When You Meet BEN Drowned

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I carefully painted the brush over my thumb nail, pleased with not getting the (favorite color) nail polish on my skin. I couldn't find anything better to do, other than paint my nails, which was rare for me. I stretched, placing my hands on my knees. I put my feet up on the coffee table, leaning my head back. A small box caught the corner of my eye, I turned, a shiver running up my spine. I stood up, warily making my way to it. It was a Nintendo 64, I didn't even know we had one of these... it had a game in it, the cover sticker was scratched off, but I could barely make out 'Majora's Mask' in fainted sharpie. I picked up the console, being careful of my wet nail polish, and carried it to the TV. I set it up, the room felt cold, I didn't feel myself... I started up the system, grabbing a control, which was conveniently by the TV. What's wrong with me? I couldn't control my actions, as if I was possessed..

I began to play the game, it was a Legend of Zelda game, it had one file saved, labeled BEN. I chose the file, this BEN person, had made it to the final battle between Link and Skull Kid. I tried to move Link, but the game exited out of the file. I gained control over my body, dropping the controller. "What was.... why did I.." I couldn't get words out, I was left sitting on the floor, staring at the screen, my mouth left agape. I picked up the controller, making a new account, labeling it 'Link' out of tradition. I began playing, everything seemed normal, nothing but a few glitches. The music would disorient, Link would glitch, and a link statue would follow me. After awhile, I was stuck in one of the towns, the Happy Mask Salesman's laugh was glitching, it randomly would show, and it becone a repetitive behavior.

Suddenly, all the lights went out, my breath hitched. The TV turned back on, water began pouring out of the TV with the words 'You shouldn't of done that' in bright, illuminated green. Link suddenly appeared, his hair covering his face; he looked up, his mouth gaping, his eyes black with red orbs, black seeping oil rolling down his face. He glitched in and out of the picture, before standing in front of me, out of the TV, across from the coffee table. The table slid across the room at terrifyingly quick speed, and he walked forward, I was frozen, he put his face only inches from mine, I felt numb. He put a finger to my lips, shushing me tenderly. "I'm BEN" he said, his voice was a whisper, and it echoed within my head. "(Y-your n-na-me)" I stuttered, he smiled, his teeth pointed like razors. "I like that" was all he said, before the lights flickered on, the gaming console, along with the boy, BEN, was gone. I shivered, the rest of my insomniac night was spent in shock.

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