Chapter 1: The Traumatic Ordeal

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No one pov

A young baby was sleeping in his crib while his parents are in their room relaxing and cuddling but that all gonna end when girl with murderous intentions breaks in and kills them both with a chainsaw before she quietly goes in the baby room to see a baby sleeping so peaceful before picking him up and cradles him gently

Baby: Hmm hmm.

Girl: Shhh little one Jill got you and will be with you forever.

Jill places the baby back in his crib then picks up the phone to call the police

Dispatch: 9-1-1 What your emergency?

Jill: I like to report a break in and possible murder at 433 Maple drive.

Dispatch: I'm sending officers to your location now ma'am.

Jill: Thank you. *hangs up* I'll see you later cutie hehe.

Jill leaves the home and disappears into the woods to go god knows where skipping happily but when the police arrive they find a crying baby boy and the parents brutally murdered from a chainsaw but what stood out the most was candy in the baby room while they call forensic to analysis the crime scene and start question the neighborhood but came up with no leads as the baby was taken down to the station as the chief watching after the kid

Chief: Poor lad having to grow up without knowing his birth parents. Don't worry little F/n I'll find the monster who did this and make them pay.

Little F/n sleeping soundly while Jill with her friends telling them about the couple she murdered but spared the baby for later on down the road for fun and made him off limits to them has he hers and hers alone

6 years later F/n pov

I was in my room of my foster parents house after I got home from the park after some older kids picked on me for not having my biological parents around which hurts cause the only love I get is from the stranger who leaves me candy who somehow leaves it on my bed and I know it not my foster parents

F/n: I wish I could make a friend.

My foster mother comes in drunk and looks at me like a predator from the discovery channel making me scared

Foster mother: You little shit how dare you make a false hopeful wish your nothing but trash me and my husband has to deal with you.

F/n: Mary can we go to the carnival this weekend and I promise I'll never ask for anything else I been good at school.

Mary: No you little twat you don't deserve to go for being a coward to those bullies but me and my husband are going so you'll have a babysitter.

F/n: Ok have fun Mary.

Mary: And if anything happens while were gone you'll sorry you came here or survived the murder six years ago.

I start crying but Mary smacks me hard and keeps smacking me till I'm knocked down as Mary walks away before slamming the door shut

F/n: I hate it here I wish I could go away far away from here.

???: I wasn't sure when she'll leave so I could come out of hiding.

I look around to see a multi colored clown girl with a spiral cone nose, cherry red hair, peach colored skin, and emerald green eyes

F/n: Who are you ma'am?

Clown girl: Such a gentleman and a cutie. My name Laughing Jill and I'm your best friend but only you can see me.

I look at her in amazement before crying tears of joy instead of pain and sadness as she pulls me into a hug with my head between the soft pillows on her chest making me feel safe and secure in her arms but she releases me as I look at Jill

Jill: How about we go play in the woods with my friends they're dying to meet you.

F/n: Can imaginary friends have friends?

Jill: Of course each friend represent your soul I represent your funny side. My friend Natalie represent your tough brave side, Jane represent your will to survive, Sally represent your pure and innocence, and Lazari represent your hate and anger.

F/n: Why can't they come here I'm forbidden to go near the forest cause they say monster live there.

Jill: Me and my friends will protect you cross my heart and hope to die that a promise.

F/n: What are we gonna play?

Jill: Whatever you wanna play sweetheart.

I blush at her comment just for us to appear in the woods and I hide behind Jill as she holds me close

Jill: Stay here I'll get my friends but if you feel anything you think a threat hum pop goes the weasel.

I nod as I sit near a tree while humming pop goes the weasel while looking at the ground

Jill pov

I head to the Slender Mansion to get the girls and I see Jeff leaving with a killer look and he see I'm in my rainbow form

Jeff: Who a lucky kid?

Jill: A kid I spared for fun in the future I left him by a tree while I get the girls to play with him after all his foster parents are abusive and neglectful and he gets bullied for what I did to him.

Jeff: Funny Slender sent me to kill the forest intruding teens that are drinking, doing drugs, and having sex.

Jill: If you stumble upon a small boy humming pop goes the weasel that my prey.

Jeff: I promise I won't lay a hand on him.

Slender man appears before me and taps his foot while Masky beside him

Jill: Slender I'm toying with the kid before I execute my plan so please let me have this.

Slender through Masky: I feel much pain in him but he doesn't let it trouble him.

Jill: He tough enough to stomach abuse and bullying and I admire him his e/c eyes show a determined fire, his hair short and h/c, and his heart holds a kind soul.

Slender through Masky: Careful don't make him get away from you cause if you do he fair game for everyone.

Jill: Girls I need help and I understand.

Jane, Clockwork, Sally, and Lazari comes out and I gesture them to follow me as were making are way back to F/n I'm worried they might steal him from me he too pure and forgiving

Jane: What do you need help that your in your rainbow form.

Jill: Girls I wanna introduce you to my future husband so till then were his imaginary friends that plays with him in the forest but once he eighteen I'm taking him home to have forever with his babies.

Clockwork: Jill has a boy toy now.

We arrive at the spot I left him and I notice he missing as their a beer can on the ground

Jill: Girls they took my F/n so where gonna kill them.

We hear crying nearby but from above he stuck in a tree from his underwear those teens are gonna dying slowly and painful

F/n: Jill *sob* help me.

I help him out of the tree and holds him lovingly as he nuzzles my breasts after he looks at everyone

Clockwork: He cute you got a keeper but you know Zalgo will try to corrupt him to make him join him so I'll help protect his innocence if he means everything to you.

Jill: Thanks Natalie.

Lazari: He so cute I could eat him up but I won't.

Sally: I'll ask slender if I can transfer to his school to keep an eye on him.

Jill: Thanks girls this means alot but I think I should take him home it getting late and I'll be staying with him so if his foster parents cross the line I'll kill them.

I see he asleep in my arms as I teleport him home and tucks him in bed before placing a "Laughing Jill in a box" with a note saying "play me if you want to talk" before disappearing into the box after kissing him on his cheek goodnight

F/n pov

I was having a dream that I was playing with my friends till my foster parents hit me and Jill craved them up with in horror movie graphic ways as their insides are outside and red liquid making a pool of it making me question my morals as Jill looks at me with her color gone as she smiling with sharp jagged teeth with Mary insides inside her hands made into animals I bolt awake as I feel my chest and I see it morning on this Friday morning and a box that says "Laughing Jill in a box" and a note saying "play me if you want to talk" I start question my friendship with her from my dream no nightmare from last night but all of a sudden my door burst open to see my foster father John

John: You missed dinner last night not that we were going to feed you but you got a new sister stay away from her cause your moving into the shed near the woods. And where did you get that toy?

F/n: My friend Jill gave it to me she real I was with her last night with her friends.

John: Don't lie to me boy or so help me god I'll beat you twice as hard.

F/n: I'm not sir I'm being truthful.

John: That it boy.

He puts me over his lap and starts beating me with a belt making me cry before tossing me on the floor and leaves

F/n: Jill if your real or not your my friend and I don't deserve you your too kind and sweet.

I start getting dressed for school then leaves my house without breakfast during my walk to pre-school I see a familiar face surrounded by my bullies trying to get her to talk to them then they notice me

Clark: Look it the little foster kid that can't get a friend.

F/n: Hi I met you in the woods last night.

Girl: Yes we did I'm Sally Williams.

Clark: Sally you aren't friends with him are you.

Sally: Yes he not like you three he pure and innocent.

Kevin: He a kid who anti social since he unwanted by his foster family.

Sally: Maybe my family will take him in plus my brothers and sisters will hurt you if you hurt me or any my friends.

David: If you ditch the loser we won't hurt him badly.

A husky barks before approaching Sally

Sally: Smile did Jeff send you to make sure I don't get into trouble.

Smile nods as I approach Sally and she puts my hand on his fur

Sally: Smile he a friend of Jill so he a friend of mine.

Smile licks me as I pet him but Clark, Kevin, and David push me down making Smile growl

Sally: F/n look away trust me.

I quickly look away as my bullies get ready to scream but they are suddenly stopped

???: You humans are pathetic to pick on someone smaller and younger than you now what I say next will haunt you three since you seen my true form Spread the word sincerely Smile Dog. Now flee before I stain the ground with your blood.

Blood what is he I want to look but I trust Sally so I won't look I thought as my bullies flee

Sally: You can look now.

I look at Smile and Sally before we head to school together and go to a class and when we reach are desk I feel light head before collapsing making Sally panic while the Ms. Allen rushes to check on me

Ms. Allen: F/n what wrong.

F/n: I feel weak like I have no strength in my body cause I haven't eaten in weeks and my foster parents beating me.

Ms. Allen: I'm going to get you help.

She pulls out her phone and dials three numbers before putting the phone to her ear

Dispatch: 9-1-1 What your emergency?

Ms. Allen: I need an ambulance at the Preschool Classroom C-1 and police to meet at the hospital for abuse and neglect on one of my students.

Dispatch: Ambulance are on their way and the police will met you there.

Ms. Allen hangs up before holding me close as Sally has a dark aura surrounding her that this been happening to me or something else cause she eyeing Ms. Allen after a while paramedics come in and gets me on a stretcher before carting me away as I wave to Sally

Time skip to later at night Jill pov

I was pissed that those ungrateful humans tortured my F/n and I'm more pissed his teacher was holding him in class from Sally report as Ann shows up thanks to Ally

Ally: What so special about this boy?

Jill: I love him since I met him as a baby when I killed his parents I been watching him grow as his future wife that makes him mine and mine alone.

Ann: We can't just simply sneak into his room and kidnap him.

Jill: What if another hussy made her move like that slut teacher I might be too late.

Ally: Can't you turn invisible to human adults and go to him.

I take a moment to process that before disappearing as I sneak into his room to see he in his room sleeping with his slut of a teacher watching him worried till I see him stirring awake

F/n: Ms. Allen did I miss school?

Slut: Yes but your foster parents are in jail.

F/n: When they get out they're gonna beat me even more.

Slut: No they won't cause I'm taking care of you once you get released.

Oh I'm killing this bitch when my man released to prove I love him and will protect him he MINE my thought interrupted by his smile

F/n: Jill where your colors?

Slut: Who Jill F/n?

F/n: Jill my friend Ms. Allen.

Slut: You can call me mom cause I'm adopting you.

Jill: F/n tell your teacher I'll think about it and can I think alone.

F/n: Ms. Allen can I have a moment to think about it with my friend Jill?

Slut: Sure I'll come by tomorrow with the adoption paperwork.

She kisses him on his forehead and I get ready to kill her but she leaves as I look at F/n with a pout face

Jill: F/n if you live with her you'll wanna spend time with me less in the forest playing.

F/n: Ms. Allen wants to be my mom and she nothing but kind and caring to me. And we can play at my new home Jill.

Jill: Fine but if that hussy does anything to you she'll regret it cause my promise to protect you.

F/n: Jill are you real?

Jill: No I'm imaginary I'm only seen by children and psychics.

F/n: If your imaginary how I get a Laughing Jill in a box?

Jill's brain: Shit think of some lie or risk telling him the truth.

Jill: I uh.

F/n face turns to a scared look and gets ready to bolt but Ally pins him against the bed pointing her tendrils at him showing him her nightmare face

Ally: Jill why are you interested in this boy. Boys are icky and gross.

Jill: Ally let go of him you slender sex doll. You wouldn't to displease Slendy.

Ally backs away scared as I catch him from him going to the door and I hold him close

F/n: Jill let go of me your not my friend your a monster.

I put him in a chokehold and slams him against the wall pissed the fuck off he talked to his wife that way

Jill: You shouldn't talk to me like I am your soul mate and if you leave me I'll kill that slut of a teacher and kill every kid in this town one by one each day.

Ally: Jill he turning blue.

I release him and he looks at me with tears in his eyes I quickly hug him lovingly

Jill: I'll forgive you if you tell me I'm beautiful and want to marry me.

F/n: Can I have alone time to think? Please.

I look at Ally then at F/n before kissing him on his lips stealing his first kiss as I forcefully slide my tongue in his mouth and I kept kissing him till I parted for air

Jill: Your mine and mine alone so that being talked or close to any other female I'll kill them for are love.

I leave with Ally as F/n scared as we enter the mansion to see Slender looking at me

Ally: Jill loves a human boy eww.

Ann: You made him fear you instead of loving you.

Jill: He loves me he just doesn't know it yet.

Masky gets by Slender man and crosses his arms before he sighs heavily

Slender through Masky: Jill if he means that much to you so when he older I want to met him but I feel he a target for Zalgo if you do marry him.

Jill: Zalgo won't touch my F/n I'll kill him.

I pout before going to my room and start masturbating while thinking of my darling F/n as I'm panting and moaning

F/n pov

I go to the front desk scared as the nurse looks at me to see me scared for my life and approaches me

Nurse: What wrong kid? Are you ok?

F/n: No I'm not beside you won't believe me.

Nurse: Sweetheart it my job to help people you can tell me.

F/n: My friend Laughing Jill kissed me then said she'll kill everyone that a girl who gets close or talks to me.

Nurse: What does Laughing Jill look like?

F/n: She a clown with a spiral cone nose, wears a dress and high socks she void of color.

Nurse: Did your foster parents hit your head alot cause nobody looks like that.

F/n: I'm telling you the truth and I want to get away from her.

Nurse: Go back to your room your tired and need sleep.

I go back to my room just to see a pair of wet black underwear with a note saying "I'm always thinking about you F/n"

F/n: This can't be happening to me.

I throw the underwear and note away before getting under the blanket scared beyond belief I didn't get sleep that night cause I hear Jill giggles all night but I fell asleep at dawn just to wake up in a car seat with Ms. Allen driving somewhere

F/n: Ms. Allen I wanna leave this town Jill mean and crazy.

Ms. Allen: I can't just quit my job and move cause your imaginary friend like that.

F/n: She not imaginary she real she touched me and kissed me.

Ms. Allen pulls up to a house and looks at me with a stern look

Ms. Allen: Tomorrow I'm getting you to a doctor to examine you. Just relax and play your still a kid you shouldn't be stressing over a imaginary friend.

F/n: Ms. Allen what if Jill comes here and does anything to us?

Ms. Allen: Enough about this imaginary friend she not real now I want you to forget about her and grow up.

I nod before looking at Ms. Allen with a tired look and smile before going back to sleep

Time skip to later that day

I woke up in a room on a comfortable bed as I notice a box of toys but it late in the day and it quiet here like I'm alone I get out of bed and explore the house but my happy life about to be shattered by what I find in the house will scar me for the rest of my life

F/n: Ms. Allen where are you?

I enter a bed room to see Ms. Allen tied to her bed with blindfolded and gagged as I hear Jill giggling making me stiffen up in fear as she hugs me from behind with a sharp knife in her hand

Jill: Oh F/n this slut tried telling you I'm not real and to forget about me so after she put you in your room I made my move to make her pay. And here the fun part your gonna gut her for trying to take away are love.

Ms. Allen gives me muffled scream for mercy as Jill gives me the knife and kisses my cheek but I break out in tears which pisses Jill off

Jill: Darling stop crying for this slut and kill her or I make you watch as I kill her slowly and painfully.

F/n: Kill she my mother now I can't kill her.

Jill smacks me hard as her face makes me pass out from fear

No one pov (gore warning)

As soon as F/n passed out his hair was no longer h/n but white as snow and Jill takes the knife before slowly cutting into Ms. Allen flesh while she letting out muffled screams which Jill smiles sadistically that her victim suffering

Jill: Quiet slut you deserve this for trying to steal my F/n away.

Jill rips Ms. Allen left eye out with her claws while chuckling like an insane person before cutting open her chest open and starts pulling out organs as I making them into animals

Jill: Oh this is turning me on killing for my love but you can't die yet we just began.

Jill pulls out a needle filled with adrenaline then slams it into Ms. Allen right eye to keep her awake before slowly bending her fingers to a point they break off spraying blood all over the bed

Jill: Well slut it been fun well for me it was not for you so have fun in hell slut.

Jill rips out Ms. Allen still beating heart then crushes it making her go flat line before picking up a phone and calls for a police dispatch

Dispatch: 9-1-1 What your emergency?

Jill: Yes I like to report a murder I found at 738 Elm street.

Jill hang up and write a message in the Ms. Allen blood saying "You run I'll hunt, you cheat I'll kill, and if you don't love me I'll make you love me F/n" then leaves and watches to see what happens from the forest

F/n pov

I woke up and sees my teacher and mother died as I see a message I scream and leaves the house to see police and ambulance arriving as the police chief runs up and puts a blanket over me and officers go inside

Chief: What happened son?

F/n: My teacher and mom was killed by Laughing Jill.

Chief: What does Laughing Jill look like?

A officer taps the Chief shoulder and looks like he seen a ghost

Officer: Chief who ever did this was sick and the message was directed to the kid.

F/n: She a colorless clown with a spiral cone nose, wears a dress, and crazy. I just want to leave this place and be anywhere else.

Chief: Son I'm gonna send you away from here and admit you in a hospital for your safety.

F/n: Thank you Chief.

I hear a familiar bark and I see Smile with Sally approaching me

Sally: F/n your hair look silly.

Chief: Young lady he had a traumatic experience that scared him his hair turned white.

I pet Smile and he licks my cheek but I feel no joy from this or happiness just fear and Smile grins at me like he can feel it

Sally: What are you going to do now F/n?

F/n: I can't tell you your friends with Jill.

Sally gives me puppy eyes I can't resist but I need to lie to her

F/n: I'm going to be sent to Springwood to live on Elm street.

Sally: Ok be careful F/n.

Sally and Smile walk off and I look at the Chief with pleading eyes to leave and he takes me down to the station then makes a phone call as the female officer keeping me entertained but then the Chief comes in

Chief: I found a place for you but to get you unnoticed by the killer to a hospital a few states over we need to send you on plane but I'll also put a false statement saying the survivor will be transported by car to Springwoods.

F/n: Will the hospital treat me well.

Chief: The staff will look after you and provide for you.

F/n: Jill going to kill every child in this town till she gets me.

Chief: You'll leave in a few minutes so relax.

F/n: Chief incase I don't see you again I always thought of you as a father figure cause you always look after me since I was a baby.

Chief: My boy you suffered alot since your parents died and put on a brave face you got a heart of a loin now grow up and live to the fullest.

I hug the Chief and he pats my back while I'm crying the moment cut short by a noise and a familiar giggle

Jill: Oh F/n thought you could run from me. Who gave you the right to leave me?

I look scared that my breathing gets heavy and I get light headed as my chest hurts

Chief: Tiffany get F/n out of here *he puts a ticket in my hand and I'm picked up and rushed away*

Jill: Your not leaving me.

I'm put inside a police car as Tiffany buckles me in before I hear guns firing followed by screaming before we speed off to the airport

Tiffany: The staff will met you when you land they will care for you till your an adult then your on your own.

We arrive at the airport and Tiffany quickly gets out and gets me to my plane that boarding as I'm seated away from the window and buckled in as Tiffany leaves I fall asleep

Time skip a few hours

I wake up and exits the plan to see doctors waiting for me as I approach them with teary eyes

Doctor: Young F/n the police in your hometown are dead and the killer doesn't know where you went your safe.

They take me to a hospital to the mental ward for my safety and gives me my own room when I enter my room I see a box in the middle of the floor I approach it and sits near it before opening it to see candy and a note saying "Your safe from your tormentor and I'll reveal myself to you in time but you won't be alone one of my followers are watching you closely for your protection her name Zero, sincerely Z." After I read it I get on my bed and looks out the window as it raining but I notice a girl with hair like mine, a strip scarf and socks, brown shorts, black sweater, and brown boots looking at me like she doesn't wanna be here

F/n: Zero?

Zero: I'm not here to be your friend I'm your guardian to protect you from Slender household.

F/n: Your very pretty more then Jill.

Zero: That clown a bimbo with no intelligence. But thanks for saying I'm pretty.

F/n: Who Z?

Cliffhanger for next chapter. So what will happen? Will Z be explained to F/n by his guardian? Will Jill find F/n or be lost to her forever? Will Zero teach F/n to fight and kill? If he does want a weapon from a store or a hand made weapon. You decide the fate.

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