I won't come with you

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At Bridge

Anand stopped his car Infront of Palava Venkana's Son Car where Anasuya is there..

With that Sudden Brake Palava Venkan's Son car moved towards Bridge end Side, which makes Car stuck in middle of Bridge End..

Except Anasuya, All Inside that Car shouted loudly with fear that Car will fall down..

Anand came to that Car and about to touch Anasuya to take her out,She jerked his hand angrily..

Anand : Anu, Come with me..We have to go to your house..

Anasuya : Nenu Ranu.. Nuvvu Po.. (I won't come..You go)

Anand : Anu, Don't behave like a Kid..Come with me..

Anasuya : Don't shout on me like my mother.. Manduthundi Naku (It will Increase My Angry)

Anand : Anu, Please come with me..

Anasuya shouted on Anand

Anasuya : I won't come..I won't come..(On saying this Anasuya shaking the car)

Palava Venkans's son and Brother Who are in Car are Shouting with fear that Car will down with her shaking.

Anand : Ok, Your father is worrying for you, Atleast come for him..

Anasuya : Oh!! You came for My father..Not for me..I know you are not loving me, I am nothing to you..

Anand : Anu, Will you come with me or else I have to slap you.

Anasuya : Oh!! You will slap me? Dare to touch me, If you touch I will jump from here..(Anasuya shaking the car again on saying this)

Again they are all Shouting with fear that Car will down with her shaking.

Palava Venkana's Son became scared and requested Anand

Palava Venkana's Son : Anand Garu!! Why you are making Anasuya Garu Cry? She is such a Self Respect girl.

Palava Narayana also requested Anand with fear..

Palava Venkana : Yes, Don't Hurt her..Please..

Palava Venkana's Son : If girls cry, It won't good to Our men..

Palava Naryana : Especially to the men who are in this Car.

Anand this time requested Anasuya

Anand : ok, I am Sorry, If My words Hurts you..I am Really Sorry..

Anasuya : I will die..I don't want to live..(Again Anasuya shaking Car on saying this time)

Palava Naryana became scared and requested her

Palava Naryana : Anasuya Amma!! Ok, We will do as Your wish...But After we step down from Car, we all will think peacefully and decide that..Till then Don't shake this Car like that, We all will die..Please..

On that time, Palava Venkana came with his Goons, On seeing him his son and Brother shouted with happiness

Palava Venkana's Son : Nanna Came to save us..

Palava Naryana : Annaya Came..Annaya Came..

Palava Venkana said to his Goons

Palava Venkana : Go and break that Anand bones..I will give to each of you One Acre under lake..

Those goons came to hit Anand, he hit them all and they are falling On Car where Anasuya there.

Now again Palava Venkans's son and Brother shouting that Their car is moving again due to them..

Anand took one rope from one Goon and tied to Car and other end to the other end of Bridge.

Anand Indicated Palava Venkana's Son to reversre the Car..he Reversed he car and it came on road.

Now they are all safe, Except Anasuya all are came out

Palava Venkana's Son shouted on his father

Palava Venkana's Son : Did you lost your Mind? When we are in that Condition,How can you send Goons on Anand..I am Your only Son, If I anything happen to me, Who will do your Cremation?

Palava Venkana : So, What do you mean? I have to do Felicitation to him?

Palava Venkana's Son asked Narayana who is in shock

Palava Venkana's Son : How can he talk like that, Bhabai?(Uncle)

Palava Naryana : Don't disturb me, I am enjoying Sunrise Here..

Anand came to Anasuyu and opened car to her to get down

Anasuya who is angry didn't stepped out.

Anand became angry for this and Hit that Car Door with his hand which makes that Car Door broken.

Anasuya became scared for this and stepped out, she got into Anand car.

Anand took Anasuya to his house in His Car.

Percap : Ending

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there

Pics Credit to Google..

Next Update is Ending to this Story..

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Loves You All..💕💕

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