

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