The challenge

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A young boy named Robert was lying in bed after a long day of school and lots of homework, these days he didn't have a chance to do anything and thought to just go to sleep instead of staying up for any longer. However that's when he heard something from outside, it sounded like footsteps from downstairs. The steps were loud fast stomps, at first he assumed it was his father but he had remembered that his father had already headed to bed.

He then heard something from the room beside his behind the walls, it was his mother, the walls weren't very thick so Robert could just press his ear against the wall to make out what she was saying "Joseph, Joseph wake up, I think there's someone in the house" she was whispering however the way her words were said it felt like screams of terror. Robert peaked his head out of the door to see his father Joseph walking out of his bedroom as he headed down the steps. Robert always admired his dad, sure he was 13 but Robert still believed that his dad could do anything like how little children praise their dads when they're young.

But what Robert heard next sent a chill down his spine "HEY, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!" Joseph shouted. This scared Robert hearing a mix of anger and fear in his fathers voice however it was almost as if the fear over powered the anger as he spoke, suddenly there was a crash of glass and the sound of shards colliding with the floor below. Robert then heard the sound of someone running to his room.

He backed up to see that it was his mother coming to make sure he was ok "oh god Robert, you ok?" She asked while gasping slightly as she pulled Robert close to her and quickly called the police "911 what's your emergency?" a man who seemed to have some sort of a Russian accent asked on the other side of the line "someone has broken into my house! And now he's fighting my husband! I fear he's in trouble!! We live at 193 bellington road, please help us!" She pleaded with a clear desperate tone "don't worry ma'm we'll be right there as fast as we can, luckily for you there's a police station near by, we'll send a swat team there as fast as we can, now is their anyone with you?" He asked, Robert couldn't understand how this man was so calm however, but he hoped that it was because the officer was confident they'd be ok.

"Y-yes, I'm with my son, we are in his room right now, I came to make sure he was ok" Her voice shivered as she talked, as if she didn't believe there was a way out. "Well alright, now just follow my instructi-" suddenly they all heard a loud yell coming from down stairs that sounded like Joseph! Then a crack! "Quickly you two! Hide! Hide somewhere! Anywhere!!" He demanded, his voice suddenly went into a panic, Roberts mom grabbed him by the arm and they rushed into his closet. Then foot steps could be heard coming towards my room. Roberts mom took out a pocket knife that she had picked up before coming to Roberts room. She ran out of the room and suddenly there was a loud crack along with a scream which was a mix of fear and terror "what's happening there ma'm? Ma'm?" Robert picked up the phone his voice shaking "I-I think... She's gone mister" Robert shivered as he spoke, suddenly sirens could be heard from outside and the killer could be seen through a small crack in the door due to it not being fully closed.

Robert quickly took a picture of this mysterious killer before he ran out to escape from the cops. Robert looked at the picture. A dark blue eyes...tears running down his eyes, what made it worse was the fact he had something in his hand that was covered in blood and blood completely covered in blood making it impossible to tell what colour it was. Robert poked his head out to see his mother...lifeless on the ground, tears came to Roberts eyes as the police rushed in. But the killer was gone.

2 months later

Jeff was walking through the streets with his hoodie over his head and his sickly mouth covered thanks to his posture, he walked into a bar hopping to clear his head a little, he sat down at the counter "give me a beer there would ya?" He grunted as he sat down on one of the tall stools in front of the counter "comin right up!" The bar tender responded before giving Jeff a bottle of beer. Jeff was about to start drinking until something on the news caught his attention "the masked mad man that has been given the nick name of eyeless Jack has struck once again, this time going after a young man who just moved out to start his new life, once again all we have is this one picture "

a picture appeared on the screen and Jeff could see where the name came from, no eyes, a hoodie covered in blood and what looked to be a kidney in his hand "just like all the other victims young Max was robbed of both his kidneys by this mysterious killer, most detectives believe this to be some sort of calling card however others believe it may mean something else, possibly a symbol or even the reason he's killing in the first place. However everyone can agree this murderer is definitely one of if not the worst killer we've seen"

Jeff punched the desk seeing that as some kind of insult towards him. "The worst killer ever" that stuck to Jeff's mind especially since the news was not referring to him. News about Jeff was never broadcasted since he killed his parents and brother, now all that there is is these wannabes like laughing Jack and the "spooky" slenderman and now of course there's eyeless Jack. Jeff grabbed his beer and walked out "heh, perhaps I should make my presence more clear to the world" Jeff chuckled at the thought till he broke into mad laughter

This has to work

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