Childhood Memories- Calla

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     Calla, in her room across the hall, tossed and turned as her nightmare reigned. Thor and Loki, in their rooms, slept soundly.

     Finally shaking the dream, Calla woke, momentarily disoriented, and remembers that she is spending the week at the palace, and that her brothers were not around to comfort her. She decided to try and fall asleep again, to no avail.

     The dream still haunted her thoughts, and she required solace; however, she was old enough to visit the palace on her own, and thus, could not find Queen Frigga in her chambers so late at night over something so trivial. Thor and Loki were at the stage where comforting her was unnatural, and was also out of the question.

     She laid in bed for a while longer, unable to get back to sleep, and still shaken from the nightmare. After much debate, Calla decided to ask Loki for help. She believed that surely he had learned tame magic in his lessons that could ensure good, safe dreams for the remainder of the night.

     She slipped out of bed and quietly made her way to the suite's door. She opened it and checked for guards, only to find the vast, golden hall empty. Without wasting another moment, Calla tiptoed across the hall to Loki's massive, golden doors. She did not wish to cause a ruckus, so she lightly tapped on the left door before opening it just enough to slip through.

     Inside his room, Calla found that her knock did not wake him. She turned and softly closed his door. "Loki?" Her words failed to wake him initially, and she tried again, louder, "Loki?"

     He stirred, and sat up a little, shaking off the sleep, "Huh? Who is it?"

     Calla looked down, her cheeks flaming from the embarrassment of requiring solace, "Tis Calla."

     Loki sat up straight, eyebrows knitting in confusion, "Calla?" he asked, "Why are you up so late at night?"

     "I," Calla began, keeping her back against his doors, "I... had a nightmare, and have failed to fall back asleep." Loki's mouth opened as he prepared to speak, but closed as she continued, "My brothers are not here with me, and... since you have been studying magic with your mother, I thought you may know of something to help."

     Loki was silent for a few moments, and Calla immediately felt guilty for asking. "I apologize," she mumbled, turning back to the door and opening it a little, "I should not have bothered you with something so trivial."

     "Wait!" Loki's voice filled his room, "No," he said, softer, "Tis alright. Come over here, Calla. I shall try my best to assist."

     Calla silently closed the door and walked to the bed where he sat, and took a place on the edge.

     "Would you like to talk about it?" Loki asked.


     "I cannot ensure pleasant dreams for you when you fall back asleep, but I the least I can do is try to help you feel better." Calla looked down at her hands.

     "I know not if t'would be a wise idea..." she said, "T'was a dream that would only scare you, as it did I." The corners of Loki's mouth turned down a little as he took one of his throw blankets and handed it to her.

     "Tis alright," he said as Calla wrapped the blanket around herself, "I would rather you not shoulder such a dream alone." A hint of a smile flickered across Calla's face, and Loki grinned, "There we go. We're mostly there to getting this all sorted out. So... care to share?"

     Calla sighed, fingering the blanket. "T'was about everyone."


     Calla nodded miserably, holding back tears, "I dreamt of terrible things..." Loki stayed quiet, awaiting elaboration, "I dreamt..." She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, "That we were all older, and both you and Thor did things that drove you apart so much that you could hardly stand being in the same room as one another, and me, Sif, and the others were sent to various realms in order to lessen the friction between you."

     Loki stopped Calla, his hand held up, "What things, if I may ask?"

     "Tis merely a dream," Calla mumbled, "It matters not."

     Loki sighed a little, "I know," he said, attempting to mask his curiosity, "However, tis better to talk about it it," he looked to calla, his eyes reflecting the hope and curiosity that filled him, dearly hoping that she would tell him.

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