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your pov

"I heard he got expelled!"

"No, he didn't get expelled. He only got suspended."

"That makes like zero sense."

"You make zero sense, Heather."

"Sorry, Heather."

"What do you think y/n?"

Heather Chandler looks at me, a disapproving gaze clear as day on her face. Normally she looks irritated, but now she only meres a curious look.

I shrug my shoulders, "haven't met him yet. So I don't know him."

Heather rolls her eyes and plucks her croquet mallet up. "It's your turn, Heather."

Heather McNamara smiles brightly and takes her turn, missing entirely. "I know what he's like, y/n! He was in my history class until his suspension. He's got that, mysterious attitude that only works for certain guys. By the way, it's your turn, Veronica."

Veronica Sawyer picks up her blue mallet and takes a swing. Making it through, "through!" She calls before taking her extra shot.

"My turn," I call out, picking up the black mallet. Ever since I met them, they have been my ticket out of the loser life. "Veronica, you never told me your opinion on him." I took a careful swing and made it through the wicket. But I ran into Heather Duke's green ball.

"So what are you gonna do?" She asks, "take your two shots or send me out?"

Right as I open my mouth to reply, Heather butts in. "Of course she's going to send you out, did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?" Heather Chandler seems to be the one girl who needs to be on top of everything.

I swallow my intents of taking the two extra shots and line up my black ball with Heather's green one. I place my foot on top of my ball, and be careful not to hit my foot with the mallet. I swing but the ball doesn't go that far, I smile nicely.

Heather Duke has a look of surprise on her face, but it slowly turns to a smile. Heather Chandler glares in he'd direction, "why didn't you hit it that hard?" She asks me.

"Didn't want to hurt my foot." I explain.

Slowly everyone smiles and I remember that Veronica never answered my question.


I heave a yawn and slip into my bed. It has been a long day and it makes me sick that I have to go to school tomorrow. But it's only homecoming week, what could be worse than that?

"Y/n! Don't you want dinner?" Mom asks.

"No thanks!" I shout back, "I'm not hungry!"

I lay my head down and sigh. "Just have a normal school year. Nothing weird. Just normal."

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