When You Meet Eyeless Jack

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I buried my nose in one of my college textbooks, I had just got it from a friend who had graduated from that course, I wanted to be a doctor. I ran a hand through my (hair length)(hair color) hair, rolling my eyes at my book and putting it back down at my desk. I was tired, and I couldn't stop from feeling the oddest feeling of invasion of space, as if someone was breathing down my back. I turned off my desk lamp, yawning; I didn't bother changing before I curled up into bed, I lay there for what seemed hours, staring at the abyss of darkness, I heard creaking of the boards, a black figure stood up from the side of my bed. I clenched my eyes shut, trying to keep my breath calm. It's not real, it's not real, it's not real. I heard shuffling, and I barely opened one eye, seeing him holding another one of my texts books, he.. turned on.. my bedside lamp, looking at the book with interest. I 'moaned' with tiredness, pulling the covers over my head.

I could barely see what he looked like, I saw he was wearing all black, with a black hood up. I moved the blanket slightly, peeking out. He wore a mask, that had black covering his eyes and black dripping down his face, paint maybe? The Black liquid dripped onto the book, I heard him mutter a swear before he looked at me, it wasn't paint.. he had no eyes. "I didn't know you woke", he said, I hestantly peeled the covers off, my hands shaking. "I had the same textbook when I went to college", he said," I was... thinking of good memories." It upset me that he sounded so sad, I was tempted to give him a hug, try to comfort him somehow, but I knew better than to hug an eyeless male who crept into my bedroom. "Why are you in my house?" I questioned, I didn't move from my spot, he seemed friendly now, but he was a strange man who had broken into my house. "Oh.. about that.." he nervously stammered, putting the book back on the side desk. What kind of killer is he? Is he even a killer? Maybe he was going to steal from me.... or, it was some joke set up my some stupid college joksters..

"You know what, nevermind. I get it, you and your buddies thought it would be funny to scare some chick, just.. get out, before I tell the administration that you broke in here." I said, he put his hands up in a defensive way. "Okay.. I'll have to explain this.. you can not tell anyone about this, okay? I'm Jack... I went to this college, before a lot happened... I'm technically... dead.." he said, I rolled my eyes. "Haha, very funny", I said, standing up, "no, no, no, I'm not lying! Look it up, why am I even telling you this? I'm sorry, you're making me really nervous", he said, my cheeks tinged. "Here.. wait... let's start over... uh... jeez why am I doing this... I'm... Eyeless Jack, Jack... you are..?" He said, okay, this guy is weird... "(your name)", I said, he shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets, looking at the ground. "That's nice.." he said," it was, nice meeting you, uh, (your name) but, I have to, uh, go.." he said, walking to the window and opening it.

"Wait! Don't-" he jumped out the window, I ran over to it, I lived on the fifth floor! I looked out, not seeing him anywhere. That was.. odd... I sat at my desk, turning on my computer. I pulled up google, typing in 'Eyeless Jack'. "Here goes nothing..."

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