Bad Blueprint Preview

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Hey all... 😛
So in case you were wondering, I'm working on a big project right now, and the final drawing of it is already done actually. However, this might be the most ambitious thing I've ever done, and it took a lot of planning ahead of time. Now that the line art is finished, it's going to take a good while to color.
Therefore, I'm not going to show you the finished sketch, I'm going to show you this crappy picture of my enigmatic plans on a piece of printer paper.

If you know what that is, GET EXCITED 😆
Joking. But this is the actual thing I used to help plan my final picture, and it vaguely represents what I had in my brain while working. All things subject to change 😁
So there, proof that I'm working. And come to think of it, I have another smaller picture I still need to color too...

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