Laughing at Wrong time

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8th Day to Anasuya in Anand's House

Bhanu bring Anasuya out to go along with her Anand and Muthyam

On seeing Anasuya, Anand said to Bhanu

Anand : Why you bring her here?

Anasuya : Why don't have to come with you? What's Your Problem?

Muthyam : Nothing Madam, We are going to death Ceremony not Any marriage. Your Bavagaru getting fear what antics you will do there?

Anasuya : Who was dead?

Bhanu : Yesterday she came to our house Baby Ammama.She only dead Early Morning.

Anasuya laughed on heard about her.

Anasuya : She was Very Funny Right?

Anand glared at her for this.

Anand : I have to be careful, she will definitely do something childish.

At Baby Ammama's House

All are crying on seeing Baby Ammama dead body

Anasuya and Bhanu sat beside the Dead body

One relative came pushing everyone and cried

Relative : Ayo, How can you left us, Baby Ammama? Okkasari chusthey vanda sarlu chudalanipichey face nedi ..(Once we saw your face we feel like to see 100 times)

Bhanu asked Baby Ammama's Daughter

Bhanu : How it happened Pinni?

Baby Ammama's Daughter : Yesterday in your house someone said to her to marry again.Yesterday Night she was eating Fish curry On remembering that she is laughing, eating..laughing, eating..For doing like that, Fish thorn stuck in her throat and she was dead.

Anasuya became shock on heard this.

Baby Ammama's Daughter : Anyone can die with pain or sadness, But she die with laughing face.

Anasuya saw Baby's Ammama's face had smile.

On seeing this and heard how she dead, Anasuya started laughing..

Anand and Muthyam saw this and immediately went to her.

Anand : You don't have laugh like this here, They will kill us.Stop laughing!!

Anasuya didn't listen this and laughing continuously.

Muthyam : Sir, Madam can't stop laughing, Take her away.

Anand took Anasuya from there, When she is laughing Anand put her head on his chest not to visible her laugh to anyone and acted like Crying on holding her.

When they all came out,Anand, Bhanu and Muthyam laughing on remembering the incident along with Anasuya.

On that time, One Car stopped there and they saw Nagavali inside Car.

On seeing her, Anand, Muthyam stopped laughing and went towards her.

Anasuya asked Bhanu

Anasuya : Who is she?

Bhanu : Nagavali.

Anasuya thinking why they became serious o seeing Nagavali

9th Day to Anasuya at Anand's House

Anasuya : Nagavali..Who is she?

Bhanu : Palava Venkana's Daughter.

Anasuya : So?

Bhanu : Palava Venkana loves his Daughter so much. Normally every father keep their daughter at heart but he kept her Daughter on his head.When she asked for White Elephant, He did white paint to that Elephant and gave to her.When one teacher scolded her for not doing homework, He beat that Teacher and closed only School we have.

Anasuya : What is your Nandu relation with her?

Bhanu : Oh!! That was last year we went to market, On that time Palava Venkana's son teased me.On seeing that, Annaya beat him. On that time Nagavali was there, When Annaya beating her brother she said one word to Annaya not only me, Even his brother also became shock.

Anasuya : What she said?

Nagavali : I want to marry you

Anasuya became shock on heard that Nagavali said like that to Anand and she felt angry for this.

Percap : Anasuya Jealousy

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

Pics Credit to Google..

Thank You so much for all Your Votes and Comments..

Loves You All..💕💕

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