Side Quest: Meet The Family

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A/N: Side quests are filler episodes in which fills plot holes I might have forgotten. This happens in the Sports Festival Prep.

3rd POV

At this Saturday, after a day of teaching Momo the ropes of the firearm. She had an idea in which made Y/N's stomach turn.

Y/N: Momo it is nice to meet your parents but are you sure they won't mind you dating me?

Momo: Of course you are my boyfriend after all. Cmon.

With that Momo dragged Y/N to their mansion. They were greeted by the head butler. Then he lead the couple to the living room.

Head Butler (HB): I'll call in your parents. Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu.

Momo: Thanks Dareen.

The HB went to another room. Momo then talk to Y/N to pass the time.

Momo: Why are you nervous love. I know that meeting them is a normal thing happening to young couples like us but I can assure you it wouldn't be that bad.

Y/N: I know that Momo but what if they don't like me?

Momo: My love it wouldn't be such thing. You are definitely the topic at the dinner table when I told them about-

(In the time of writing I ran into a brick wall when thinking of Momo's dad's hero name. So I thought of a synonym of create. Fabriq was stuck in me. Shortened from Fabricate)

Her father which seems to the old blood hero Frabriq and her mother came into the living room. Y/N stood up and greeted her parents.

Y/N: A fine day to you both Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu. I am Y/N L/N, I am your daughter's lover.

Fabriq: easy son. So you are the kid who got my daughter's heart. It is nice to meet you as well.

Monica: my my Momo, it's like how you describe him, I do remember when I talked to his father. He kept to himself doing something with a gaming thing.

Y/N: what now?

Monica: Oh didn't your father tell you. My my Mr L/N is a well known director. I have invested in his studios.

Y/N: Huh I have heard of a rich company investing in my dad's studio guess it's y'all.

Fabriq: Enough about that why don't you sit and let's chat.

The young man complied and relaxed. Momo then hold his hand assuring her. This in turn gave him a relaxing moment when the father dug to him.

Fabriq: I have heard stories about you when my dear Momo tell of her days starting UA, Her knight in shining armor, the drill instructor

He chuckled going to say the last part.

Fabriq: ... Her training "dummy" hahahaha.

In turn Momo and her mother giggled as well at my new name.

Y/N: Really Momo? Training Dummy? I heard even more insulting words from C4 than that.

Momo: Well you are always a stonewall when it comes to melee training with me.

The men chuckled and the ladies giggled again. The room's atmosphere is now lively.

Fabriq: Enough about that tell me about yourself and why my daughter is your lover?

Y/N: Well sir I am Y/N L/N, my quirk is to be able to integrate everything with video games. Your daughter, I see her as a precious angel. We maybe heroes in training, but it's in my head, the urge to be the one protecting someone, no matter the cost.

Fabriq takes a look at Y/N from top to bottom and sighed.

Fabriq: Come with me to the Training room. Both of you.

At that moment he knew he was in a predicament he needs to perfect. Momo and Y/N up and went with him, as well as Mrs Yaoyorozu.

They got to the training room. It's more of a Victorian looking with a hint of modernity. As the young man look around, the pro hero summoned a kali stick and a training pistol. The stick was thrown to Y/N and Fabriq gave his wife the pistol.

Fabriq: Momo said you have been helping her improve her aim. Show me what you got.

Y/N: With pleasure. This is a Machine pistol. Recoil is decent enough to control.

Amidst talking he gave Momo a Frenzy, painted blue all around with streaks of yellow by the barrel (Live Wire Frenzy from Valorant)

Y/N: Fitted with rubber bullets. 13 rounds per mag. Perfect for runners. I'll close in to the man.

Momo: Ok.

The head butler entered the room and raised his hand, signalling us to get ready.

Y/N: Melee Reboot: Geo Archon (Genshin Impact)

With that Y/N helds his kali stick as it was a polearm and they all took a stance.

Monica: I love it when we train our daughter Masayoshi. Takes me back on my fighter days.

Fabriq: Just to get the company leadership? Please, you wanted to train with me everyday with that. Count us down Dareen.

Head Butler: Engage!

With that the elders engaged with a rush attack, Monica shoots Y/N with the rubber rounds. To Y/N it's nothing even hard as Momo's first response was to make a shield and protect Y/N.

Y/N: That's my dear girlfriend. Cover your eyes. Future Reboot: Radiant/Radiant Terminator

Momo: Hmph and let you get hurt? We are partners after all.

Y/N made a rocker hand sign and bounce a flash bang (Yoru Flash Valorant). He then run to Monica and held her by the neck locked with the kali stick.

Monica: I yield L/N.

Y/N then senses every punch coming and dodges it. With the rage of her wife that yielded, Fabriq tried to end him quickly.

Fabriq: You are fast kid.

Y/N: Thanks, Agility 10 helps.

Y/N dropped to the floor and did a hand stand kick Fabriq on the stomach. Rubber bullets flew to Fabriq as his daughter shoots him.

Fabriq made his own shield and now guarding against Momo. Fast paced multi tasking had him on a pickle and now defense is his only option. Y/N held a purple glowing knife. He said in a robotic voice

Y/N: I love your daughter. I would do everything to make her safe.

Fabriq: Show me what you got!

Y/N threw the suppressing knife (Kay/O ZERO/Point Valorant) to Fabriq's Shield. This suppressed his ability to use quirks. Y/N walked up to him and held the Kali stick on to his neck, voice back to normal.

Y/N: Told you that I'd win. Protecting Momo is my duty. I will make sure-

Fabriq: Welcome to the family son.

Momo went to her father with a first aid kit. While Y/N removed his knife onto the elder's shield. The unscathed Mrs. Yaoyorozu went up to her husband helping.

Fabriq: in the pro hero scene you are an asset. Both of you. I want to see you both grow powerful and be in the spotlight.

Momo: Thank you father. Now stay still.

Using an ice pack all the bruises are being healed. Y/N then help on the other part. After being healed the four went back in to the living room.

HB: Might I ask what does the young master want to drink?

Fabriq: Y/N?

Y/N: Oh is that so? I'd like a medium glass of Mtn Dew if not a problem. Else I'd like some water.

HB: Absolutely we have one, Please give me a moment.

Monica: I love how you and Momo work together. Momo he is a keeper hon.

Momo blushed on the thought and Fabriq spoke up (As a civilian he will be addressed as Masayoshi. As a Pro, Fabriq)

Masayoshi: make sure you protect our one and only daughter Y/N. I will see to it that you deserve her.

9 P on
The head butler came back and gave the ladies their afternoon tea, Masayoshi a light alcoholic drink and Y/N his cola. He then stood at the side of the room, waiting for further instructions.

Y/N: Just watch sir I am what I do best.

The 4 of them laughed and chatted that day.

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