Past Wounds

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At Taj Hotel

Anand about to kiss Anasuya, but he move back from her and sat on bed.

Anasuya opened her Eyes and saw Anand sat with sad face.

Anand : Do you know what is Problem between our families?

Anasuya : Mamaya helped my Mummy in Business on giving his land, when she came to return back the money, he was dead on that time.

Anand : He was dead due to your Mother didn't return back money at correct time.

Anasuya : My Daddy said that Mummy said to Mamaya that she would return the money with in 6 months.

Anand : 6 months became 9 months..Your company Anasol limted became Anasol Pvt.Ltd..Your House became Bungalow, My father's Property came to Auction.

18 Years Before

Anand's father Umapathy came to Mahalakshmi House to ask his money and said to her

Umapathy : If I didn't paid money to Bank at that time, They will put my Land Properties on Auction.

Mahalakshmi : My Business Profits will come with in 2 months.After that I will give double money which you gave me..Not 100 Acres you can buy another 200 Acres..Annaya..

Umapathy : But this land won't be there..

Mahalakshmi : Annaya!! What is this stubbornness that you want that land only?

Umapathy : Not about the land, In Village Panchayathi they will announce my name and conduct Vellampata (Auction) infront of all Village heads.I will lost my Prestige..

Mahalakhsmi : Prestige means carrying an Empty Suitcase. In that Empty Suitcase, If we feel something Valuable thing is there, then it would be our Foolish..

Umapathy became shock on heard those from Mahalakshmi

Mahalakshmi : Is it any Cinema Pata (Song) to remember That.It is just Vellampata (Auction),They will easily forget, so don't think too much about that..Leave that,Annaya..

Umapathy became broken for his Sister Mahalakshmi words about his Prestige..

At Anand's House

Umapathy with sad face came to his house,

On that time Anand playing Caroms with his friend and Sister Bhanu

Anand intentionally loss the game to make his Sister Bhanu win,Bhanu became happy for winning the game and Anand's friend cried for losing the game.

Anand's Mother Tulasi asked him

Tulasi : Why you loss the game when you about to win?

Anand : If I win the game, Bhanu would loss the game and she would cry,right? That's why.

Tulasi : But When you loss the game,Your friend is crying, Didn't you see that? To make your Sister happy, will you make friend cry who is in your team? Isn't wrong? Don't do like that again..

Tulasi saw her husband Umapathy came to house and asked him

Tulasi : When you came? Did Mahalakshmi give money?

Umapathy can't able to answer this and lied to them

Umapathy : Yes, I bought money and kept that in Suitcase.May be Tomorrow Morning, I can't wake up, I am feeling like sick.You go to Auction and give this money..

Anand said in between

Anand : Don't worry,Nanna..Amma and I will go and give that money to them,I will look after that..You Take Rest..

Umapathy smiles for Anand words and said to him

Anand : Really?You will look after Everything?

Anand : Yes, Nanna..I will..

Umapathy hugged Anand for this..

Next Morning, Anand and his mother went to Auction place to pay the money, when they opened Suitcase instead of money one Letter is there..

Bank People Started Auction for not paying money.

Anand's Mother Tulasi read the Letter, Anand's father Umapathy wrote that Letter to Anand

Umapathy's Letter

Nandu!! Yesterday, Your mother said true.To make others happy, we don't have to make the People Cry who are in our team.The Mistake you did game, I did in Life.To make my Sister win, I make you all lose.Remember this, If you want happiness, You only find that happiness in your Victory,not in other Victory..The People who are loving You Don't make them cry, To make others happiness..

I don't have dare to face you after I Lost My Prestige..Before Auction started I have to leave this world..

Sorry, Nandu!!

Anand and Tulasi ran to their house to save Umapathy but before they went, He was dead.

Next Day, Anasuya's mother Mahalakshmi came with money after knowing her Brother Umapathy death and said to Tulasi

Mahalakshmi : Vadina!! I didn't think it will happen like this, I bring money, Please take this..

Tulasi felt angry on heard this and said to Anand loudly

Tulasi : Nandu!! Give this money back to them..

On saying this, Tulasi shut Doors on Mahalakshmi face.

Past Ends

Percap : Anand Decision

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there

Pics Credit to Google..

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Loves You All..💕💕

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