Prologue: Of Music and Devils

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A/n: Before I start I would like to say Issei will not exist in this story. So Rias will never have given up her pawns and you don't have to read anything of him. So  Ddraig is up for grabs but if you want him is up to you all entirely to decide. With that aside I hope you all enjoy

3rd person pov

Our story begins 17 years ago at during a full moon night. Within Kong Studious  Murdoc and the other Gorillaz members messed around.  Murdoc  slapped 2D in his head when suddenly someone bashed on their door.

Murdoc: Hey 2D go check who it is will ya? If it's another one of those MTV morons  tell them to get lost.

2D: *Sighs* Alright fine.

As 2D got up to open the door he saw no one confusing him. As 2D looked down he was taken by surprise as the sight of a baby is seen. 2D turned back then yelled out for Murdoc who sat on the couch.

2D: Oi Murdoc ya might wanna see this!

Murdoc: What is it 2D?

2D: Someone left a little baby here.

Murdoc spit out his thing of beer before going to see for himself. Russel and his dead friend Del following behind the two looked at 2D seeing the baby Y/n.

Russel: Who in the hell would leave a kid here?

Del:Yo this is some weird shit going on. The little thing gives me some weird vibes; I bet he's Murdoc's kid or something

Murdoc: What a load of rubbish. There is no way in -

2D: Uh guys look at what he's wrapped in.

As 2D picked up the Baby Y/n the baby giggled as his blanket unraveled.

Russel: That's a god damn Nazi flag Murdoc. 

Murdoc: Bloody hell this little Devil really is my kid. I can't believe this and he's already twisted like his old man!  Oi 2D clear your room i'm putting my adorable kid in there.


Murdoc: Because I said so and I'm not letting my boy stay in some moist dark room. 


Murdoc: I don't know you can stay in the attic! Now hurry it up  will ya?!

As 2D hurried off Murdoc held his child and chuckled as Y/n  laughed at the scared 2D.

Murdoc: I got a great feeling about you.

As Years pasted Y/n's childhood was full of  fame and over the top weirdness. To say his childhood was far from normal would be an under statement. By the time he found himself in Highschool he  was expelled and kicked from many. All due to chaos that followed after him. However when he accidentally burns down his school Murdoc had to take another approach. Murdoc found his son a place in Japan. Going so far as to buy his son a house and a car Murdoc made sure Y/n could live a decent life in Kouh. Y/n woke up as his girlfriend Noodle came in with a smile.

Noodle: Good morning time to get darling ~

Y/n chuckled as she walked over and hugged him before speaking.

Y/n:I can get used to a cute wake up call  like this. Who needs an alarm clock when I have a sexy girl like you by my side?~

Y/n winked as he pulled her into a kiss then got out of bed. As Noodle walked out Y/n got ready for school.

Y/n pov

Noodle is the bass player of Gorillaz that I knew since I was little. When she arrived well let's just say it was memorable. I mean tell me who the hell would expect a Japanese girl to arrive by a Fed Ex  box? After a bit of thinking my Dad accepted her into his band. As the years went on though we grew to close until; we finally got together 1 year ago. After I finished getting ready the two of us went on our way. 

Y/n: Man I still don't know what the hell my old man was thinking. I mean sending me to a ex all girls school?  I swear why do I feel like I'm gonna be stuck living out some harem  anime plot The fact it went Co-ed makes it even worse.

Noodle: Your overthinking things Y/n it'll all be fine. Besides we are kind of to blame for this situation. 

I looked at Noodle sighing with a smile,

Y/n:Fair enough I guess you got a point. Let's hurry and get this over and done with.

Noodle nodded at me as we walked off towards the school. While we were on our way we ran into a group of girls wearing the school uniforms. Choosing to ask them for some help the two of us approached them.

Y/n: Hey Excuse me but you girls go to Kouh Academy right?

The girls turned to me then blushed before the pink haired one spoke.

???: Yes we do why do you ask?

Y/n: I knew it  I have a favor to ask if it's alright with you. You see the two of us are actually suppose to attending the place today. If it's not much trouble could you ladies help us there? 

one of the brunettes  looked at her friends before turning back to me.

???2:Your not a pervert are you?

Y/n:Full honesty here I believe everyone is a pervert in there own way.There isn't anything wrong with wanting to show your love for someone. What matters is how and where you openly show it.  Sure some men are more likely to show it openly but i'm not that kind of guy.

??? 3: Wow smart and good looking your the full package. I'd be happy to show you around.

The others nodded in agreement before I smiled.

Y/n: Thank you three I owe ya one. I'm Y/n Niccals and the girl next to me is Noodle.


Murayama: It's nice to meet you I'm Murayama and the two on the left are Katase and Aika!

Timeskip brought to you by this

3rd person pov

As Y/n arrived with the other heard the other students  squealing about him and Noodle.

Boy 1: Holy shit that's Y/n's Niccals!

Boy 2:  What the hell is he even doing here in Japan?!

Boy 3: Who cares I just can't believe that Noodle is here. 

Girl 1: I love his father's music! I wonder if he's  dating anyone?

Girl 2: That won't stop me! I'll do what ever it takes to have him!

Girl 3: Fuck off you hoe bag he's gonna be mine!

Girl 1: What about what he wants?




What the fuck have I gotten myself into? I haven't been here for a minute and simps are already starting to swarm. I wonder how things are doing with my Dad?

(meanwhile in Hell)

In the throne room of a certain man Murdoc is seen coming through a portal; while T-posing.


Murdoc: How should I bloody know your Satan aren't ya?  I should be asking you that if anything. Blame your  cultist mates in the human world for teaching me. 

???:That's just my title, just what is it gonna take to get you to leave?

Murdoc: A little cash will do and perhaps killing that hack Brie Larson for me.

???:What? But why the Brie Larson?

Murdoc: That damn she-beast is pain in my ass for a while now. Besides I never liked any of her movies anyways. Ya seen what she's done with that Gal Captain Marvel? I've seen feminist twitter hate mobs with more personality than her.

???:... You know what good point I'll get right on that. 

(Back in Kouh)

Y/n and Noodle finished their first  classes and went to eat some lunch. As they did Murayama and her other friends called the two over to sit with them.

Murayama: Wow you two became extremely popular so shortly. It's kind of scary and impressive.

Y/n: Yeah no kidding even some of the damn teachers are fans. Get this some of them said they would just give a an A's the whole year as long as I sign somethings of theirs. 

Katase:  How about you Noodle? is the same thing happening to you?

Noodle:*Nods* Hai 

Aika: You know you two could milk that kind of  thing right?

Y/n: Trust me that's tempting but I don't plan on letting myself get the royal treatment.

Murayama: What do you mean I thought you would like being loved by everyone.

Y/n: Don't get me wrong I like the love and all but True respect  and  talent comes from hard work. As cheesy as it sounds that's the truth. Those who don't put in the effort to do what they strive for won't get far. True skills are earned and deserved for not giving up instead taking the easy way. That's the kind of things that made Gorillaz loved because of their talent and hard work.

Katase: I never thought about things like that.

Aika: Your something else you know that Y/n?

Y/n and Noodle chuckled until they noticed a group of students staring at them. The boy went pale as the group charged went to swarm the two. Y/n cursed before he picked up Noodle and ran out the nearest window. Hearing the fan mob dashing out after him he heard laughs fill the air.


 As Y/n ran faster  until someone puled him and Noodle into a bush. The person covered Y/n's mouth before whispering to him.

???:Sssh keep quiet and watch alright?

Y/n and Noodle watched as the fans ran passed them. After they vanished from sight the three got out of the bush before Y/n  sighed.

Y/n:Thanks for help man we both owe ya big time. 

???: Your cool it's better than using a Cardboard box to hide huh?

Y/n: How did you know my plan?

???: Lucky guess and I tried the same thing my first year here.

Y/n: Let me guess Fangirls?

???: Bingo so you two are Y/n Niccals and Noodle right? I heard we had new students here if you want; I could help you learn about this place.

Y/n: Heh Sounds great Since you know our names already mind telling us what to call you?

???: Sure thing the name is

Kiba Yuuto nice to meet you two.

To be continued

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