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Title: Lost In Love

Author: Anne Clinton

Genre: Romance

Book cover: Expressive

Audience: Dedicated

Mature: 18+

Note: This is the Reviewer's review and no form of insult will be tolerated against the reviewer or the Community in the case of unsatisfied Review. Remember the Reviewer is expected to give a Constructive criticism and help give a way for Character and plot development. If you love the review do vote and if you find the book amazing do check out the book. Remember the Community's guidelines on Reviews and Promotion and do vote and Comment on the book to encourage the Author. Remember helping earns you bonus points on the Community ( this aspect will be discussed later). The Author is expected to respect the reviewers review. If the Author is dissatisfied they should DM the reviewer. Thanks.

Story Description
Gemma just got into her dream University and her world is turned in many ways she never expected could happen. And that happened when she and her college sweetheart; Scott Germain seem to be madly in love with each other. Nonetheless, things aren't as rosy as they thought it was going to be. There are secrets that will threaten to tear them apart.

And when there's a new guy in the picture, what could go wrong?.

Okay, the story description is a top notch. It's gives the readers a little bit of information on what to expect in the book. In the sense that it tells the readers of Gemma and Scotts relationship and the new guy. Not much suspense, but that's okay 👌.

"How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be what really matters most. - Stephen Covey.

What I loved about the book is the way it presents life situations to the readers.
It exposes the reality of College life, which involves the wild parties etc. Gemma is a very relatable character. Her love for her parents knows no bounds ( therefore the theme of family is expressed at the first chapter when Gemma heads for college).

"You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve the world's problems at once but don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.- Michelle Obama.

James is a very relatable character as we can see that he tries hard to study at school, work at a store and also assist his family. He can be seen as the serious type.

And just like what Michelle Obama said that we may not have a comfortable life. Well this can be seen in the life of Scott. Although he's the bad boy type we can see that he's been through a lot and yearns for his Mom. Scott can be seen as a Caring person, when Gemma was bitten by a snake when they went out to camp he rushed her to the hospital praying that she shouldn't die. And he also didn't leave the hospital for like a week until she recovered.

In the book we can see that the Author uses quotes and encouraging statements to relate the matters in the story with that of Reality. The two quotes given above are from the book.

In all the friends that Gemma made helped her through the beginning phrase of College life.

Sophie I must say i can be seen as the influential type. This Gemma is sometimes pulled into the Crazy side of college side thanks to her. Gemma can be seen as one with a fluid character who is easily influenced. In various instances we can see that she mostly accept Sophie's wild invitation but regrets later. In such a case we can say that she's easily influenced. Maybe in the upcoming chapters try to make a situation where she's tested and she stands strong on her stand that could go a long way in developing the story.

About Gemma and Scotts break-up which can be seen as a huge conflict you might make them stand a test of true love to help them realize their love for each other ( that's if they'll ever get back together) if not Gemma should be able to move past their break-up and settle with Harry and Hardin ( that's if she'll decide to move on). I think that should help in character and plot development.


So in the case of errors you might want to check Chapter 31 dear Author.


To sum up my review I think that a little bit of Setting description and P.O.Vs should be made( cause some readers can't tell whose p.o.v it is from their comments). The future Chapter should focus on Scotts life to do that readers can tell how he feels after the break-up.

From all indications the story is excellent and unique. I won't give any spoilers though. @AnneClinton you have the makings of a great Author. Though do update soon because your readers can't wait for the next chapter ( from their do update comment).

I love the way you use Pictures and music to compliment your writing it's so amazing. For that I'll give you a thumbs up 👍.

So here's a music which was used in the break up chapter. It's called You broke me first by Tates McRae

I draw the final curtains to my review, the book is wonderful and exceptional, it exposes the realities of College life and for that The Community gives you a four out of five stars. 🎉⭐⭐⭐⭐🎉 Congratulations and keep up the good work.

For being the first reviewed book of the Community you're given this special sticker. Which we hope to see on your book's cover. It would be an honor if you include it in your book cover.

This sticker can only be issued by the Community and can only be used by the Author. Anyways all the best of luck Anne Clinton.

To all Community members do stay tuned for more updates as our members list is coming and also a special event. All the best of luck, let Creativity be your inspiration✨💫✨✨.

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