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BREAKING: More Other-Worldly Contact? Good or Bad?

    In London, it has been revealed that the organization S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division) held more secrets than we previously knew.

     Classified documents from S.H.I.E.L.D. were taken offline as the organization fell, when all other documents were accessed. There were hints of further otherworldly contact than what we had during the Battle for New York. However, newly released documents show how that event, the myths, and us are tied together.

     The documents are not yet wholly public, however, followers of the thought-to-be-extinct Hydra got a hold of them, releasing the evidence to trusted sources.

     Earth has proven to be a hotspot for superhuman antics. What we know for certain, now, is that there are numerous realms, along with the galaxies, that have thousands of civilizations. Though not proven, rumours of the missing boy, Peter Quill, in 1985, having been abducted by aliens may very well be true.

     What is proven throughout the classified documents is that other-worldly species can be all around you. The fight on the docks in Faro, Portugal, between a man and a woman that went viral a few months ago was actually a fight between old, otherworldly enemies. We know that the man has substantial evidence of being a Kree- a race that appears to have been to Earth many a time, and has been used with S.H.I.E.L.D. to preserve special assets. The woman has connections that shocked authorities. She goes by the name of Lady Sif, and she comes from Asgard- home of the superhero, Thor, and the terror from New York and New Mexico, Loki. Lady Sif had worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the few times she visited our planet.

     S.H.I.E.L.D. did not stop the Asgardian contact there. From the documents, with Asgard's permission, S.H.I.E.L.D. acquired an ambassador from the realm, because some Asgardians live amongst us, in peace, and have been for centuries. This Asgardian goes by the name of Lady Calla, and she has been a great asset to S.H.I.E.L.D. intelligence when it comes to things not of Earth.

     The frightening thing about Lady Calla and the contact with Asgardians is not the extensive intelligence, but who they work with. Thor, Lady Sif, and Lady Calla have all been reported to be with Loki- and, no, not actor Tom Hiddleston as Loki- the real Loki, who nearly destroyed New York, in and around the London area. Reports say we have nothing to fear; however, many worry about a possible threat from the Asgardian through what seem to be his comrades.

     Asgardians have been a point of interest for people, and the editors have attempted to locate the beings in attempt to get the whole story. Efforts have failed as of now.

Ben Urich, Daily Bugle

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