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your Pov

I don't remember when I exactly fell asleep, but I do remember waking up. I look up and see JD smiling down at me.

Feeling flustered, I blush and look away. "Hi." I murmur. Hi? Really?! Hi?

Surprising me, he chuckles. "Hi."

"I'm so sorry," I whisper, biting down on my lip. "I took your bed, you could've just woke me up and I would've moved." I'm so embarrassed.

Surprising me again, he laughs. "To be honest, Y/n, I like seeing you lying across my bed." He runs a hand through his hair. "It's something I could definitely get used to."

"JD!" I scowl, but I can't help breaking into a smile. "You're cruel."

"I don't think that's the word, dear." He pokes my nose and then sighs. "We have a big morning ahead of us, darling."

I yawn and then get out of bed. "Right....." I mumble. "The prank."

JD gives me a confused look before he nods in agreement. "The prank." He nods again. "We should probably get going."

I nod. "Yeah, then if we have time before school we should get slushies!"

JD gives me the biggest grin a man could ever give. "Yeah, Y/n. We will." He promises.

I smile and hop out of his bed. "I'm so tired."

"Well this should wake you up." He presses his lips against mine and wraps his arms around my waist.

As he pulls away and smile back at him. "You're right." I walk toward the door. "That did wake me up, now let's get going!"

JD pouts for a moment before he follows me down the stairs.


The sun has risen, but it was barely six yet. With a groan, I remember how tired I am. "JD, are you sure they will come?" I ask.

He places the fake gun in my hand. "I'm positive. No high school guy can resist—"

"JD!" I shout.

"Sorry, Y/n," he kisses my cheek. "It's the truth."

I shake my head at him. "I think I hear them!" I whisper.

JD nods and moves quickly out of sight.

Kurt stumbles into the clearing first. "Hi... Y/n." He grins like a fuckboy.

Ram follows suit and looks at me. "Uh... So do we just whip it out or what?"

Even though I know it isn't going that far, I still feel disgusted. "Take it slow, Ram. Strip for me." Ugh, I feel weird saying those words.

Ram happily obliges whereas Kurt looks confused. "What about you?" He asks.

"Oh," I forgot about that. I quickly improvise. "I was hoping you'd rip my clothes off me, sport. Count of three."

Kurt and Ram quickly take off their clothes till their only in their undergarments plus socks. Ram looks awkward while Kurt nearly giggles in anticipation.

I grin. "One... two..."

Time goes in slow motion right now, and it is weird. I see Kurt and Ram literally shaking with anticipation and then I see JD rush from behind a tree.

"Three." JD states as he raises his gun toward Ram. When he fires it, Ram immediately goes down.

I follow his lead and aim at Kurt, although I miss on purpose.

But Kurt looks terrified as he runs away, screaming. "Aaaugh! Holy crap!"

JD looks at me with a look that says 'why did you miss?!'. "Stay there. I'll get him!" He charges off into the woods shouting after Kurt.

My smile falters as I look down at Ram. I kick him with my foot and lean down. "Ram? You're just unconscious, right? Ram? Ram!"

I hear shouting coming from my left, but it's farther away. "Get off the fence! Get off the damn fence!" That voice was obviously JD.

"I don't understand!" Kurt.

"We can start and finish wars. We're what killed the dinosaurs. We're the asteroid that's overdue." JD, I could tell.

"Stop being a dick!" Kurt shouts. Why was he so scared?

"The dinosaurs will turn to dust." JD sounds so calm. Why?

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" Kurt literally screams.

"They'll die because we say they must." JD proclaims. I hear another gunshot and a heavy thud.

I run up to where I heard the voices and gasp. I look from Kurt's body to JD's grin. "What the fuck have you done?!"

JD looks at me, "... I worship you. I'd trade my life for yours. We'll make them disappear. We'll plant our garden here." He holds out his hand. "Our love is God." He whispers.

I can't believe it. He killed them.

"Our love is God." He says as I move toward him sobbing. "Our love is God," he continues whispering.

I find myself repeating it. "Our love is God..."

"Our love is God." He promises.

"Our love is God..." I feel so lost.

"Our love is God!..."

"NO!" I suddenly scream, pushing myself away from him.

JD looks at me, wounded. "W-what?"

"No!" I scream again. "You-you killed them! You killed them, JD!" I'm a sobbing mess and I can't even look at the man who told me he loved me.

"I did it for you!" He shouts, "you wanted them dead just as much as I did!"

"No," I whisper, backing away from him. But he moves closer. "Stay back!" I scream. "I'll call the cops!"

JD's eyes glaze over me, "Y/n," he tries to reason.

"Stay away from me." I shake my head in anger. "Leave me the fuck alone!" I scream and run off into the woods.

But as I run, I can hear his voice echo in my ear.

"Our love is God." As well as,

"We never got our slushies."

Oh myfuck I feel so bad for not updating this
Hopefully this update was worth the wait. And hopefully I'll have the next chapter out by a couple of days
Kisses, Mabes 😘

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