Chapter 7 :D

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A/N: The reason for this chapter being super late is that I've been completely snowed under with exams recently. I'm finally able to take a break and update my stories but to make up for it, I've made this longer than usual :D The chapter's dedicated to PeaceHound for suggesting the first 5 after the 100 mark (: Enjoy, and remember to vote or comment, depending on what you thought of my suggestions!


101.) In an elevator/lift, stare at everyone creepily, then say in a really weird voice, 'I got brand new socks on! Wanna look?' Then take off a sock and show it to everyone, asking if they like it.

102.) Stand outside a tall building, gasping and pointing at the top, get some friends to join you and see if you can make a crowd!

103.) Ring up a random number from a phone box, then say 'Congratulations! You have won your very own dairy cow!'

104.) Walk in a weird way and fall over, if people come to help you, drool and speak with a lisp, saying how amazing they are.

105.) Get a wheely office chair and race down the streets, spinning around.

106.) Go walking about town with a large hard boiled egg. Wrap it up in a scarf and if anyone looks at you weird, act all protective telling them to stay away from your baby.

107.) Hide in someone's back garden singing loudly (and badly). When they come out, jump out from your hiding place and throw flowers at them, yelling, 'Spread the flowers!'

108.) Speak really quickly when someone talks to you. When they start to walk away after the failed conversation, shout after them, 'I guess you can't speak (insert random made up language) then? Darn...'

109.) Go with some friends to the local cinema and throw popcorn at the people in front of you. When they turn around, point at each other and grin creepily whilst blaming practically everyone in the cinema apart from you. 

110.) Follow someone around, spraying everything they touch with disinfectant and wearing a brightly coloured gas mask.

111.) Buy the biggest dog you could find in the shop and take it around school or your neighbourhood with you every day, 'accidentally' forgetting a bag for dog poop.

112.) Draw a really bad picture of an unrecognisable blob and go around to random people, telling them with a lisp that it's a picture of them that took you ages to finish.

113.) Whenever somebody's taking a photo, jump in front of the camera and do a funny dance. Don't forget to follow them around and continue doing the same thing!

114.) Sing the spider pig song in a screechy high voice as you limp around your local shop, sneezing every so often and looking around furtively.

115.) Hold a banner up that reads 'Ban School' outside your school; when someone asks what you're doing, claim it's not you, it's your twin.

116.) Announce casually in a really awkward silence that you're bursting for the toilet and you think you're about to wet yourself.

117.) Pretend to be a tourist and dress up in brightly coloured clothes, walking around and taking photos of everything and everyone around you. When someone you know greets you, hold your hands up and shout, 'I do not know you! Leave before I sue you for speaking to me!'

118.) When you're in the library and it's really quiet, get a really boring book out and pretend to read it, pointing it towards the door. Every couple of minutes let out a huge laugh, exclaiming that it's the funniest book you've ever read.

119.) Go down the street in a whizzer chair, dressed as an old person and wave around at everyone, singing a really old hand and hitting people with your walking stick as you whizz past.

120.) Find a random person in the street and follow them about,  asking them random awkward questions. Everytime they try to walk away, stop them with a question even more awkward than the last.

121.) Sit at home and order lots of pizza. When you answer the door for the delivery person, ask if they want to come in and share your feast with your 300 cats.

122.) Lie in your front garden pretending to be asleep. If somebody asks you if you're okay, shout at them, going into a huge rant about how people can never have any peace and quiet anymore.

123.) Go up to somebody and wave your hand in their face saying, 'Can you see me??' in a slow voice. When they say they can, do a super happy dance, before telling them that they're the first person whose told you that all day.

124.) Wear the same clothes as somebody, a day after they've worn them. Every time you see them, wave, grin and explain that you just love the way they dress.

125.) Offer to buy somebody a new wig. When they reply, pretend you don't even know who they are and tell them to stop stalking you and leave you alone.


A/N: Now there's over 100 creepy things for you to do when you're bored! Tell me what you think in the comments and if you have any suggestions or want a dedication, be sure to tell me xD And a quick question - what's you're favourite number from the whole book so far

Have a creepy day,

~Blossom :)

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