Egg raffle entry!!!

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Here is my entry for ShadowFlight_Draws egg raffle!!!!

       It was in the forest very peaceful,
             Calm, and quiet. Spirital was
       Invited to come with Frostbite on
            Her regular Flight around
       The RainWing Kingdom so Frost
             Told Spirital to search for
          Items on the left and she will
                Right. Spirital left of
         And said "meet back here in a
              Bit!"  Then they where
          Of. Well Spirital was slowly
   Walking through the woods through
         The tree's and the leaves, well
                  she was walking she   
        Encountered a huge mountain
  So she started to fly up she opened her
         Wings and ready to fly and she 
      Went. Well she was flying up a
               A little rock hit her arm
  She didn't know what it was so she
Quickly stopped to see
what it was and it was nothing she
Thought it was nothing so,
She looked back up to keep flying
And she saw something red
So she went closer and she saw Frost
Getting an egg out of the top of
Tree at the top of the
Mountain she was super surprised to
         See what she is seeing she had
  The butterflies in her stomach and she
     Didn't want Frost to drop the egg
            So she quickly got her wing
    Right under where the egg was and
                Once the egg was down
Frost told Spirital that they have to tell
           Everyone about the new egg!!!
             Then they went back home
And Spirital new that she would always    
             Remember this day with

I hope that was a good story!? I don't think it is comment if it was okay bad or great!! Thanks for reading peace out ✌️

~ Frostbite

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