Chapter 5 xD

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A/N: So here's chapter five. It's a bit overdue, but it's even longer than the last chapter, so be happy xD. It's dedicated to xXEmanjiXx for writing a story inspired by mine :) If I get more votes for this chapter than the last, six will be coming up sooner than usual! Remember to say what you think in the comments, and as always, vote if it's any good or made you laugh :D


61.) Adapt the creepiest laugh ever and pop up behind people and laugh to your hearts content.

62.) Bring your imaginary pogo-stick out of your house and hop up and down your road, still laughing the creepy laugh on repeat.

63.) Wheeze repetitively when people try to talk to you. Explain that you have the most rarest and most contagious lung disease in the world. See how fast everyone runs away from you.

64.) Go into a supermarket and pretend to swim on the shop floor. Say that you're like a fish out of water if anyone asks.

65.) Cartwheel up to somebody's front door and ask them if you can use their toilet because it's a very urgent code-red mission.

66.) Stand in a queue and sing a really annoying song in a bad voice. When you get to the front of the queue say that you're auditioning for the X-factor, before running away.

67.) Pour water over somebody's head then offer to buy them a pack of tissues because they obviously have a very bad cold and a runny nose.

68.) Watch somebody across the table from you in an exam. When they start to get freaked out, say in a creepy voice, 'I know what you're thinking...'

69.) Continuously poke somebody in the arm and after the fifth time they turn around say 'What? Why are you staring at me??? Stalker!!!' 

70.) Go into the Music Room at school and play the piano in a creepy way, remember to sway your head and act like the weird organists that play funeral pieces on TV.

71.) Move your lips without actually saying anything. If people ask you what your saying or say pardon, hold up a plaque saying, 'Are you deaf?? I'm shouting at the top of my voice here!'

72.) Go running in the park or in the neighbourhood at 4 am in the morning. Remember to wave at anyone who goes past in a car, with a crazed look on your face.

73.) Go up and down in a lift at least 20 times, not letting anybody else get in with you. When you've finished, dance-walk out and exclaim that it was the most fun you've had in your entire life.

74.) Burst into tears when you're walking around in the street. Remember the hysteric laughing in between your weeping.

75.) Try to chat someone up using really lame pick-up lines just to appear like your average creepily weird individual.

76.) Dress up your pet gerbil in a colourful knitted pullover. Next, walk up to people with it, asking them if they like your new baby. Even more believable when you have your pet in a pram!

77.) In the middle of summer, buy a Christmas tree and spend ages setting it up in your front garden. Fly a banner from the top that says, 'Happy Belated Christmas Everyone!'

78.) Sell small bags of dried leaves in the back-streets of town and tell people you're selling drugs. Run off or pretend to speak another language if the police turn up to ask you what you're doing. Watch as all the dodgy people turn up, one by one.

79.) Pretend to be homeless and carry a sleeping bag around, asking everyone around you for 'spare change'. See if you can collect more that £5!

80.) Ask if a tall person in a shop with you can pick an item up from the top shelf. When they reach up to get it, yell 'He's stealing the shop items! Quick, police, get him before it's too late!'

81.) Pretend to be a model, strutting down the platform that is your school corridor, at a high speed catwalk.

82.) Do all your Maths homework in your English classes. If the teacher asks, say it's your favourite subject in all the world.

83.) Try to steal a car in broad daylight, using the most obvious techniques, whilst drooling all over the car's bonnet and singing in a really high voice.

84.) Write cryptic notes in a random made up or code language and hand them to random people on the road. Wear dark glasses and a hood to make it look more believable.

85.) Wear a gas-mask when you go to school or work, say it's because you have a really good sense of smell and it's bad for your immune-system when you smell dirty, unwashed people. Proceed to skip down the corridor to your next lesson, and see how long it lasts before a teacher tells you to take it off and stop behaving like a fool.


A/N: And there you go, even more creepy things to do in your spare time! Please pm me any suggestions, or chapters you made up yourself, I'll be sure to include them along with a dedication for you.

Also, I'm thinking of doing a why you'd like a dedication on any chapter without one at the moment, and the best explanation gets the dedication for the random chapter (unless it's already taken) :D Tell me if it's a good idea, or just post your reason, to save time ;)

~Blossom xD

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