My opinion about 2020, venting, and heartbroken

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Of course we all get tired of hearing what has been happening during these unsettleing times this year. Well time to rewind from the start.

January: New year looking good or not since China has a new disease called the coronavirus?

Me: It's only in China what can happen?

February: We are getting news that the virus is spreading rapidly and has now entered this state.

Me: That's not good.

March: Welp everyone we are now in lock down all everyone must stay inside at all times. We are in a lockdown make sure to always stay healthy and clean!

Me: Woo hoo no more school let's get lit!

April: Yeah we have a lot of bad news for you wanna hear it?

Me: *cries a bit but on the bright side I started animation a bit*

May: Many idiots are starting to go outside now that the warm weather is starting yet the virus is still spreading.

Me: I mean what do you want me to do? Obviously I have to stay put.

June: Black lives Matter movement and people are gathering up at this location and that location. How much you wanna bet they will get the virus?

Me: What other option do I even have?

July: You good?

Me: No I'm dead in the inside...

August: Cheer up what's the worse that can happen?

Me: More people against the virus.

September: School is almost there are you ready?

Me: It's not the same as before where you can see the teachers in person and all. Besides it starts on October you know?

October: School and Halloween around the corner you gonna get candy?

Me: I tricked my relatives about going to the store but I went trick or treating. Got stalked by a guy who tried to get money from me. Did the Inktober challenge for the month.

November: Elections stressed too many people out between Biden and Trump. People are gonna get the virus due to Thanksgiving and we are having fights out of the blue about who will win.

Me: Why am I not surprised...

December: Um...

Me: We don't know overall but I guess nothing good out of it either...

These are my thoughts of what I thought about this entire year.

What has been going on personally from Jan to now is some ups and downs .

January I finally passed all 4 exams in order to graduate high school. I had to take Algebra 1 not 1 or 2 but 4 times until I passed.

February I started to encourage and give ideas to the clubs that helped them expand even further.

March online school sucks due to lack of internet and negativity around.

April I had to deal with a sexist player who played and leeched off others he uses to make him higher and worthy.

May I ended up cutting ties with them after I found out what the truth was. This person is still on wattpad trying to look for people who are unstable and take advantage of them which is not okay.

June I had to get over the pain of the person I once trusted and cared for even if it hurts that they only used me as their experiment. In the end I passed my 11th grade year even my good grades went down due to lack of work I did.

July tried to be positive after the pain that passed by me.

August start to look for ways to get rid of a broken heart.

September stressing out about my future since my 12th grade year will have changes due to the pandemic.

October it started ok until I started falling behind.

November stressed out to even look at my school work and respond to my 12th grade teachers.

December I look forward positive things....

To those who are reading this I'm sorry that I wasted your time. I needed to let something out that has kept bothering me. Especially when the person who I thought cared is toxic.

This person made me so disappointed because they used the excuse of being bisexual or gay. This person admitted to me that they never loved me and only let me believe it for a year.

Now you all might say "you know this is an online stranger" or "I'm gullaible to fall for him." That isn't the reason.

Truth is this person knows my friend in real life. How so? Well because both of them confirmed they have known each other in reality.

I never expected this much and neither did they. So if you ask what this person did was that he took advantage of people to experiment his love.

This made me mad because they were absolutely making these people believe they are loved when in reality he did it for an experiment.

If you ask why this person is also sexist is because he said "Girls push away guys when guys are the ones who try to help them."

This bothers me a lot because he believes that girls are nothing but troublesome and that guys are supposed to be the answer to their problems. I wanted to tell him that is he believes that then why try and hook up with so many girls on social media who you say you help them only to tell them off.

To tell you all the truth this person I met in November of 2018 was on wattpad. They said they read about my problems and wanted to help me. He came to me first even tho he said he can't handle girls like myself.

I warned him multiple times that he won't handle me but he chose to ignore and hurt me emotionally. It hurts me but what really hurt more was that I wasn't the first or last person he will crush.

I am really mad that not only he hurt me but mad that the other girls he knew that they were damaged he caused more pain to them.

The girls he hurt didn't deserve to feel this way damaged or not no one should ever be sexist and blame the person who you know they aren't alright.

If you all want to vent or something go ahead...


Tag other users to warn them about people who take advantage of those who are suffering to watch out.

Also the person who hurt me and the other who are also heartbroken as well is EMason_Weirdo.

This person caused a lot of problems to me to the point where I started having mental break downs because I was nothing but his experiment.

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