Creep It Real (read me)

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Hey all! Welcome to my new story! Since the Open Novella Contest is back again for another year, I knew I had to give it a shot after how much fun I had last year. So, here we go!

All the prompts were so good, and I really did have a tough time between choosing. But I managed to narrow it down! This is the prompt my novella is based on:

#64: What should have been a simple task for a trio of ghost hunters quickly becomes something for which the term "Worst Case Scenario" is the mother of all understatements.

Now, for those of you who may have read my entry from last year, or really any of my other content on this site, I tend to write into the mature end of content ratings. However, I am planning on keeping this one toned down (as of February lol). But I am really trying. There's really no need to go into the mature category when we're just chasing ghosts, right?

Based on what I've written thus far and what I have planned, here are the content warnings you can expect (and I will update these if needed as I continue writing):

     -coarse language

     -descriptive/suggestive dialogue

     -some violence


     -no explicit sexual content (sad face lol)

At the time of posting (Feb 2021), I am still writing the story. Things are subject to change and all of that. I also don't have a concrete update schedule, but I will have certain portions up following the contest's schedule. This is my tentative schedule:

     -Chapter 1 is up now, and chapter 2 should be up by the first week of March.

     -Chapters 3-5 will be up by mid-March.

     -Chapter 6-10 should be up by the beginning of April.

     -The final chapters (most likely 11-20 max) will be up by May 2nd. Expect multiple updates between the beginning of April and the May deadline.

If you're the type of reader that likes to wait for a finished story, this one should be completed by May 2nd since that is the deadline for the final round!

That's about it for now! I hope you enjoy my spooky ghost hunting story! I think you'll love it - (not to play favorites, but I think I like it much more than last year's entry c;) Till next time!

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