Dinner Party: Part 1

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     "Now, turn around. I need to put your hair up." I grimace a little as I do as I'm told, and Sif begins to twist my hair into a chignon bun, "I saw that look, Calla." she says with an amused look.

     "Why must we dress so formally? Tis merely a dinner party, not a ball or a feast." Sif had come into my chambers earlier, shooed Loki out to do something, and spent the rest of the afternoon getting us ready.

     "You know not?"


     "Alright," Sif says, turning me back around to face her, a mischievous look on her face, "I have arranged a surprise."

     "A surprise?"

     "Yes! Not even Loki has said anything to Thor, or you would know by now, I am certain of it!"

     I laugh, and make my way to the wardrobe, "And what is this surprise?" Sif perches on the edge of the bed, eyes shining.

     "I could not bear to see Thor so removed lately, so I arranged to bring Jane Foster here for tonight's dinner party." I know her surprise for Thor took courage from her, and I cannot be be prouder.

     "Are you certain that you are alright with that?" I pull out my favourite formal dress in my colour: purple. Sif doesn't respond, and I turn to find her looking down at her hands.

     "Thor..." she begins, "cares deeply for Jane Foster. And because I care for him as he cares for her, 'tis the least I can do."

     I give her a sympathetic smile, "I admire you for that, Sif. It takes a great person to do that."

     Sif nods and stands quickly- her way of brushing it all off, "No need to dwell on this, Calla," she steers me to the washroom, "Go finish getting ready."


     There is a knock on the bedroom door, causing Sif and I to jump. 'Might I come in?'  Loki asks through my mindlink with him, a bit of dryness in his tone that easily implied the slight annoyance of having to ask to enter his own room.

     'Yes, of course.' The door swings open to reveal Loki, with Thor behind him.

     "Are you two ready?" Loki asks, "Tis nearly time for us to be at the tavern."

     "My, Brother," Thor muses, stepping up and clapping a hand on Loki's shoulder, "I have not seen you so eager to go to a tavern in a century!" Loki only closes his eyes for a moment, biting back a snark remark. "What, no comment?" Thor asks, chuckling a little, "You have grown soft!"

     "I have not grown soft." Loki retorts, scowling.

     "I beg to differ," Sif interrupts, nudging me towards the brothers and the door, "Now, no arguing, unless you wish to be late."


     Now comes our role in this scheme of Sif's. Loki mindlinks, a sly smile on his face.

     A role? I knew not anything about this, Loki. What are we to do? As an answer, Loki brings up illusions of us while Thor and Sif enter the tavern. I turn to Loki, raising an eyebrow in question. "What exactly are we doing, Loki?" I ask as he leaves our illusions to Thor and Si, and leads me through the streets of Asgard, past the soldiers on horseback and children running and attempting to catch snowflakes in the twilight.

     "We," Loki begins as we near the beach, waving his hand and creating a set of stairs to the BiFrost, "Are the ones retrieving Jane Foster."


     "Why did we not merely teleport to the BiFrost?" I ask as we near the golden dome.

     "She has not arrived," Loki replies simply, "We have time, regardless. There is no rush."

     "A little late, are we?" Heimdall asks, turning from his sword to give us a small smirk.

     "Since Jane Foster has yet to arrive..." I begin, attempting to give an acceptable reason.

     "Prince Loki decided to take the long way here," Heimdall finishes for me, earning a scowl from Loki, "Jane Foster is nearly ready. T'will be but a few moments."

     "Then we shall wait just outside," Loki replies, taking my hand and pulling me along. We sit on the side of the bridge that faces opposite Fenris' Island, toward the mountains that my home is near, the colours of the bridge running in spurts beneath us inside the crystal.

     "How was Lady Jane notified of this surprise?" I ask, looking out over the water, "Tis something I would expect from you, but not Sif." 

     Loki laughs lightly, "I have my ways of getting things through without the inter-Realm box of yours." he says cooly, looking up at the sky, which is now filled with stars and the colours from other realms and galaxies.

     "And what did Sif have to do in order for you to do that?"

     "Mmmm..." He shrugs, a mischievous glint in his emerald eyes, "Not much..."

     "And how much is 'not much', exactly?" I prod, gently elbowing him.

     "She merely has to be an accomplice of min for my next few schemes," he admits, grinning, "Although, she made me swear on Frigga's name that I would not get her in too terribly much trouble." I dissolve into laughter, not doubting his words a single bit.

     "Of course you would, Loki." He joins me in laughter for a moment before we fall silent as we hear Heimdall's sword slide into place, signalling his preparation to transport Lady Jane.

     Loki stands and holds out his hand to me. "Shall we?"

     "We shall." He helps me up, and we enter the BiFrost moments before the dome walls begin to spin, and await Jane Foster's arrival.

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