shopping madness

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Today was well very crazy, crazier then Stan becoming goth actually.
Yeah I know, it's that bad.

So what happened was that tomorrow is tokens birthday party, everyone and by everyone I meant Clyde,tweek, and Craig waited to the last minute to get their birthday gifts for him,stuff for his surprise party, and the cake.

Clyde ran in Craigs house and nearly broke Craigs bedroom door down "CRAIG GET YOUR ASS UP!" Clyde yelled, Craig groans and covers his head up with a pillow and flips Clyde off with one hand.
Clyde attempted to push Craig off the bed earning a punch in the arm, it's not super hard it's more of a warning that Craig is giving him.

"C'mon Craig we gotta go get tweek!!!" Clyde yelled turning on the lights "we gotta get all the shit for tokens party!" Clyde yells again, Craig groans again "go on to the store without me..." Craig said, his voice muffled cuz there's a pillow over his face.
Clyde runs out the room, *finally he's gone* Craig thought trying to go back to sleep.
Which is interrupted when there was fucking cold ass water poured on him "MOTHER OF-" Craig yelled getting up and falling face 1st on the floor.

"Good your up! Now get dressed we need to go get tweek!" Clyde yelled running out the door followed by Craig flipping him off and get up to get dressed


Tweek sat at the dinning room table sipping a freshly made cup of coffee, he had been waiting for Clyde and Craig to pick him up for almost half a hour. Clyde texted tweek like 3 minutes ago to unlock the door so they can get in, after a bit later of freaking out and then calming himself down he unlocks the door. He took a long sip of coffee then there was a knock at the door "AGH!" Tweek yelled and spilled his coffee all over the table "oh god!" He ran to get some paper towels to clean up the mess, good thing tweek left the door unlocked.
Both the boys walked in to see tweek cleaning up his spilt coffee.

After cleaning up the coffee they both left the house and got into Clyde's car. For the next 15 minutes of driving tweek has been yelling and shaking saying that they are going to get in a wreck and die which Craig doesn't blame him, Clyde does drive like a crazy person.
When they got in the store Clyde ran off to get the stuff to make the cake and other food leaving tweek and Craig alone.

Tweek twitched and shakes, he might has a small crush on craig... And he's alone with him! *What am i supposed to say to him!? Gah! To much pressure!!!!!*
"Tweek!" Craig yelled getting tweek out of his thoughts "GAH!w-what!?" Tweek yelled surprised.

Craig looked at him with a straight face but some how tweek can see a bit of concern in his expression.
"I said do you want to grab something for lunch after we get this done?" Craig said, tweek nodded his head and twitched "w-what should we get f-first?" Tweek asked, Craig shrugged not exactly caring about what they get 1st he just wants to get the shit and leave.

*time skip cuz im lazy*

After searching through nearly half of the store the whole place became flooded like it was black friday.
It was hard to even move and people where close to knocking tweek over a few times.

Craig had enough and just grabbed a shopping cart, picks up the twitchy boy and put him into the cart "AAGH!" tweek screamed gathering some looks form nearby shoppers. "Tweek calm down damn." Craig said pushing the cart with tweek inside.

"Why did u put me in this craig!?" "So people can stop running over you" craig answered still pushing the cart.
The rest of the way of searching the store tweek just reaches out to get the stuff off the shelves as craig just pushes the cart.

By the time they where done they ran into clyde at the self check out "why is tweek in the cart?" "Dont ask" craig answered, tweek handed clyde the things they got and he ranged them up and put them in the bags.
He handed the bags to tweek who was still in the cart and they left the store.


Tweek was stuck in the cart since his legs fell asleep so Craig and clyde had to pull the panicking spaz out of the cart before they got in the car and drive home.

((This wasnt anything romantic i know but i wanted to do somethin random))

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