Chapter 4: Hair hurricanes and Grease fires

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K so some of you couldn't see this when I first updated it so I've republished it. Hopefully you can see what going on this time.

Well hello there ;)

Not me updating after a literal year heh-

Anyway long story short, I'd lost motivation and was planning to delete this blah blah blah but decided against it and updated so yeah. Thank you to anyone that stuck around, it really means a lot to me :)
And as a treat, this chapter is nice and long so you'll have more stuff to enjoy and laugh at. (In a good way hopefully)

Anyway hope you enjoy and on with the story!


"I've had enough of this!" Wu yelled, flailing his arms before flying out of his seat and then sitting right next to it.

The hole in the ceiling was right above one of the seats in the small dining area near the kitchenette. That seat had recently became his because well... you can't really go to the passenger seat (Wu's original seat) anymore cause of the missing tyre and no one else wanted to sit beneath the hole. And now it was too late to exchange seating areas. Meaning that the old guy was constantly getting hit by bird droppings despite the hole being sealed off by duct tape. (Which is one of the reasons why he volunteered to sit there in the first place.) "What harm could a duct taped hole cause?" He had thought foolishly when he first sat down there. It took him only two minutes to realise how wrong he was. The birds seemed as though they were trying to torment him on purpose.

Garmadon snickered as he watched his brother grumpily sit on the floor next to the dining area. His rice hat almost completely white due to all the droppings.

It had taken almost an entire day to somewhat fix the RV and now the sun was setting. Nobody really did anything other than watching Tv and some exchanged light hearted conversation (though it soon turned into people abandoning the Tvs (its really hard to listen to your program with a million others at the same time) and just wasting time on their phones.) Jay kept gushing to Cole about this new game he had downloaded called, Super Karen goes grocery shopping and kept asking him to play it with him. After giving Jay one final punch in the shoulder, the rock boi went to bed despite it only being 7 pm.

Nya hadn't really been paying attention to whatever had been happening around her. All she knew at this moment was the road in front of her and the empty passenger seat beside her. She would have turned on the Radio but knew that the act would be met with several protests by her camper-mates. With them saying something along the lines of, "How dare you put on Taylor Swift! Saylor Twift is much better!" Or "Can we please listen to 'Baby' by Justin Beiber?"

Nya silently chuckled at the thought. She had to admit, these people were starting to somewhat grow on her.

"Hey!" Came a voice behind her. Glancing behind her she saw Jay standing just right in between the driver and passenger seat. His phone kept repeating the phrase, "I demand to see your manager!" In the most alien voice imaginable.

"What are you doing here?" Nya asked, eyes still on the road.

"Im boreddd" he whined. Slumping down next to her seat. "By the way you wanna hear about this new game I downloaded? Its called Super Karen goes grocery shopping and it is the most funniest thing ever! So basically you play as this Karen and..."

Nya tried to ignore him. She really did.

But she just couldn't. As soon as she told her brain to just let him ramble, it immediately went, "Nah fucc you bish. We listenin' today." And made her listen to every. Single. Word. Its a good thing that Jay didn't know that or he'd be holding that over her head for the rest of her life!

"... and then it gets revealed that the manager was actually her Ex husband and the real reason she kept calling him was because she missed him and wanted to see him again! It's quite a funny story. Would highly recommend..." Jay droned on and on. Completely unaware of what she was facing.

Eventually he quittened down and just played his game while leaning against her seat. Neither side said anything. For the first time both of them were actually coexisting peacfully. Jay focusing on his game and Nya focusing on driving.

Haha this image radiates such married vibes.

"Excuse me?" Jay whispered, not wanting to be heard by his future wi- I mean Nya.

"Hey!" He hissed like a sneky snek.

I'm saying the truth dummy dumb dumb. You   m a r r i e d .





"Listen here-"

Nya must have heard him because she immediately asked if he was saying something. Jay told her no and excused himself to bed.

But not before saying, "Aren't you gonna make a pit stop for the night? Like, you have to go to sleep to ya know."

"Nah I'll be fine. Jole will help me stay awake."

"He's charging right now."

"I'll help myself stay awake then."

"Oookay then." And with that, went to bed.

But not before quietly picking up a blanket and hastily draping it over Nya's shoulders while quickly muttering, "Its cold out, goodnight, bye bye." And then basically running back to bed. (Also he banged his head on the top bunk like a dum dum)

Shocked at the unexpected gesture, Nya watched him disappear into one of the RVs many bunk beds. Remembering that she was still driving, Nya turned back towards the road, slowly tightening said blanket around her. Silently laughing at the image of Jay banging his head on the bunk bed.

Awwww Jay, she liked your gesture!

"Shut up!" He grumbled into his pillow.



Ugh I don't get paid enough for this.


Zane was always aware of the fact that humans were very complicated beings and their ideas sometimes seemed unreasonable but actually weren't.

Though, he was pretty sure that there was no need to put caution tape all around the bathroom door. It was already well known that the bathroom was currently out of order (The sewage tank was gonna burst if anything else went into it) but taping it seemed a bit extra.

"Why did you do this again?" He asked Jay who was sprawled out on his bed.

"Its aesthetic Zane! An empty door looks way to boring! You gotta add some interest." He replied while poking Cole with his yucky and stinky foot, ("Hey!" Jay went as I wrote that) who sitting on the edge of his bed. "Cole, check out this game that I downloaded."

Cole rolled his eyes and whacked his friend's foot away from his face, "For the last time, I don't want to play Super Karen goes grocery shopping 2 with you ok?!"

"You have games on your phone!?" Chirped a familiar green boy.


Jole plopped down next to Zane, "Beep beep beep" he sighed.

"I also think that we're the only sane ones here, Jole." Zane responded. Good thing he knew how to talk the language of beep. The nindroid held onto the tiny robot and leaned against the window; watching the countryside roll by.

"I miss Pixal"


Choco studios presents:

*soft piano music*

Oh countrysideeee
I wish I had somebody by my sideeee

There's people all around me
But they don't know how to do laundry


Cant take this anymoreeeeeeeee
Oh countrysideeeeee

I wish I wasn't so alone.

I need the place that I call home.
Where I am
Not the only one

There's people all around me
That don't know how to do laundry


Oh countrysideeeeee


"Guys I think someone left Zane's speaker on again." Kai pointed out. His finger in the direction of Zane's open mouth through which music was pouring out of. Jole was bopping along to the tune in his arms.

Suddenly they pulled to a halt. The slightly battered vehicles, scattered toolboxes and the faint smell of petrolium told them where they were.

"Finally! We'll be able to go more than two inches without a bird crapping on my hat!" Said Wu, looking at the gaps through the duct taped hole. A white goo-ish substance dripped onto his rice hat as he spoke. Garmadon laughed at the sight.

They stepped out onto the sandy ground and were met by a man who appeared to be around his mid fifties. His name tag read "Twitchy Tim".

"Hiya fellas! Leaded or unleaded?" He questioned, pulling out two cans of gasoline from.... nowhere apparently.

"Quarter leaded please." Nya answered as though it was normal. "Yeah, our vehicle's a bit of a special case." She grinned sheepishly while rubbing the back of her neck.

"I see. Well I guess I'll have to pull out my chemistry kit!" He chuckled. "Would you kids like anything else? I've got tons of snacks and an Air conditioner inside!"


"I sure d-" but everyone was already sprinting towards the door before he could finish, leaving Nya and Zane behind.

"Can I have some Kerosene oil, please?" Zane politely asked. "Two cans of it." He added after hearing a beep from the small robot that he was still holding.

Nya raised her eye brow. "Isn't Kerosene oil like Alcohol for Nindroids?"

"No that's gasoline. Kerosene is more like those fruit drinks you find in juice boxes."

"Oh. Wait so whats Tar like for you?"

"Like a very thick caramel."

"And the unfiltered crude oil that all this comes from?"

"Nindroids do not drink that."

"I appreciate the Nindroid trivia but you kids need to get inside!" Twitchy said as he pushed the two towards the lone building.

~*~*~*~INSIDE THE GARAGE~*~*~*~

"Twitchy, I thought you said you had a working AC!" Edgy teenage Snape questioned, while lightly kicking the machine.

"I said I have an air conditioner but I never said that it was working!" Said the person in question. "Now if you don't mind me, I'm gonna go and look at that bounty of yours. You kids help yourselves to whatever you want. The juiceboxes are in the fridge!" And with he went out with Nya following behind.

Morro let out a heaved sigh and kicked the machine once more before flopping down on a nearby chair. With a snap of his fingers he made the wind flow in his general direction, delicately waving his hair as though he was in a shampoo commercial. Kai scoffed at said display and went on and on about his ankle length hair could wave around much better than Morro's shoulder length one. The emo goth kid responded by manipulating the wind to form a hurricane inside the porcupine's mess of a head, Making all the hair gel in it splatter on everyone else. His hair stuck out in all directions in sort of a swirling pattern.

"Morro!" Everyone yelled, wiping the gel off of them.

"What? He got what he deserved!" He said with a smug grin as he watched Kai try to shape his hair back to normal.

"🎶OH MAH POO POO SMELLS LIKE CRAP-🎶" Sang Kai's phone. The song clearly came from the sophisticated and successful, Choco Studios.

"Oh look, mom is calling!" Kai exclaimed. Accepting the call with his slightly gelled hands.

"Kai! Thank goodness you're still ok. How are you all and what on earth happened to your hair? Also how's my baby Nya? Is she alright? Did she brush her teeth this morning? Where is she?!" Maya's frantic voice rang through a pixelated version of her face. The Wifi is not the best in the middle of nowhere.

"She's outside. Long story short, the RV got a bit scratched up so we're at this garage and are getting it fixed."

"Scratched up? What happened?!" Mama Smith yelled and at that moment, Kai really wished he had just kept his mouth shut.

She demanded to hear the whole story from start till finish. She nearly fainted when hearing about the robbery done by Fugidove and his Fugigang ("I could've lost you too!"); worse was when Morro and Cole started making fake moaning noises which made her get even more suspicious.

"There's nothing going on mom! I'll talk to you later, bye, love you!" He frantically hit the 'end call' button. "What is wrong with you people?!" He shot at Morro and Cole who were basically screaming at this point. "Mom's gonna give me such a talking when we get back...."

"Rip." Said Jay like the quirky roblox kid he is. He didn't even say 'Rest in piece' just 'rip'. Smh thats so not fetch. #JayWalkerIsOverParty

After what felt like hours, Nya ran into the garage in an all excited. "GUYS THE RV'S FIXED!" She shouted. And after saying quick goodbyes to Twitchy, our favourite royals, robots and countrymen were back in the ol' bounty.

"YEEHAW!" Nya screamed and drove the RV away from the garage. She caught a glimpse of Twitchy waving at them through the sideview mirror.

"Soooo... does anyone wanna do something in celebration for the RV being fixed? Like maybe play a game or something like that." She said cheerfully a while later.

"Nya it's a hunk of metal. Not your flipping child." Kai remarked to which Zane, Jole and Nya audibly gasped.

"How DARE you say that! Jole and the bounty will always be like my children!" Nya said defensively.

"Well you're just a hunk of meat that will rot in a few years time! Depending on how long you live that is!" Zane cried.

"Beep beep beep! (Intercourse you, you little feaces!)" Jole beeped.

The three of them threw the objects nearest to them at Kai. Who responded by asking the first spinjitsu master why everyone was torturing him that day.

"If you don't want to be tortured then stop doing stuff that makes people torture you instead of my crying to my father about it, you insolent fool." Garmadon snapped as he breathed in black smoke while his brother breathed in the white one.

"I'm telling you, that stuff will mess up your lungs! The white smoke is much better!" His younger brother who somehow looked older than him said.

"You're just being racist to black smoke."


Tired of hearing their banter, Lloyd ran towards the passenger seat next to Nya, rudely pushing aside Jay who was planning to sit there for absolutely no reason at all (smh Lloyd, not letting my ship sail)

"Hey you suggested doing something fun to celebrate earlier." He said as he plopped down next her.

"Yeah. Got any ideas?"

"How about we go camping! Like we just roast some marshmallows outside the RV when we make a pit stop tonight. And then we come back inside after we're done."

"Can we do something that requires us to stay inside? I don't like the idea of risking the RV getting again..."

"Camping?! I've trying to avoid birds and you're going against that! Absolutely not! It took me a full ten minutes to get rid of those droppings from my hat!" Protested Wu; somehow hearing them from the other side of the RV.

Wait I just remembered that he's the son of the first spinjitsu master, meaning that he's a UwU baka wolfcat edgy demon princess fairy dragon, meaning that he has super hearing.

Anyway on with the story!

"Come on pleeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!" The green screen whined. "It's so nice out!"


"Please please please-"

"I said no."


"You know what lets just go camping, we're gonna be outside for a few minutes after all." Cole chimed in, pulling back Jole, who was about to hit Lloyd with a crow bar.


~*~*~*~AT THE CAMPSITE~*~*~*~

"Ah it's so nice to finally breath the night air again after being in a vehicle for so long. Isn't that right, brother?" Garmadon gestured at Wu who was holding an umbrella over his head while pouting.

"Who wants hotdogs? I'm making 'em!" Shouted Cole. Kai was helping him set up the grill, which did not sit well with Nya, who was carrying a fire hydrant around with her. Just in case y'know?

Eyes still on Kai and fire hydrant still in hand. She joined everyone else in singing sea shanties around the campfire.

Wait SEA shanties? On something other than a ship?! Jay, you need to tell them to stop! This is treason!!!!

But Jay did not listen and continued to sing like the criminal he is. No wonder his parents named him Jay Walker. His entire life is a crime!


Choco Studios Presents:
"Sea Shanty"

(Pirate voice)

Oh ye ye ye ye
Sea shantyyyy
Ye ye ye ye

I am just a young sailor
But I have really big dreams
To search for treasure chests
And to dominate the seven seas

Ye ye ye ye
Ye ye ye ye

Now I'm an elderly pirate
Ive seen the ups and downs
I've conquored the seven seas
And captured princesses in gowns

Ye ye ye ye
Ye ye ye ye


While everyone else was busy doing treason, Kai and Cole managed to accidentally set the grill on fire. Good that Nya had a fire extinguisher on hand because she immediately managed to put it out.

"You know what lets just stick to marshmallows..." Said Cole, looking at the pile of ashes where the BBQ once stood.

"You idiot! I got that grill for my birthday! A random citizen of Ice-issipi gave it to me-" Kai cried.

"Oh shut up."

Eventually everyone was gathered around the campfire and were toasting marshmallows whike keeping up light hearted conversation.

"Hey I forgot to say thank you for the blanket last night." Nya said as she sat down next to Jay, Fire hydrant still in hand. "Thanks." She smiled.

Oh mah gawd.

Is it happening already?!

Are they actually-

"-you idiot."

Aaaaand were back. *sigh* I'm gonna have to ask Jay to raise my salary. I want to get paid ten thousand at the very least if I'm gonna be dealing with this sort of crap.

"You're welcome, dumby dumb dumb." Jay replied.

"But its not I needed it or anything."

"Yeah you certainly didn't."

A high pitched scream shifted their attention to Cole jumping onto Wu's shoulders as he tried to squirm away from a particularly slimy slug. Everyone being too caught up in the havoc, did not notice Lloyd's marshmallow catching fire and dropping onto the sandy ground.

"Everyone there's a fire!" One of our hobos finally piped and now the attention was turned towards the small flame.

Good thing Nya still had her fire hydrant in hand. Because she immediately leapt into action and put it out.

"Is everyone ok?!" She asked. Just then a sneky snake came up and ate their marshmallows. Everyone screamed and backed away. Garmadon, a firm hater of snakes grabbed everyone, stuffed them inside the RV, leapt into the drivers seat and drove them away from the campsite. Finally making a pit stop once he was sure they were in a location where no harn could come to them.

Man, Worst camping trip ever.


You know the drill --->

If anyone's wondering why Nya didn't use her powers to extinguish the BBQ fire. It's because putting water on grease fires is NEVER a good idea. Always use a fire extinguisher!

Also because we cant have Nya promoting dangerous activities. Sheesh, can you imagine the scandal?!

And fun fact! Originally, Nya was unable to estinguish the marshmallow fire and Garmadon was just gonna dump them all in the car with the fire still burning but I felt that would be a little to irresponsible for a guy like him so I ended up changing it lmao.

Anywho hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next part!

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