The Creepy Hill

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Walking up the creepy hill

To find a house and a ghostly mill

Walking slowly to the old door

Opening it to find an eerie hallway that used to be adored

Looking back at the cold sky

I wonder if the reason for this place to be abandoned was because it was shy

Going inside this mysterious place

The air is chilly in here, making my heart race

Stalking up the big stairs

Stopping once seeing shadowy glares

Turning around and going to see the downstairs

Thinking I imagine it because of the cold air

Walking into a rustic kitchen

Seeing a scary doll already stitched in

Starting to think this place is not for me

Getting out of the house and seeing a lonely bee

Turning to look back at the window to see a beastly figure

Which was missing a dark finger

Realising I saw the finger with the creepy doll

Wishing the dull setting sun will call

This house isn't haunted by a ghost

Looking down to the coast

This place is much darker than I thought

I hope I don't get caught

I must go before theterrifying figure gets me...

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