Chapter 23

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~•Dream's POV•~


Science said while backing away from cloth who now has a cast on his left arm

"I know..It might not be Comfortable for you but you'll get use to it in no time and in a few more weeks you'll be all
Patched Up and ready to go!"

I looked over at cloth to see him Trying to hold back a laugh
Until i realized what science just said
I couldn't help but Laugh
Cloth gave up and Laughed along side with me while Science looked at as in confusion matter

"What's so funny?"

I couldn't help but laugh More

"Hahaha Y-you s-see you said "patched up" and s-since i'm covered with p-patches-

We eventually come downed
While Cloth started to yawn

"Are you tired?"

He only nodded and yawned again

"I know Where you can sleep come with me"

Science smiled while pointing to a nearby room Cloth smiled while he got off the table and Walked Away with science sans

All of a sudden my head started to hurt i Grabbed my skull And closed my eyes shut.
I heard alot of ringing,
Alot of Flashes of white


I held my skull tigher


I heard something slam open


I started to hear people talking but it all came out as mixed sounds


I felt as if the world was spinning


I felt as if darkness surrounded me

(DrEaM! d-DamMiT!)

I felt like i was suffocating


I snapped my eyes open to see everyone expect for cloth
In front of me
They all looked like they seen a ghost
I suddenly felt hands on my shoulders and i looked to the person in front of me


I looked into Cross's Eyes
They looked Tired,worried,scared....Frighten
He Suddenly Hugged me while crying softly into my Shoulder

"I-i t-t-told you t-to N-NoT!
D-do that a-again!"

I only gave a weak smile

"Dream...may i speak to you..alone?"

Cross pulled back
It looked like he was about to deny
But I held his hand causing him to look back at me with worried eyes

"It's Okay Cross!
I'm sorry that i scared you..
I'll explain to you what happened
But i think i should talk with science first!"

He looked disappointed but sighed

I mean WE'LL be waiting outside if you need us"

I only nodded While he stood up and Walked to the exit
Error and ink followed afterwards
Error looked back with worry
But science gave a reassuring smile back
Error nodded and left the room with Ink

Science held out he's hand
I took it and he helped me Up
I didn't even realize i was on the floor

I took a seat on the table while science set next to me

What Happened?"

"I....My head it hurted and i couldn't hear anyone or anything.."

"Are You Sure That's All?"

I only nodded i didn't want science to worry more than he already is

"...well okay
I'll go get some medicines
They might help
I'll be right back"


After that science smiled and hopped off the table and Walked out of his lab
A few minutes later error came in
And he set besides me

"What's up Error?"

"DrEaM...I KnOw YoU dOn'T waNna TaLk bUt CouLd YoU leT me TaLk FiRsT?"

"Uh...Sure what's this about?"

"It'S aBouT...inK"


"DReAm i KnEW yoU lIkEd hiM
AnD weLl I lIkEd Him ToO
I WaS SeLfiSh cAusE i OnlY wAntEd Him tO my SeLf
BeCaUsE hE cHaNgEd Me...
AnD i KnEw YoU SaW Us KiSs BaCk At ThE MalL
AnD i ThOuGhT I WouLd FeeL...
But...I DidN't KnoW I CauSed YoU paIn
INky LoOkEd At AlMost AlL thE aU's Out ThEre To FiNd You...
DAy And NiGht
WHen We FiNallY found yOu..But In A WeAk StATE i...i FeLt LikE it WaS My FaUlT
I....WhAt I'm TrYing To sAy is..
I'M sOrrY foR BeiNg SeLfIsh..For EvEryThiNg..."



"I'm sorry to error.."


"I didn't know you liked ink...
I'm sorry if i made you think
That I'll take him away from you.."

I pulled him into a tight hug he glitched alot i forgot he wasn't use to physical contact i was about to pull away when he hugged back

"HeH You IdiOt..."

"Aww..such a sweet moment error!"

It Is Doneeeeee
I wish The People who read this Forgive meeeeee
For Not updatinggggggg
But anyway Guys! I just wanted to say i'll get to publish more chapters
In my Christmas Vacation!
On December,16,2016

And i swear i'll try my very hardest to not let you guys down! Anyways that's all!
See ya!


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