So Who Broke it

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In Their Mansion Kitchen

Bao: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad. I just want to know.

Ami: I did. I broke it...

Bao: No. No, you didn't. Kenzou?

Kenzou: Don't look at me. Look at Kuruma.

Kuruma: What?! I didn't break it.

Kenzou: Huh. That's weird. How did you even know it was broken?

Kuruma: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken!

Kenzou: Suspicious.

Kuruma: No, it's not!

Ukiyo: If it matters, probably not... Alice was the last one to use it.

Alice: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!

Ukiyo: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?

Alice: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Ukiyo!

Ami: Alright, let's not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Dad.

Bao: No. Who broke it?

Aurelius: [whispering] Dad, Aelric's been awfully quiet...

Aelric: Really?!

Aurelius: Yeah, really!

Switch Scene (The Office Style)

Cut to a chaotic scene in the mansion's living room, where everyone is in their Rider forms, glaring at each other.

Bao: (sighs deeply) I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now, they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.

As Bao takes a sip of his coffee, chaos erupts as accusations fly, Rider forms clash, and the mansion echoes with the sounds of their argument turning physical.

Ami: It was you, Kuruma! You always break things!

Kuruma: Me?! I didn't even touch it after Ami broke it!

Ami: You're lying! You're always blaming others!

Kenzou and Aelric are engaged in a heated skirmish, their Rider forms exchanging blows while shouting accusations.

Kenzou: I saw you near it last, Aelric! Admit it!

Aelric: That's because I was trying to fix it after someone else broke it, you idiot!

Alice and Ukiyo join in the fray, their Rider powers creating sparks as they argue.

Alice: Ukiyo, stop pretending to be innocent! I saw you meddling with it too!

Ukiyo: Oh please, Alice! You're just trying to deflect blame like always!

Bao: (deadpan) Well, this escalated quickly.

He watches bemusedly as his children-turned-riders engage in a spectacle of combat over the broken item, each defending themselves while pointing fingers at the others.

Bao: And here I thought the kitchen was the safest place in the mansion.

He shakes his head, taking another sip of coffee, seemingly unfazed by the unfolding mayhem.

Bao: Sometimes, being a Riders dad feels more like managing a herd of wild stallions.

The chaos continues unabated in the background as Bao leans back, content to let them sort it out amongst themselves.

Bao: (to himself) Maybe I should invest in some indestructible kitchenware next time.

He chuckles softly, finding a strange serenity amid the Rider-induced pandemonium, savoring the peace of his coffee amid the storm.

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