Chapter Three:

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A/N: Here is the double update for Creatures of the Deep! :) I apologize that it is a little bit late truly......

Also, I need some trailers made, does anyone know anyone who wold be willing to make two?


I shook my head after she was gone thinking, okay, that was kind of awkward....

Turning away from the door, I took in my surroundings.
The room in which I was currently standing in was what one would call the living area.
A flat screen hung on the wall which was of a turquoise color with a coffee table of sorts standing between it and the blue couch.
The floors were of a purple carpet and it was the kind of carpet that was soft beneath your feet.

Walking through an arch in the wall led me to the kitchen area of the suit.

I fell in love.

The flooring was made of wood which I very much liked and the walls were besiege.
The counter tops were made of the black granite and so was the island that stood in the middle of the kitchen.
The fridge was already stocked which I had learned upon opening the door and when looking through the cabinets, the same with them, they were stocked just as well.

Talk about first class.

This place is fit for royalty. I thought, and to think, I'll be here for a whole month!

Going through another arch, I was introduced to the bedroom.
The bed was king sized with a blue duvet covering it. There were so many pillows that were of a  different mixture of colors to match. It was like a pattern, alternating every so often.
The walls in this room looked like a purple sunset and the flooring was the same carpet as that that was in the living room except here, the color was the orangish tinge that helped to make a sunset.
A flat screen sat on top of a mahogany stand that had cabinets.
Inside the cabinets were a variety of movies to watch and turning, going to the bed stand, I found a variety of  catalogues of all you could rent.

More movies, games and etc.

Walking back the way I came and going back to the living room, I grabbed my bags that were left near the door and took them to the bedroom.

I had to make like 3 or so trips to get them all there.

Once the last trip was made, I began unpacking. Clothes in the closet, undergarments in the drawers, makeup and other toiletries in the bathroom and so on and so forth until everything was where it was supposed to be.

The suitcases now completely empty were put in the bottom of the closet to be kept out of the way.

Flopping down on the bed which was very comfortable by the way, I grabbed my phone off of the stand where I had left it and began to wonder if the others wanted to go out tonight to explore or something.

In all honesty though, I wanted to stay in tonight. I mean we just got here a few hours ago and all of us are probably jet lagged.

I texted all three in a group message asking them:

Hey, do y'all want to go out tonight?

Lily replied first saying: sorry girl, it will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm still unpacking.!

I replied back with a laughy face.

Hey, it's her fault for bringing more suitcases than all of us put together.

And you thought I packed a lot...

Anyways my phone went



And when I looked it was Damien: sorry girly girl. No can do. Kind of busy over here if you know what I mean. ;)

I shuddered and texted back telling him to have fun and to keep all of the details to himself.

Lily agreed with me when she saw what he had texted and was also saying how she was going to get that chick fired tomorrow for just using him.

I agreed with her. She probably thought that he was a billionaire and was trying to get pregnant by him or something to get some money.

Anyways, I left Damien to his stuff as I saw that Harper had replied back just as well: I'm jet lagged so how about tomorrow? I also kind of have to unpack... still... hehe.

Damien replied to Harper's text by saying that he had to unpack to.

Lily texted: Guys, I'm gonna go so I can get this stupid unpacking done. Ugh! Remind me again why I did this to myself??

I texted her saying: your stubborn and hard headed just like the rest of us. We tried to tell you, but...

Not even a second later she sent back: Shut up.

I laughed quietly to myself before telling them all goodnight.

Once that was done, I got up, putting my phone on charge and changed into some pjs.

Then climbed under the covers of the bed, slowly closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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