Between Separation and Rejoining

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This was probably in like sixth grade, actually yeah, it was. I would always tell everyone at school about a guy I referred to as The GingerBread Man. A lot of people enjoyed hearing about this mystery guy I obviously liked.

I'd go to my dads house on the weekends and randomly would drive my bike by Cerbin's house just to see if he was there. I'd also go look in the woods to see if he was there, but never did I see anybody.

So I'd Facebook stalk him at times. Usually nothing happened.

Until about nine months ago, my friend gets a Facebook. :D

I told her to friend Cerbin, and she did. It took a while though. She messaged him a lot, and for a long time he wouldn't answer.

Until a special Monday I got a text from someone... They had an iPhone like me, but the number was unfamiliar.

Hey Blondie

Uhh who is this?

Cerbin :3

Omg really?

It's been a while.

That's all of the text I remember from the first day. XD We talked about the separation and that we were friends still. I was a blushy mess the whole time. I did ask if he had a girlfriend at the time, and he did. :( total bummer for me...

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