Chapter Sixteen

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Danny and I stay at Grimwood for a while longer. We wait until the workers take their first swing at the building, and just like that...there's nothing. I feel a pressure life off my chest and I just know.

It's over.

I'm not afraid to go home anymore, but I don't want to go home yet. We drive around town for a while. I roll down my window and let the wind whip through my hair. It feels different. There's no longer a chill that unsettles my bones. Rather, it's a freeing coldness that opens my pores and all of the darkness seeps out.

Before I know it, it's dark. The lights on the highway light our way to nowhere in particular. Part of me wonders if I'm holding Danny back — if there's somewhere else he wants to be. So, I turn to him and tell him he can take me home now. I lie even though I'd rather go home with him.

It's not long after when we pull up outside my house. He puts the car in park and we both sit here for a good minute. I look over at him, unsure what to say. I want to lean over and kiss him, but something tells me I shouldn't.

Despite all that we've been through together — and despite the day we shared — I think this is over too. And maybe that's for the best. I can't hold him back anymore.

"Thanks," I tell him. It's the only thing that seems remotely right.

He gives me a soft smile. "Goodnight, Claire."


I get out of the car and wave goodbye, watching him drive off. As I turn toward the house, I don't feel fear or worry. Instead, I look at my childhood home with nostalgia and sadness. No fear. Not anymore.

Inside, the lights are off. Not a sound to be heard. I walk past the kitchen, not bothering to look for a note. I head straight for the one place I want to be. In my room, there's a pillow with my name on it, calling me for a restful night's sleep.

As I reach the door, my weight on the floor causes the floorboards to creak, and at that moment, I thought I heard a wheeze. I freeze in the doorway, my heart pounding in my ear.

That...wasn't what I thought it was. It was probably just the floor. But as I start to enter my room, I hear a low groan come from down the hall. When my breath catches in my throat, I hear her voice.


My head begins to spin, and I almost lose my balance. No, it's supposed to be over! I start to walk into my room, prepared to close the door and lock everything out and wait until morning. Wait until that damn manor is torn to the ground and then everything will be done! But even in my dizzying headspace, I know that whatever is calling to me won't give up until I give in.

And this won't be over until I do just that.

I move down the hall toward that lone bedroom, dark clouds hovering over my head. I pause in the doorway and peer in. Again, it's dark save for the night light glowing beside the bed. And in the bed is her.


Her head is turned and her sharp gaze is on me. I peek over my shoulder but there's no one behind me. I wait, expecting to see Little Claire or even my father come in, but no one does. It's just me and her.

"...Claire..." Nana breathes in a tight wheeze. "Come here..."

I swallow hard and move toward her, my legs feeling like wobbly stilts. When I get closer to the bed, her eyes are focused on my face... those glassy blue eyes I remember.

"You are so beautiful," she says breathlessly. She takes a moment to inhale. "...Just like your mother."

She is talking to me. "Me?" I say out loud. My heart is practically beating outside of my chest.

A smile pulls at her lips, but it isn't strong enough to hold. "You have become such a beautiful young woman." The machine beside her hisses as she breathes. "I am so proud."

My breath hitches as a sob enters my throat. "Nana," I bite my lip to keep from crying. "I am so sorry. I shouldn't have —"

Her hand finds mine, and she holds me so tightly, I look down in surprise. Her skin is ice cold. "You helped me, Claire. You helped me when no one else would."

I meet her eyes, and I think our tears are mirrored. I blink, and they break. "It wasn't my place."

She shuts her eyes and nods lightly. "I'm sorry, baby." When she opens her eyes, she gives me a look of regret. "It's time to say goodbye."

Her gaze lowers to the other side of the bed where a pillow lies. I snap my eyes to hers and I stiffly shake my head. "No."

"I'm trapped here," she croaks. "I need to be let go of — you need to let me go, baby girl."

I suck in my lower lip, feeling my heart fall into my stomach at the thought. "I can't...I can't do it again."

"You can," she nods. "You are strong. I am so proud of you."

I stare down at the pillow in spite. I know this is what I need to do. To say goodbye. For this to all be over and done with.

I take the pillow with shaking hands. I don't know if it's just my hands or my entire body that's trembling, but I almost drop the pillow twice. I dig my nails into it to hold on. I inhale sharply and look at her face one last time.

Her face has always reminded me of my mother. They share a delicate heart-shaped face with shiny blue eyes. For a long time, I forgot what Nana looked like. This will be the last time I see her face in person — if I can even call it that.

"I love you," she whispers from trembling lips as I lower the pillow over her face.

At first, I don't feel anything. But then she begins to shift and let out a low groan. I clench my eyes shut as she starts to thrash under me, but I put more of my weight over her, most of it in the pillow.

It will be over. Just a little longer.

Under the pillow, I hear her say my name. I swallow hard and try to shut it out. But I feel a sharp pinch and scratches over my arms. I let out a surprised cry of pain. In response, I hear a loud growl echo into the room, and then I feel a burning hot sting in my right arm.

There was a weight over my arm, and I realize that after I shove it off with a wave of my arm. I stand back and look down at my arm to see a decently sized bite mark. As I stare at it in shock, someone pushes hard at my chest. I stumble back and almost fall before I catch my balance. My eyes snap to the bed where I see Nana sit up and throw the pillow to the bed.

I begin to furrow my brows when I feel my stomach flip upside down as I realize that isn't Nana in the bed anymore.

No. Not Nana.

Emma sits up in her bed. Her face is completely red with tears streaking her cheeks. She struggles to suck in air as her chest rises and falls quickly. Bailey sits possessively beside her. Emma's eyes scan the room until they fall onto me.

As I begin to open my mouth, she opens hers and lets out a strangled scream.

"C-Claire!?" She searches the room with her eyes as she looks over her bed and me until her eyes fall onto the pillow. "You... You were trying to suffocate me!?"

Oh my God. No. No! When she ask me that, anything I could have possibly said becomes jammed in my throat. But her gaze is so sharp, I have to say something!

"N-No, that's not what —"

She grabs the pillow and she sinks her fingers into it. "You were suffocating me!" She hurls the pillow at me, and I don't bother blocking it. It slams into my stomach and then falls at my feet. I wince at the impact, but it does nothing for the ball in my throat.

"Emma, I swear I didn't —" I try to move toward her, but she screams.

"Don't! Don't come near me!" She throws the blanket back and she gets out of the bed. "Stay away!" She grabs her dog off the bed and she runs from the room. My feet are glued to the floor as I hear the front door open and then slam shut.

I don't know how long I stand there until I feel myself retreat backward until my back hits the wall. I slide down the wall and sit with my knees pressed against my chest. Finally, the tears come and the sobs echo through my bones and limbs.

I...I almost killed my sister.

I open my eyes but my vision is blurred. In the blur, I don't see Emma's bed anymore. I see Nana's hospital bed lit up by the night light. Nana lies in it, her cheek pressed against the pillow as she stares back at me. A vicious smile pulls at her lips, and I begin to shake worse. Beside the bed, the Holter monitor beeps, slowly treading into a flatline until the flatline is all I hear among the silence.

Current word count: 28,549

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