A Japanese Adventure

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     "Going out?" I turn to face Loki, who snuck up behind me, as I finish tying my coack, and nod.

     "Indeed. Thor and I are to check on old Asgardian artifacts in Norway." Loki's half-smile starts to fade as I speak, "However," I add quicky, "We will only be gone for but a short time. Then I have a surprise trip for you."

     "Japan?" He sighs, pulling out a small piece of paper and handing it to me, "You happened to lose your itinerary the other day in the hall." he chuckles as my cheeks redden, "Not to worry, Love. I would not have guessed Japan as a destination. More..." he plays with a lock of my hair, "Alfheim."

     "Well, Japan can be just as beautiful as Alfheim," I retort, looking up at him.

     "With you there, of course it it" Loki smirks after he speaks.

     Rolling my eyes, I smack him lightly on the arm, "Hush..." Loki only laughs.

     "Go on. You cannot keep Thor waiting."


     "How was Norway? Oh, I have not visited for centuries!" Sif gushes after sheathing her sword.

     "T'was still magnificent!" I reply truthfully, smiling warmly, "Far more populated and industrialized, but still as beautiful."

     "Tis good," Sif sighs, "I should tag along next time. Perhaps we could convince Son of Coul to joing us when we arrive!"

     "T'would be quite the sight!" I giggle.

     "Not only is she lucky enough to go to Norway, but Father has asked her to take Loki to Japan for something," Thor adds as his spar next to us ends.

     "To check in on shrines and to check in on an Asgardian living there," I mumble, "Nothing much."

     "There is an Asgardian there?" Loki asks from the archway to my right as he nears us, "That," he says, smirking, "was not on your itinerary."

     "That," I argue, "Was only a part of the itinerary." Loki only shakes his head.

     "Well, I shall have you know that your itinerary requires alterations..." he says with a smirk, wrapping an arm around my waist once he reaches me.


     "Indeed. Our trip begins..." Loki pretends to check a watch, "In an hour."

     "An hour?!" Thor, Sif and I repeat in shock, earning a chuckle from him.

     "Apparently, you are needed elsewhere in Midgard after going to Japan, so Odin made changes."

     "Are you certain you can be ready in an hour" I ask Loki with a smirk.

     "Of course I can," he scoffs

     "Without the assistance of magic?" The corners of his mouth turn down as I ask, and he glares at me a little. I look to Sif, "I apologize, but if you will excuse us, it appears that Loki requires every minute to be prepared to leave."


     "Coup de foudre," Loki mumbles as we cross an ancient Japanese bridge in Tokyo.

     "Pardon?" I ask, slowing my pace and looking up at him.

     "Shougenai," he replies with an amused look, clearly enjoying his game.

     "Tis not as if I did not understand you," I say, rolling my eyes.

     "I know that," he laughs, smirking a little, "Merely thinking aloud, is all..."

     "About what, if I may ask?" Loki gently pulls me to the side as a group of school children barrel down the bridge.

     "Mmmm.... about how Mother was right..." he glances at the river.

     "How was she right?"

     "My... curious today, aren't we?"

     "I'm always curious."

     "Shall we go with talkative, then?"

     I shake my head lightly, fighting the smirk making it's way onto my face, and lead him down the road along the river.

     "About you."


     "I answered your question," Loki replies with a bemused smile.


     "Really!" He laughs, holding his hands up in mock surrender, "T'was that. Mother was right about you." I knew better than to get offended by his attempt at a true compliment.

     "How so?" I ask, looking up at him.

     "Shougenai... coup de foudre... det er skjebnen... Du kan inte ha någon bättre ..." he lists with a sad smile, emerald eyes sparkling, "All thins Mother used to jest about whenever she would tease me about you."

"About me?"

"She knew from the start that we were a perfect match, I suppose..." I take his hand, still listening, and lead him off the bridge and down a side road, "She always thought I should choose you, Calla."

"Mmm..." I cannot help but think of the countless times that Frigga tried to convince me to win him over, especially when we were of age.

"I suppose she knew best," Loki mumbles quietly, turning his gaze to me, smiling softly.

"It seems to be so," I say, blushing, still not quite accustomed to his romanticism.

"What in the Nine Realms is that?"

I look ahead to find what Loki was asking about to find a massive, traditional Japanese mansion, with Yokai flitting in and out of sight inside the gate. "That," I begin, "Is our destination."

"And what are those?" he asks with a pointed look at the Yokai.

"Yokai, as I have been told."

"Told by who?" Loki muses with a guarded look.

"Heimdall." I take his hand and lead him to the gates, ignoring the glare and scowl he shoots me, "Do not be impolite, I beg you."

"And why would I be impolite?" He pulls back, and amused grin on his face as he holds his hands out, gesturing to the creatures, "Tis not as if they are a threat to the Prince of Asgard."

"And this," I mumble, pulling him with me, "Is precisely why I said that."

"T'was not impolite, darling," Loki says with a smirk, "Tis a fact."

"And a poorly timed one, at that."


"Ooohhh! A prince?"

"I've never heard of that country before!"

'See?' I mindlink, 'They will ask, and for these beings, 'tis never good.'

'This?' he replies, surveying the Yokai as we near the main door, 'These questions are not the slightest bit dangerous.' Brushing his words off, I wait quietly as the large wooden door swings open, revealing a mortal.

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