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This chapter is an entry for the Halloween Drabble Challenge by Short Story profile (Halloween Vault Prompt #10)

Word count: 100

"How much do they cost?"

Her starfish-like palm slams on the cupboard. "For the infinitieth time . . . they aren't on sale, Holloween!"

The persistent artifact collector's gaze sweeps over the acid-preserved skulls, beasts' eyeballs, jump-scaring pumpkins, jarred blood-like orbs . . .

"Do choose which collection you want to become." A wicked grin spreads across her features.

But as Madame Traille reveals her vulture-feathered wand, Holloween also reveals his weapon—a wand with a peacock's feather.

"How shocking." Madame Traille sneers. "I'm in need of a new collection. Let's see which one of us will rest on that shelf."

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