Chapter 2: Sensei uwu.

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Yes I ship Morrili. Along with Lloyliza.

The cases kept getting worse and so did Maya's mental health. You would always find her worrying or lost in thought,(or even both) seeing her acting perfectly normal had become a rarity at this point.

But Maya wasn't the only one who had lost someone close, the Prince of stormsky had lost his baby cousin Jack, Zane from ice-issipi had lost Pixal who was literally the most important person in his life and Cole from earth-topia suffured the worst fate...

... He lost cake. (My otp :'( )

Cole was training a lot after that incident, he was going to beat whoever had the audacity to do such a thing.

Now back to Maya. She had been extremely upset, stressed and depressed so her two children decided to take matters into their own hands.

"So who's the most smartest person we know?" Nya asked her brother. The two were currently sitting in Kai's room, Or as Kai liked to call it: luxury suite. It was a large room with dark red walls with a large window on one of them, their was a wardrobe is one corner, a dresser in another and large bed placed against one of the walls.

"The first spinjitsu master."

Nya facepalmed "I meant someone who's still alive."

Kai put his hand on his chin and thought for a good ten seconds "Lloyd's wierd uncle that is racist to black smoke?" He finally suggested which was strange since the two didn't talk to him as much but Lloyd always said that he was very smart (But not smart enough to use a phone apparently) so he had to be telling the truth, right?

So the two settled on going to Lloyd's place but unfortunately their mother decided that it was too dangerous for them to get out of her sight and that she was not looking forward to more stress. Which was understandable since she had already lost her husband.

Time for plan B!

Thanks to the wonders of technology they were able to face time Lloyd but it took a while for him to pick up since the WiFi at the outskirts of ninjago is not the best.

It was very hard to understand what was going on and what he was saying but they were able to make out the words " "Sorry it took long to respond." through a blur of pixels and alien-like noises.

After Lloyd face finally got clear of pixels. He spoke again, "guess what? Morro met a girl and they started liking each other and now their dating!" The camera blurred once again. They then heard shouting and the screen then focused a text conversion on someone's phone which read:


Morro: Hey Ali!!!!

Ali: Hi Morro!!!! <3

Morro: Wanna go out ;)

Ali: Sureeeee ;)


"Give that back!" Morro yelled. He wrestled the phone away from Lloyd and went back to texting Ali.

"So what did you guys wanna talk about?" Lloyd asked the laughing duo staring back at him.

"Does your uncle have any ideas on what might be happening?" Kai asked trying hold his laughter.

"I don't know, I haven't asked him." The camera then switched to a glitchy pair of feat walking across a hallway and then coming to a halt. Everything was pixelated again and the camera then focused on an old man's face.

Kai and Nya then explained their situation.

"I was just meditating with the spirit smoke and I think I know what's going on." The old man answered and cleared his throat.

"Long ago, before my father made ninjago. He used to be friends with a genie named Nadakhan who used to rule one of the sixteen realms. After my father made ninjago, he told him that the people were too weak and frail but he was then proven wrong when his people lost a war to them, fuming with rage, Nadakhan then started attacking ninjago so my father then trapped him in the lamp he can from and burried that lamp deep in his own realm."

"But what does that have to do with anything?" Nya asked.

"Before my father trapped him, Nadakhan said that he would be back and would manipulate and use my father's own people against him. I thought it was a bunch of crap until I saw someone who looked as though they were from nadakhan's realm take someone and then dissapear in orange smoke. I'm not sure how he could've been freed but I have a strange suspicion that it was someone that I knew. He a little too obsessed with him."




"So you're saying that dad might still be alive?!" Nya shrieked and slightly bounced as Kai rubbed his head.

"Yes, but he might be brainwashed."

"How do we get him back?" Nya's porcupine brother asked.

"There is a way to get there but you will have to go to a location called the 'portal pastures' which is very far from ninjago. I don't think that it would be wise to go alone and your mother certainly wouldn't let you go to a place so dangerous.

Besides, only the rulers of all the kingdoms know about this place and are forbidden to tell anyone else, they can tell their children though, so you can't even tell your guards to go there since they might use the portal for their own needs. I remember the time my friend decided to use the portal to sneak into people's houses. We had to make him swear up and down that he wouldn't tell anyone. We also added a few traps as well to prevent people from going there."

"But mom might let us go, if we tell her all this!" Nya suggested.

"Thank you so much for telling this to us uwu!" Kai grinned, his eyes sparkling with joy.

"Why thank- wait... are you the hooligan keeps adding the letter 'U' before my name on my front door?! Do you have any idea of how many times I had to wipe that off?!" Wu scolded, his face as red as a tomato. "My name is Wu! Not uwu!"

"No, I don't do that but I salute to whoever does." And with that they ended the call.

"Wait! But don't you wanna talk to m- oh..." Lloyd stared sadly at his phone as the two disconnected.


"Mom! Mom!" Nya shrieked as she ran through the castle halls earning wierd looks from everyone else.

"Nya! Is everything alright?!" Maya frantically asked, her voice laced with worry.

"We know what happened to dad!!!"

That of course caught Maya's attention and the siblings then launched into a detailed explanation of what uwu-I mean Wu told them.

"Well... I can't go because the kingdom needs me so I guess you can go.." Maya hesitated. "But, as much as I hate to say it, we are going to be taking help from the other kingdom's. They've lost people as well."

Kai clapped his hands together "So it's settled then. We set off to the portal pastures next week?"

"Yes but please be careful!"

"We will!"

~*~*~*~ONE WEEK LATER~*~*~*~

~I'm writing a letter nightly~

~now my life gets better every letter that you write me-oh wait, this isn't Hamilton.

"What's Hamilton?"

Nothing you uncultured swine.

"You're the one who's uncultured!" Jay retorted.

"Jay are you talking to yourself again? I told you to stop talking to yourself. It makes you look like a weirdo!" Jay's mother scolded him as he walked towards the large vehicle in front of him which looked like a very long RV.

He stepped inside. The place was packed with people. There were bunk beds on the walls across each other with a medium sized rug between them, the Windows had cream coloured curtains over them which were pulled aside to let natural light in, there was a kitchenette in one corner and a door a few feet next to it which Jay guessed was the bathroom since it had a sign which read "please remember to flush the toilet you hooligans! Nobody wants to smell your faeces!"

In the front of the vehicle were two seats, one of them for the driver which was currently occupied by a blond boy who was singing 'wheels on the bus' while madly turning the wheel left and right. That's definitely Lloyd. Jay thought. Next to Lloyd sat Wu who was casually reading a book as though all of this was normal.

A hand waved in front of him bringing him back to reality "I understand that you enjoy gaping around like an idiot but will you please sit down already!?" A female who Jay immediately recognized as Nyan-cat Smith yelled.

Just as he was about to respond, another voice interrupted him.

"Listen, I know that you two hate each other, we all do, but please try to keep the hate to a minimum. We're doing this to save the people we love!" Cole shouted and and two left each other alone.

Jay sat down on one of the bunk beds while Nya pulled the blond boy out of the driver's seat and started the engine. The vehicle roared to life and soon they were on the road.

"So where do we go?" She asked the old man sitting next to her.

"First of all we need to get out of ninjago." He said as he flipped a page.

Chattering then filled the vehicle which Zane was upset about since he wasn't able to hear his favorite song which was being played on the radio but everyone was grateful for that because nobody wanted to listen to twenty minutes of Justin bieber.

Eventually Jay got tired of listening to Cole complaining about the maniac who stole his cake and decided to look around.
He noticed that the vehicle was quite well crafted, the kitchenette had a built in drink machine which seemed to dispense ten different types of drinks, their was a small TV screen above the beds so everyone could watch their favourite shows at the same time, there was also a little robot that was going around, catering everyone's needs and it even had it's own power station!

"Wow." He wondered out loud "this thing is awesome!"

"Why thank you." A smug voice came from the driver's seat and Jay immediately regretted his words.

"I made the Destiny's bounty and Jole myself." Nya gestured to the knee sized robot which was serving her hot coffee "with some help from a friend of course. It took about a few monthes."

"Uh you didn't even let me finish." Jay spat "What I was going to say was 'this thing is awesome enough to be burnt'." Jay quickly rambled and then turned back to Cole.

Nya just rolled her eyes and focused on the road.


I'm honestly suprised that no one made the 'sensei uwu'. I remember seeing it in a meme once but I didn't see it anywhere else.

Ideas for the next chapter---->


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