The Worry

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no, most of the time-

she worries.

She never told me,

but after time,

she opened up,

blossoming like a flower in spring,

yet, she never

blatantly told me how much she worries.

She worries about the unknown,

she worries over whether or not she can see the things in the world she reads about,

she worries that someday, she'll be disappointed.

She worries about the good and the  bad,

she worries over reality and fantasy,

she worries over everything at one point or another.

But she never told me.

I figure it's because

she worries that I'll always be worried about her, and

worries that her world will be full of the people she loves who are worrying.

Without her ever telling me,

I know because

I know her, I love her,

I care about her, I cherish her.

She worries over the possibility of car accidents every time she gets in a car,

she worries about getting jaywalking tickets if she does not stay on a crosswalk the entire time,

she worries about worrying too much.

She may worry too much,

she may stress over unnecessary things,

she may not be who she strives to be,

But that's exactly what makes me stay by her side.

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