The Rich and Rotten

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ꜰɪɴᴅ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴠᴀʟᴜᴀʙʟᴇ


ᴘᴏʀᴛᴇᴄᴛ ɪᴛ ᴀᴛ ᴀʟʟ ᴄᴏꜱᴛꜱ.

|| Emir Charron

|| Nineteen

|| Moroccan

|| Male

|| Lower class

|| English, French & Arabic

|| It's a tad more complicated that it should be. He gave up on school when he was about thirteen years old, due to unfortunate events, and has been working ever since. He found his way around for a penny or two as a child, and found official jobs later in life. He's currently assigned the position of a kitchen boy for the Ambroise family, but that doesn't stop him from taking a variety of other sidejobs.

|| Emir was the firstborn in a loving couple's marriage, and even back then, it was difficult for them to support one child only. Two more additions to the family - twins - by the time he's eight years old, and things become even more difficult for them. His mother had become weaker, due to the strain of giving birth to not one but two children, in poor medical conditions. In order to let her rest, his father had started taking a lot of side jobs, he was in a situation where he would do anything for money as long as he could allow the bare necessities to be given to his whole family. The young boy watched the struggles of his family, he would've dropped out of school if it weren't for his mother encouraging him that he was smart, that if he had a decent academic background, he would be more helpful if that's what he really wanted. It was when she died, around his preteens, that he gave up on school and started working part time for whatever pocket money he could gain.

He was a smart child, indeed, he was a quick-learner, and had a knack for linguistics. Not only did the gears in his mind turn faster than expected, he was also swift on his feet, the active type who wouldn't mind breaking a sweat and exhausting himself despite being a child. He didn't forget his mother's memory, in whatever little time he had when he wasn't taking care of his younger siblings, or working himself to the bone, he practised his speaking in different languages. He wasn't doing everything alone back then, his father still had his job, but when Emir didn't pay attention his father had started collecting money from others along with debts. They've piled up which led to the old man losing his way, abstaining from work and the people's complaints, hiding himself in their small house, in what Emir called shame.

It was up to the teenager himself to stall for time, sell whatever he could, even memories of his deceased parent and of his childhood, working multiple jobs, while begging his father to at least look after his little brother and sister when he couldn't. By the time he was sixteen, his whole family travelled to France in hopes of finding better financial opportunities. His father was old, tired, sick of trying so hard for nothing [ with the time that passed, so did the shame he had for pushing everything onto his son ] - before they knew it, they had to return to Morocco. However, it was then that the boy had learnt of Prosperina and of the vast possibilities that paid better than those in his hometown. Ever since that adventure, he'd find himself going back to that place every year during the summer, on his own, working as a kitchen boy for the Ambroise, while taking on other side gigs.

|| 175cm

|| Younes Kahlaoui

|| This man knows no limits when it comes to working, he's the kind of guy who puts his all into what he's doing, and makes a ton of compromises in order to do it well. He is somewhat cautious, in terms of making sure to plan his expenses carefully, and of keeping the money safe. However, he believes in a simple lifestyle, where even if there's a penny more than the bare necessity, it shouldn't be wasted on others things. Emir's a familist, he would do anything for his siblings and father, and as you can see he'd already done so much - he'd worked since young, gave up school despite having massive potential, dealt with a ton of discrimination and swallowed his pride just to earn some money. That's why, he could be called a passive lad. He hates being in the spotlight, even if it's not his fault, so when people call him names or act like assholes for no reason other than his financial status or ethnicity, he just listens and tries to avoid conflict. He's not the type to advocate for violence, for he wishes to solve problems without raising his fists. He could fight if he wanted to, and he is confident in his strength, it's just that he doesn't want to prove their trash-talking right. He isn't a saint, still, he does hold grudges. Of course, Emir doesn't put those thoughts into action, but he certainly does not forget who'd wronged him in the past. He has a great memory and uses it to keep tabs on people he should bypass in the near future. Despite being such a hard worker, and the type of person who doesn't like taking breaks, he is a genuinely fun person.

" 𝐼𝒻 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔'𝓈 𝓌𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔, 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝓃 𝓂𝑒. "

He's well-spoken and charismatic, knows his way around groups of people, and how to handle large events. He doesn't feel stressed when meeting new people, and has gotten used to acing his interviews - unless the interviewers are racists and biased - due to his mannerisms and persuasive skills. However, Emir isn't the most loveable person. Sure, he's the definition of a nice, modest guy. Even so, he prioritises his family over anything else, so much that whatever relations he makes don't last for long. He can be two-faced without meaning to, sweet when you first meet him and then you have to watch him as he becomes more uncaring and focused on meeting ends. He feels responsible for his relatives' well-being, to a point where it's saddening to watch him gradually distance himself from most people, including his family members. If he had the ambition and encouragement, he could've topped classes as a child, he could've went far into the academic life, but he'd concluded that it would've been useless. As long as he maintains a somewhat healthy lifestyle,  and a decent physical shape, he can move on in life even without the academic background - work isn't just about that developed baggage of knowledge, it could be something practical too, at least that's what he believes.

" 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝐼'𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓂𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝒸𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝒶𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝒾𝒻 𝒾𝓉 𝒽𝑒𝓁𝓅𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓉. "

Emir's the kind of guy who's a good listener, who can advise you on what to do, who can help you improve. But, at the same time, he doesn't follow his own advices. He's great at dealing with people and at helping them, but he doesn't know how to take better care of himself. To him, it doesn't matter. What's important is that those he cares about are doing good. Of course, he would help about anyone as long as they haven't wronged him in the past - he's not naive - but, he puts family first before anything else. He won't waste his time with you if it interrupts him from doing something for those he loves. In this case, it means his younger siblings ( and father, to a certain extense). He wants to be a perfect older brother figure, heck, he knows his self-worth and that he's doing more than enough. Yet, he remains humble when in front of strangers or acquaintances. He doesn't complain and pushes forward for a better future. There's bad in the word, but if he tries hard enough, he can make a safe place for them if not for everyone. Whatever the bigger, worse picture might be, as long as he paints his own image of bliss somewhere within, it's all right in his eyes.


— likes
|| He loved observing them when he was younger, so much that he realised how pure they are compared to humans. He'd always wanted a pet, not only could they not afford it, but he also had a sense of guilt whenever he imagined having one, because that would mean taking away their freedom.

*the setting sun*
|| It's an image implemented at the back of his mind, of the good days when he'd help his mother soothe one of his siblings while watching the sunset. Shushing, storytelling, cradling, the nostalgia feels him with an odd sense of calmness whenever he watches the sun who'd witnessed so much of his fragile memories.

*making lists*
|| He wants to keep himself organised, and while his writing might not be the best, he knows how to take some notes in order to remind himself of what he had to do for the day. He's quite busy, and he needs to check his lists all the time.

|| You know the saying, money isn't everything. Living in riches can become dull once he gets accustomed to it, and perhaps that's why people who've come to achieve that have become so rotten at the core. He wants to rise in ranks, but never get that high - enough for him to remember what it was like being at the lowest of his hard, but simple life.

|| If it wasn't obvious already, the boy loved exploring his surroundings. He liked walking to school way earlier than needed, turning back and forth until it was time to go in, satisfied  after having gotten a fresh breath of air.

*earning money*
|| Despite seeing what possessions make of people, he needs it, so much that the idea of earning some had grown on him. He feels validated when he succeeds in snatching yet another good job, or when he finds something he could deal with for a good price.

|| The only complex structures that he's truly interested in, and that most of the rich families seem to have around their houses too. Pieces like these have changed his impression of art, and had made him trust the ideal of working with something you're passionate about, like art. Not that he'd ever do that.

|| He might be humble, but it does make his day slightly better when people recognise his hard work. It's not something he'd boast about, or something that would put him on a high horse, since he doesn't receive it often to begin with. At least, not from genuine people.

|| What's the point of living if it's only for yourself? If you have to abandon every other being for your own gain? It's dull and pitiful, which is why he doesn't want to associate himself with anyone selfish.

*the rich, or, stuck-up people in general*
Arrogance comes and goes these days, in these places especially, he's used to it by now. That doesn't mean he fancies it, who would?

*being accused of something he hasn't done*
Imagine being blamed for something based on your appearance, that's how life works for some, and he'd come to absolutely despise it. Prejudices and feigning ignorance are the main causes, that's for sure.

* conspiracy theories*
Emir is tired of hearing people make exaggerated stories out of rumours. The rich can be a pain in the ass, but their workers - the people who are in the same situation as him - can be just as annoying with their constant yapping.

Rather than hating someone for being lazy, he hates making excuses for himself in order to procrastinate and whatnot. He doesn't really care about the others, it's more about self-judgement when it comes to slacking.

Listen. If they want society to change, it's not going to work by everyone keeping quiet when they clearly shouldn't. It's not about being dependent when they have other possibilities in front of them. If the world's that bad, it's not going to move forward by people standing still and being controlled by the cold hearts at the top. He dislikes people who whine about these controversial problems, but don't even try to fight against it.

— sexism
|| He shaped his beliefs and perspectives solely based on his parents, that's why he noticed how they've both had their downfalls. Women can be strong, and so can men,  his mom was strong in her selflessness and his father had been a strong head of the family, but they both had their collapses. He thinks that not everyone's equal, some men can be stronger than some women, and viceversa, from a physical or mental aspect, but that doesn't mean one gender should receive the same flawed treatment because of certain inidviduals.

— the García family
|| The only things he knows is from the rumours, and he trusts them to a certain degree. After all, no matter how exaggerated, impressions have some truth to them. He'd rather stray away from trouble, unless there's something he could profit from if he ever crosses paths with them.

— homophobia
|| Emir understands where some people come from regarding their harsh opinions on people who are anything other than heterosexual, but the young man himself remains indifferent. Their lives don't involve his, they can love and fuck whoever they want for all he cares. He knows what discrimination's like, he isn't going to immediately spit on someone for their sexuality. 

— racism
|| As someone who's dealt with quite a lot of racism, in Prosperina from the old rich farts mostly as he seems to get along quite well with normal people, he thinks that it's nothing but wrong perceptions and limitations. Racists are the epitome of idiocy, and he isn't afraid to speak his mind regarding this [ unless the consequences include losing his workplace, that's when he has to swallow his pride ].

— the Ambroise family
|| They're the very meaning of the kind of people he hates, but being a kitchen boy has quite a decent wage, especially for someone like him. He acts respectful and understanding, but deep down he can't wait until he gets himself a better job offer and rid himself of these higher-ups.

— sex, drugs, drinking
|| Drugs are something he had promised himself not to touch, no matter how curious, because he doesn't want to face legal repercussions when he's the only working member of his family. That, and he's certain of the fact that his bluntness wouldn't come in handy when high. However, he is quite the good drinker. He can handle his alcohol and he doesn't shy from drinking whenever he has time to spare to destress. He knows that he has to take breaks sometimes, and who knows, drinking with others might help him make connections. It's something occasional, unless someone pays for him. As for sex, it's a known thing amongst the people of Prosperina that a lot of females have approached him for various reasons. It mostly led to conflicts with other men, eh, that didn't stop him. It's a given that he'd had his way with some of them, but it's been clearly nothing more than one night stands. Sure, it could be romantic, but to him it's another way of coping with stress, it's for purely entertainment purposes and ways to let himself loose. He's not a cheater, though, he hadn't really been into any full-fledged relationships.


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