Happy Family

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At Anasuya's House

Mahalakshmi shouted on Anasuya

Mahalakshmi : Anu!! Leave him..

Anasuya holds Anand hand tightly, Mahalakshmi shouted on Anand

Anand : What magic you did to my Daughter? She is my daughter, My property..leave her..

Mahalakshmi said to Anasuya

Mahalakshmi : Anu!! He is trapping you for your Money..Why don't you understand this?

When Anu not replying to her, Mahalakshmi asked Ramaligham

Mahalakshmi : Ram, Please said to him..So many High official guests will come for Engagement, If it cancelled, I can't show my face to anyone.I will lose my Prestige.

Anand replied to Mahalakshmi

Anand : Your Prestige is only Important to you,Athaya not My father's Prestige? Your Property is only Valuable for you Not My father's Property?

Mahalaskhmi became shock for his words

Anand : If we know trapping for Money,My father would wrote Agreement with you or he would demand you to give share in your Profits. If he did any of these things, I would be in Your place and you would be in my place.

Ramaligham about to stop Anand

Ramaligham : Anand !! Now, What is need to remind those things?

Anand : No, Mamaya!! Today she have to know.The latter we are carrying for her from 25 years, Now We need to drop that.

Anand said to Mahalaskshmi

Anand : Athaya!! I will tell in your language. The Property you constructed on my father tomb is your Fort.The game you played with his life is your Investment.His love is mad to you,His Relation is Business to You, His Prestige is Unworthy to you.

Mahalaksmi felt bad on heard this.

Anand : Athaya!! Remember one thing, If we throw anything on some one,it will back to us only.If we threw Flower, We will get Flower or If we threw Stone, We will get Stone only. You threw my father, I Came back to you with more speed.

On saying this Anand about to leave taking Anasuya with him.He said to Mahalakshmi

Anand : May be I don't have any Palaces like you,But My Queen is with me.

Anand left along with Anasuya after saying this.

Mahalaskhmi felt guilty for what she did,she became broken when her Daughter leaving her.

At Anand's House

Anand went to his house along with Anasuya and Bhanu.

When Anasuya about to step down from Tanga, Someone gave hand to her..She became shock on seeing That Person who gave hand to her..

It is her father Ramaligham hand

Anasuya became surprised on seeing her father there,.

Anasuya : Daddy!!

when she turned back, Her mother Mahalakshmi, her maid Manga also there along with Anand Mother

Mangamma give Aarthi with Pumpkin to Anand, Anasuya to welcome them to home.

Mahalakshmi said to Mangamma

Mahalakshmi : Give Aarthi properly and threw that Pumpkin outside, You have laziness right?

All are laughed for this, Mangamma glared at them but smiles at Anasuya

Anasuya asked her father Ramaligham

Anasuya : How is this Happened, Daddy?

Flashback (After Anand left taking Anasuya with him)

Mahalakshmi became fainted on seeing her Daughter left her.

Ramaligham became worried for this and called Doctor.

Doctor gave treatment to Mahalakshmi and she became normal.

Mahalakshmi said to Ramaligham

Mahalakshmi : Did you see Anand have so much angry on me!! How can he look after my Daughter well?

Ramaligham listening her words

Mahalaskhmi : I know I did mistake, Didn't they? When I came to their House with so much sadness for my Brother's death, They shut doors on me.They behaved like they threw money to a Beggar. Won't I hurt for that? I too have love on my Brother. I also came from that House only, I too have Self respect like them...

Ramaligham said to Mahalakshmi

Ramalingham : Maha!! On that time, When You gave to them,They rejected..Now,You give what they want from you.

Mahalakshmi listening Ramalingham words

Ramaligham : For Your Brother's death,When you give money, They rejected that, leave it. Now you give Your Daughter to them who is life to you, Will they said No for that!! How can they!!Is it Possible to said No?

Mahalaskshmi think about Ramaligham words.She convinced for this and Agreed to do Anasuya marriage with Anand.


Anasuya became happy for this and Pulled his Father cheeks for this

Anasuya : You are too Smart, Daddy!! Love You!!

At Mahalakshmi's room

Mahalakshmi arranging things for Anasuya, Anasuya asked her

Anasuya : Mummy!! Which Saree I have to wear?

Mahalaskhmi : Did you ask me whom you have to marry? Now, Why are you asking about Saree?

Anasuya became silent for this

Mahalaskhmi : From Childhood onwards,You never said to me what you like.Now also, You didn't said to me about your Love. I am not feeling bad for Anand words also.But You and Your father stood me like a Third Person without saying anything to me, for that I am feeling bad.

Anasuya didn't replied to this

Mahalakshmi : But I Can't leave you like you right? You are my One and Only Daughter to me.When You will understand My Love on You, Anu..

Anasuya came to Mahalakshmi calmly and Hugged her tightly

Mahalakshmi hugged her back , Anasuya kissed her Cheeks and went out with Happy Face.

At Kitchen

Anand asked his Mother Tulasi

Anand : Amma!! Did you have any Problem that Athaya came to our house?

Tulasi : When I was in sad for your father Death, She asked to take Money Instead of that If she consoled on that day Itself I could take inside to our house.

Anand : Did I did any mistake for bringing Anasuya here?

Tulasi : You took Daring Step!!

Anand : Amma!! Actually..

Tulasi : Anu is Very Good Girl, Don't hurt her with your Stupid Doubts.

At Anasuya's Room

When Anasuya looking outside from her room, Anand blow air on her neck which makes her look at him.

Anand showed the Rat in cage which Anasuya asked to catch that on that Night

Anasuya : Did you caught this?

Anand : Yes, Now in this room, no one will Bite, Except me!!

Anasuya blushed for this and hugged Anand tightly

Anasuya's Pov

Now I don't have any fear on My Mother...She don't have any Angry on me..

Nandu don't have any sadness about his Father..I don't need to use this Stress Ball Anymore..

Anasuya threw that Stress Ball outside, It fall on Palava Venkana hand.

At Palava Venkana's House

When Palava Venkana came inside, He became Happy on seeing His Daughter Nagavali eating Food happily..

Palava Venkana : That is my Daughter,I will bring more handsome man for you than Anand, Next month you can get married.

Nagavali : I am not eating for that.After Marriage, If Anand, Anasuya got separated Due to any fights, Then Anand will marry me only.On that time, I have to live right? For that I am eating now, For that only..

Palava Venkana became weak on heard this and said to his son

Palava Venkana : Enemies won't be someother place, They will in our house only in form of Daughter, Wife, Sisters.

Nagavali ignored his words and having her food

Palava Venkana : My life became a Building which was cut in Road widening.I can't be in there, I can't leave that also.Chi..

Palava Venkana went out angrily,His son requested him

Palava Venkana's Son : When Anand got married to Anasuya, Do you think Eveything over?

Palava Venkana : Why? I have to see their First Night also!!

Palava Venkana's Son : Not like that Nanna, For his Sister Marriage match, I won't let one car also to come to this Village.

On that time, One group of Cars are coming to Village one by one..

Palava Venkana : What type of Mouth Yours!! You said you won't let one car also to come here, But Now Car Mela is coming here.

Palava Venkana's Son : Whatever car came here, How can you think it is for Bhanu only?

It is Pratap and his Grandfather came there to ask Anand's Sister Bhanu for Pratap marriage.

Rao asked Palava Venkana

Rao : Tell me Where is Anand's House?

Palava Venkana : Why?

Rao : To ask his Sister Bhanu for my Grandson Marriage.

Palava Venkana and his son became shock on heard this and replied Rao

Palava Venkana : Today his marriage, whole village must be there only,You can easily find.

Rao : ok..

Palava Venkana : For just ask that Girl for marriage match
, Why you came with all these cars?

Pratap : Actually, It won't be good to came to their home empty hands,so we bring some gold Jewellery , some Diamonds to that Girl.So, In those Cars For Security We kept before Guards and behind Rods to our cars.

Palava Venkana and his son became shock on heard this

Pratap & Rao : How can you know Problems of Rich People like us!!

They left to Anand House after saying this.

Palava Venkana said to his son

Palava Venkana : I felt that Anand only marrying Rich Girl, Now his Sister also marrying more than Rich man than them.Did you understand this?

Palava Venkana's son : What?

Palava Venkana : For his love Practice - Valli, For His Fighting Practice - You, For their Marriage - Me. He have to put our family Photo in his house for Help..!!

Palava Venkana's son : Then what we will do now?

Palava Venkana : Stress this Stress Ball!!

Author's Last Words to this Story

If Love loves us strongly, it won't leave us Even we tried to go away..It is all Magic of Love..


Yours Priya_Pranushka

Here is the Ending of this Story, How is the Ending,Friends, Please tell me?

Pics Credit to Google..

Dedicated this Story to



















Risha_dreamer (Shazna)





















Please Forgive me If I forgot anyone..I wrote this in Hurry..

Thank You So much to each and every reader and Writer who supported me for this Story..

Loves You All..💕💕

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